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About markcullinane

  • Birthday 07/17/1987

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  • Location
    Cork, Ireland


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Secret of Mana
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MKDS: 3694-4030-8568
    Puzzle League: 090298-332282

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  1. Such a shame that this game has seen no promotion. I got the US version at Xmas, and have been having an absolute ball with it. Easily one of the best third-party Wii titles so far, and the most downright terrifying game I've played since Eternal Darkness. The no-combat thing, by the way, is a stroke of genius.
  2. There's no online but the local stat-tracking is better than before- like the original there's an experience-points based system that shows your skill in every mode. Also the achievements system gives the game extra longevity. And I have to agree about the online- this is not a game that ever needed online connectivity.
  3. Nah, there's no online stuff in there whatsoever. Some of the modes have day/evening/night options, which seem to correspond to easy/medium/hard modes. It's not dependent on the Wii's internal clock.
  4. I've just written a pretty extensive review of the Japanese version of Wii Sports Resort on my site, No Added Sugar. You can read it here Does anybody have any burning questions about the game they want answered?
  5. My FC is 6810-5689-6072 by the way. Up for a swim later if anybody wants it!
  6. Good. I mean bad, but good. Least the problem isn't on my end.
  7. I'm constantly getting error code 86070 when i try to dive with someone else. (Other wifi games work ok so don't know what's going on) Anyone actually manage to get a two-player game going?
  8. Thanks to all who contributed. I've just posted the article here. http://www.n-europe.com/news.php?nid=10627
  9. Well I've remained mysterious for far too long now. Shield your eyes! :P It's your favourite features editor! (moments after being called to serve his country on the pitch...)
  10. How about 'wow'? I really enjoyed this episode. It started slowly, but led up to a fantastic climax. And the the final two-parter looks great too.
  11. Excellent work guys. Plenty of material we can use already. But don't stop there!
  12. With the Wii-upgraded port of GameCube classic Resident Evil 4 just weeks away, we're planning on running a feature shortly revisiting the game. And that's where you come in. We want you to pick your top Resident Evil 4 moment. We know there's tons of them to choose from- from the opening cutscene to the end credits there's a heck of a lot of excellent scenes, bosses and set-pieces that took our breaths away. Pick one- and explain why. We'll be collating the best of your responses into a special feature shortly, so get posting.
  13. Great episode. Those angels were pretty damn terrifying! Coming from the writer who wrote The Girl in the Fireplace episode last year (with the clockwork robots in France) I wasn't suprised that it was so good.
  14. Just want to make one point. This is a good thread, and for once hasn't degenerated into homophobic slurs and stupid arguments. One theme running through the thread is for a lot of people to say something along the lines of 'I have no problem with gay people, except the ones that flaunt it in front of everyone else'. Most of us know at least one gay person who tends to flaunt it more than seems necessary, but I think it's worth stopping to think for a moment. But don't heterosexuals flaunt their sexuality even more? From couples holding hands and kissing in public places to the institution of marriage itself, from the media, film storylines and countless thousands of pop songs about heterosexual love, society is obsessed with its own heterosexuality. Don't be hard on gays for emphasising the fact that they're different. The 'straight world' can be stifling at times.
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