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Everything posted by w0lf
Like the statements on 3D gaming. Well I guess we're not going to settle. This discussion started as a wild guess anyway, but we'll see at the E3 how the cards end up.
It would most certainly not be profitable within their current business structure. However, there are other options. 3G that is allowed only for connecting to their Appstore could be integrated in the system price for instance. Iwata actually commented on this function from the Kindle last year: "The Kindle's one-off cost would better suit Nintendo's customer base. In reality, if we did this it would increase the cost of the hardware, and customers would complain about Nintendo putting prices up, but it is one option for the future." I don't think he would make such a comment, if he doesn't has anything up his sleeve.
Heh, of course I meant "3G". It would basically be something like Wii24connect. And they are actually putting a lot of effort in it to push those aspects lately. It would just be un-Nintendolike to ask money for it. Although Miyamoto recently pointed out that could change in the future.
The DSi already has it's fair amount of iPhone-esque features (like a music player, web browser and camera), so it's likely they're gonna expand this even further with the 3DS. Heck, it even had the "i" in the name. The point is that the 3DS is not a phone like the iPhone, which you carry with you all the time, so those features can never really compete to them. There are however probably going to be massive improvements in regards of the DSi shop, which should become much more convenient and open (like the Appstore is), and perhaps also some sort of 3GS. I also expect a more slick "Applish" design, like the Wii.
Of course I'm not trying to get anything else out of the statement, but I find it just very odd how they "changed their mind" in only a month's time. Just weeks ago, they stated that both products can live alongside together without affecting eachother. This is kind of a sudden change of heart. And after all, it's hard not to interpret "the battle with Sony is already won" as a jab.
As a matter of fact Nintendo stated several times that Apple isn't affecting them at all. Reggie litterly said: “[it] is not having an impact on Nintendo when you look at our business, our volume, our hardware, our software.†In any case, the statement "Apple is the enemy of the future" seems to me more like a jab towards Sony and Microsoft because Apple isn't just copying Nintendo like they do, but actually try out new things.
^ Yes that. Although my two most played Wii games (Brawl and Animal Crossing) can't be backupped. If my Wii ever breaks I lose over 500 hours of my life, and even a virtual life and town...
I don't see any reason why Nintendo should start to panic. Both Sony and Microsoft have a lot to prove first. And even then, I question wheter people are feeling the need to "upgrade" to another system. I find it also very funny how Sony is constantly ignoring the Motion Plus, stating that the Wii doesn't provide accurate motion controlling. In any case I think Wii Party and the Vitality Sensor alone will keep Nintendo at least on year safe in casual land. And the 3DS is probably going to be the next big casual buzz.
I think there are several reasons. First and most obvious, it would be refreshing to see a new big budget Nintendo game besides the obligatory Mario, Zelda and Metroid games that are rapidly coming out every X years. With 3 main Mario titles, and a second Metroid and Zelda title coming up, they are getting a bit saturated on the Wii. Kid Icarus on the NES had the same "blockbuster" feeling to it as most other Nintendo series back then, so it would be a logical choice. Next there is the mythology theme that works really well. It provides a good fundamental base for a bunch of creative and imaginative creatures, stages and characters. It has a lot of potential to grow into an epic, big scaled game. Furthermore, the original Kid Icarus gathered a cult status of being a very difficult game. A lot of "core" Nintendo gamers are waiting for this kind of difficulty in response to the "casual" line. Then there's the nostalgia factor. There are always people that have strong feelings for classic titles, and there really is no better fanservice than reviving an old hero. They recently granted this oppertunity to ExciteBike/Truck, Wario Land, Punch-Out and Sin&Punishment, which are great additions to the Wii line-up. And of course, the original game was a lot of fun in my opinion. It's true that it never reached the greatness of let's say the Zelda series, so it's mostly based on whishful thinking about "what could have been". But then again, the first Metroid game was also very rough around the edges. And that turned out fine.
^ Best pause music ever.
Don't you think the Zelda art shown last year gives a pretty good indication in which art direction they are going? I don't really see them upending the teatable in regards of that.
Hopefully there will be a confirmation at E3. But chances are pretty slim I'm afraid.
Yep, I believe the only thing you can unlock is
I think that the amount of strategy involved would actually be a lot less with being able to learn more moves, if not completely gone. Something that really needs to change in my opinion would be the HM system. Now that's annoying as hell.
This is indeed something that annoyed me about NSMBW last year, but at least it will make the waiting less painful...
This actually is true. The third temple has been left completely out of it because there wasn't enough production time left. You can feel this very well in the game: you get the third pearl as good as for free. And besided that, they added the Triforce Quest to stretch it out a bit at the end. However, I wouldn't say it's a short game. (Athough TP is a lot longer of course). Personally I can't really decide which one is better. TWW had a fantastic atmosphere and was way more fun to explore, but on the other hand, TP had better items and stronger dungeons. Anyway, on-topic: can't really say something else than Wii Music.
I like the new perspective. Hopefully they will also make some more fundamental changes. But since it's still for the DS, I'm guessing they won't.
And if they don't change it, people will also complain. Don't expect many surprises at this year's show. I think the focus will be on the new Zelda and 3DS.
"Touch Dic" for the DS... Changing Animal Crossing "City Folk" to "Let's Go To The City" is also weep worthy.
The unlimited amount of continues make it a much more possible job than the first game. Besides that, there's also the Isa & Kachi mode which basically provides you two life bars.
It's backwards compatible with old DS games, so yeah. The name sounds good to me as it is. Usually only their consoles have code working names (Ultra 64, Dolphin and Revolution).
Not really eastereggs, but mind was blown by ReDeads eating eachother in OoT, and Chain Chomps breaking free if the timer is running out in SMB3. Considered how often I played these games, but never actually seen it occur. But unarguably, the best easteregg is still Totaka's song, the hidden tune in a bunch of Nintendo games.
Well, he got his own set of DK minigames and DK spaces in the latest Mario Party titles, so he is actually getting a special treatment. It has been some time since the last Mario Party came out, so they just could've created a part 9 instead. But seen how MP8 is still selling quite good, I guess they can try their chances with a new IP. Not a bad decision in my opinion, the last MP games were getting really dull due to the lack of improvements. Even the Wiimote didn't really add anything to it.
Just finished it on Hard. It was pretty hard. Don't understand where all the worries about the graphics come from. I think it's actually one of the better looking Wii games, (excluding the cut scenes).