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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. ShopTo told me that they won't know if they can fit pre-order amounts until early November
  2. Third Party Chunsoft: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labyrinth (3DS)
  3. Willing to bet everywhere will lop off around £30 before launch...except GAME
  4. It isn't Nintendo's fault. The EC forced them to be like this
  5. ShopTo are apparently getting all those who pre-ordered Black one previously to re-order -_-
  6. The Japanese one actually dealt with a lot of the main system features at the start, before going to the game
  7. Now reports of Premium being £280...think it'll be arund the 250-280 mark
  8. "At Gamestation, Wii U Basic to retail at £210, Premium Edition at £250."
  9. Absolutely knew they wouldn't reveal the price. Fucking EU screwing us
  10. Play Wii Bowling U...GamePad goes into the screen and takes out a house
  11. Don't see why anyone would get a second GamePad atm. No games will use a second one
  12. I'm still stuck in the 90s :p
  13. That's Nintendo's idea. Proprietary space causes issues. Run out of space in an internal HDD? You're fucked. Use proprietary formats? Money grabbing Here, they're allowing the users to tailormake it. You can get a 128GB SD card for like £60 if you look far enough. You can get a 1TB external HDD for around £120 It can tailor make it for everyone's desire
  14. Theoretically, yes. However, the bulk of launch units will go to America to hit Black Friday. America is where console gaming is core. Japan is a handheld place. Europe is both. We'll get it in December morethanlikely
  15. The person was talking about the console, because it's "6 years old technology" Na, Nintendo knows how much they screwed up with the 3DS launch. They won't do that
  16. I saw one person say that it shouldn't be more than 100€. That's not subjective. That's idiotic
  17. But I can't let idiocy survive...I have an issue that stops it :/
  18. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-13-nintendo-details-wii-u-basic-and-premium-flavours-prices#comments The idiots. Some think there's only one game coming at launch, others are saying it's "far too expensive" What the fuck is wrong with people
  19. I'm watching idiots across the Internet with this. Dear god, some are bitching...they're using direct conversions to claim it'll be too much in America. I saw one person who said it shouldn't be over 100€. We need to start implementing IQ tests before internet access is given
  20. Chances are, in America, it'll be $250 base model, $320 premium Keep seeing people doing direct conversions and saying "Nintendo is doomed" -_-
  21. I want the Black Wii U so I'm going with that :p
  22. Nintendo chooses to use flash memory rather than expensive and cumbersome hard drives
  23. Nintendo Network Premium gains you points for your digital purchases and gives you around 10% back This all seems quite reasonable. Getting Premium Set for sure
  24. The first images of CoroCoro has been revealed, showing a new game for the 3DS coming this winter called Pokemon: Mysterious Dungeon: Magnagate and the Infinite Labrynth. It's coming to Japan this year. In this game, you start off as a character who turns into Pikachu as you fall into a dream. Partner Pokémon are Oshawott, Axew, Snivy & Tepig. This game is in full 3D. Unlike past games, this game appears to be standalone, rather than having two versions It features a variety of Pokémon including Pokémon from Unova such as Gurdurr, Hydreigon and Virizion. You receive Quest Requests from Dunsparce, Cofagrigus runs a store, to which we don't know the details. Rampardos runs the Treasure Store. Kecleon returns, having the usual Goods store, with many items around it. Finally, it has an Augmented Reality feature. If you scan things, they become Magnagates, which open up paths to new dungeons for you
  25. Don't expect the price to be revealed for Europe. EU bitchslapped Nintendo for "price fixing" a few years ago, and that's why they started the whole "retailers choose the price" bull
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