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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. To be fair, their line-up this year is fucking packed
  2. If we go by the beloved Digital Event 2014 pace, we'd be just starting Game 3 when it finishes :p
  3. Based on the rumour, it's different though. It's one aimed at western audiences, with different combat etc., and there's the traditional one
  4. We'll see in a few hours :p I suggest lowered expectations. They said the focus is on games this year and there's not really much room for many megatons this year, even if they spread to next
  5. Everything about it has turned out correct, so it's all good. Of course it means Capcom are in chaos due to the signing and changes and that Sony literally paid them to put it on whatever device they wanted except Switch, which is madness.
  6. I can. I believe that leak that came now, since it has all come to play. According to that, there's a traditional Monster Hunter in the works for the Switch
  7. I'm no turn-based fan, but this looks like ridiculous fun. I'm in. Missed a trick by not making the figures amiibo, but yeesh they are expensive.
  8. If Nintendo could get a retail bundle out for Christmas, that'd be killer. Though maybe the Sony contract precludes it
  9. Niconico's slots are never accurate
  10. USUM is possibly the first third version since 2008, but ok sure.
  11. First sold over a million on a device with only a 13 million userbase. That's not bad They just started a Pokémon generation. Did you honestly expect them to have done an entirely new one on entirely new hardware just a year after doing it last? They're not Level 5. They don't run shit into the ground.
  12. Overview trailer It actually looks quite fun
  13. Such a shame that a Pokémon game for the Switch wasn't announced here... ...oh wait, hang on.
  14. I just try to keep my mouth shut these days because if something changes and a mistake happens, I get dogpiled on. I legitimately believed (and still do) that the contents are worthy of hype. That's that. You may disagree, but Nintendo's best selling franchise getting a cool new iteration? Hype worthy. Fight me on it if you must.
  15. Yes, two minutes. So unless I knew it was coming, or I happened to be sat refreshing a page for the right second and typed a tweet and update up in less than a minute, it shows I had foreknowledge I haven't been "proven wrong" 90% of the time. Come on now. I haven't even been proven wrong in this thread. Yeesh. Don't believe me? Fine. However, I have proven to have inside knowledge countless times over my site's life. Deal with it.
  16. Ok fine. https://twitter.com/SerebiiNet/status/871728330487328768 3:00pm 3:02pm 3:02pm 3:03pm 3:04pm 3:12pm Proof enough? Also learn to understand that plans do change. That's what happened with the Switch reveal.
  17. Yes? I've informed people here of imminent news numerous times. What did I get wrong here?
  18. I had heard rumblings of both from my sources, but my main one said 3DS so I assumed it'd either be 3DS only or both.
  19. Before the Eurogamer rumour, based on past precedent with Pokémon and new devices, we never would have considered a Switch version. I get that this is disappointing. Even I was hoping for a Switch version. However, it's fully understandable and makes sense in the context of Pokémon.
  20. And it is in Pokkén :P And I mean 3DS <-> Switch interconnectivity. Online between 3DS and Switch seems to be possible based on Monster Hunter, but Monster Hunter can't seem to do it locally. That's a big roadblock for Pokémon if that isn't possible right now It's a new main series Pokémon game AND GS on Virtual Console. Hell yes I told people to get hyped. Granted I was also under the impression there was to be some GO stuff, but that turned out not to pass. My apologies on that.
  21. Would a Switch main game be nice? Sure. At this juncture though, there's huge connectivity issues. While online appears to have been sorted, local appears to not have been and that's where an issue lies. Before the Stars rumour from Eurogamer, we wouldn't have even considered it based on past experiences with Pokémon. The rumour spurred this on.
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