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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I'm having similar issues. I've never had such issues. I can destroy Level 9 CPUs with ease in Brawl and 3DS, but here I struggle with Level 6
  2. I didn't have to do anything :p
  3. We did get an Adventure Map
  4. 1 Rupee? :p
  5. Just got a text that another order has shipped, has to be Yoshi. That said, the order number matches Fox, and one of the ones from Friday had Yoshi's number. Hope I don't get a second Fox
  6. Yeah. I'm the same with Midna, and the second stage of the TP DLC requires her. I'm boned lol
  7. Today's haul: Ancient Spinner Darunia's Bracelet Redead Bandage x10 Swords of Demise x6 slots Mirror of Twilight x6 slots - 5 star Yowzah. I haven't even used Twili Midna yet because I was fearful about low level weapon, and now I have 5 star Level 3 just given to me
  8. I can only ever seem to get 2 or 3, sometimes 4, with that method
  9. They're not region locked, no
  10. I got a mixed bag today 50,000 for one 1 for the next 50,000 for the next 1 for the next Ghirahim's Cape for the final one
  11. Chances are when we get it, they'll separate by game: OoT, SS and TP, rather than character. Haven't really had a chance to test the new DLC. Played the first level and that was an interesting challenge. Can't wait to jump back in after I start clearly my backlog. Went to scan my amiibo and scanned 5 not Link ones in, then found you're limited to 5 a day, so can't test Spinner today either. Whoops.
  12. Got three of my four from ShopTo. No Yoshi. My friend also ordered Yoshi and doesn't have it.
  13. http://www.serebii.net/omegarubyalphasapphire/dexnav.shtml DexNav details since you guys seem to be weirded out by it :p
  14. So, I have had "shipped" text messages for 3 of my 4 from ShopTo. No Fox sent yet
  15. Totally bored of this game after 20 minutes now. :p I have to get back to ORAS :/
  16. I may have caved and got Mario, Donkey Kong and Samus when in GAME "Whoops"
  17. Tempted to mosey down to GAME to see if they have any Mario or Samus amiibo, since ShopTo won't get me any for today :/
  18. I've used them for years and this is the first time things have gone wrong
  19. May try to claim on the pre-order guarantee. That's five items (four amiibo and one GCN controller) that they can't get to me for launch day. No guarantee Smash or Pokémon will come tomorrow too Edit: Or not Nuts
  20. They say it's the ones that are "Processing". All mine are "Completed", so there's hope...right?
  21. What the actual hell ShopTo
  22. Think they left it too late to ship the bundle yesterday
  23. Only solace I'm taking is that my postman does have to lug all four amiibo, Smash, Pokémon and the thing I ordered with Amazon tomorrow :p
  24. There's a special place in hell for you :p I kid, lucky git :p Where abouts are you? Seems it's a location divide again. Happened with Smash 3DS if memory serves. People in the midlands/north got it the day before, people in the south didn't
  25. I just need a break from the ORAS coverage and Bayonetta/Hyrule Warriors are too heavy
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