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Everything posted by LazyBoy

  1. General Movie Thread

    I am hyped for that. Need me some gratuitous violence.
  2. That's the end of this fighter pass right? And there'll be another one? Quite glad I did not shell out for this one.
  3. Well that was a bit of a dick punch, not one thing there I’m interested in. Ho-hum.
  4. Alright, ‘Like’ my post if you want your own 3x3 bingo card to play along tonight. Deadline is 9 gmt edit: you’ll are lucky I’m not the sensitive type. This link - https://mfbc.us/m/cw5bnj - will give you a random bingo card if you still want to play along.
  5. Oh, nah you see I was talking about doing individual ones that were unique to each person, like proper bingo.
  6. You can do it, save me a job, though I'll keep the list updated for now.
  7. First one is too nailed on, but I'll add the other 2.
  8. Alright I'm making up some bingo cards for playing/drinking along. I'll randomize a 3x3 grid for anyone that want one Help add to my list: New Mario Game Metroid Prime 4 New Peripheral Cringe banter BOTW 2 Switch2 Pikmin 4 Xenoblades Dating Sim Remake of a Wii U game Added: New Kirby game "Please understand... delay of game X" Silksong release date Mario Golf 2D Metroid Zelda 3D All-Stars 2D Zelda Remake Skyward Sword HD Metroid Prime Collection 2D Metroid Remake Final Fantasy Collection Confirmation of 25th Anniversary Pokémon Direct next week Mention of Covid Mario World (or whatever the Universal thing is called) Movies/Other uses of IP Glorious Return of the Wii Vitality Sensor
  9. I don't know if I agree. Physical announcements (like an E3 showing) are dead, at least in Ninty's eyes. So what's the alternative - breaking it through a media outlet first, releasing a press release? You say dedicated a reveal, but wouldn't announcing it as a dedicated reveal be a reveal in itself?
  10. Are they normally at that time? Its 10pm GMT, seems quite late.
  11. Marvel's Phase 4

    Don’t get me wrong, I love the concept, and I really enjoyed the Malcolm in the middle episode (especially the opening credits sequence) - I guess they’ll do a Modern Family style thing next. But the show needs that second storyline, because the sitcom writing isn't quite strong enough to hold up 30 minutes on its own.
  12. DC Cinematic Universe Discussion

    Yes. Empty, non-sensical CGI.
  13. Marvel's Phase 4

    Agree, thought they were playing a dangerous game with those first 2 episodes - I know my wife was turned off and I would imagine a lot of other people did too.
  14. Football Season 2020-21

    Yeah don't think we can learn too much from the 9-0 unfortunately, but you got to take those gimmes when they're presented to you. Everton game very important now to show Sheffield U and Arsena were just blips. Also I think Mike Dean generally gets too much stick, but that was one of the worst refereeing performances I've ever seen.
  15. Tempted to give this a try, since Warzone is in such a mess. Any kind souls out there willing to team with a noob and teach them the ropes?
  16. Your 2021 Gaming Diary

    I know some think co-oping is pussying out, but for me its integral to the experience. Give me a shout if you ever want help pushing through Dark Souls. Orphan of Kos for me - doesn't let you breathe, where I think with O&S you can kite them fairly easily.
  17. Your 2021 Gaming Diary

    That'll be the day I pick up a PS5. With all the previous games I waited a while after launch before playing them, but I feel like I've missed out on something by waiting. They're real event games in that everyone is talking about them when they release, discovering secrets as a community and formulating game styles. There's also the temptation of just googling where the best weapons are, or boss strategies, which isn't there yet at launch. So yeah - day 1.
  18. The Tencent problem and Next-Gen.

    @Will knows his shit.
  19. Yep I'll have that one as well. I've pretty much memorized the map anyway, so it won't be too much of a hindrance, but at least it might help with the immersion. I've been trying to think whether there's is an additional quest I can give myself, something that might change up the game plan as well. Otherwise I am just going clockwise or counter-clockwise round the world again - any ideas here? edit: Maybe in the order of OoT temples? So go do Deku first, then Death Mountain, then Zoras domain, then Ritos (no sky temple in OoT but there was a small Ice temple), then the desert. Where would you fit in all the other locations?
  20. Can't eat food while in combat? I like that. And maybe can only eat food cooked at stables? No fast travelling or use of Sheikah radar thing either.
  21. I've got the switch in storage whilst we move house, but I'm thinking of doing an iron man run on Master difficulty at some point this year - as in one death is game over. Was trying to think if there was some way I could nuzlocke it as well, or add some other conditions. Like you can only change outfits at stables or something like that. Any ideas?
  22. Football Season 2020-21

    I see what you’re thinking there, sneaky. If only we could get Scholes the managerial job at Hibernian.
  23. Football Season 2020-21

    Utter stupidity hiring Frank in the first place. Nothing against him as a manager, but if you're going to bring in a young, unproven manager you have to give them time to learn. Chelsea needed to change for it to work, but it seems they weren't prepared to forgo short term success. Hopefully he gets another chance somewhere.