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Atomic Boo

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Everything posted by Atomic Boo

  1. please take it onto a different forum. please edit your post.
  2. Print screen on slide tackle: haha that was funny! one of the players (black,blue vertical striped shirt) looked like a right idiot, someone was holding his chin and it was he looked very strange and worried Print screen: (we should put this in the caption thread!)
  3. i was thinking of posting that too! good point!
  4. Ah well, ill stream it.
  5. What channel will be showing the Manchester game? I havent got sky, i can always stream on internet but id like to watch on TV. I do have freeview, but apparently its not on itv. Anyway, 2 predictions Manchester 2-0 Lille Arsenal 3-1 PSV
  6. good point!
  7. I dont know if you're joking or not, but i actually agree with you. He puts in a lot of effort, ok he messes up a few times but he cleans up mistakes other people mistake and gains posession. His crossbar effort was so unfortunate, very skilful. However i think people get pissed off with him a lot because of the mis-haps and breaking moves down and making bad passes, so I can understand that point of you, but throughout the whole game he was pretty good. Rise, Crouch, Gerrard, Kuyt, Bellamy, Pennant all had great oppurtunities to score, but actually getting it in the net is proving difficult for them. Another 1-0 defeat at Anfield, not good. Ronahldihno should have put his oppurtinity away, a simple slot either side of the keeper would have been sufficient. Good finish from gudjonsson.
  8. chelsea are winning now though.... Liverpool lost but are still through great game
  9. Unlucky platty, chelsea losing 1-0 to porto at the moment...
  10. id say that looks good but i have an inkling valencia will lose against inter.
  11. This thread has made me want a pet even more now, everyone seems really pleased with their pets and they'd miss them badly if they went away. I feel that ive left it quite late in my family situation and go away fields
  12. yeah i know what you mean, its good to have both really. But sometimes when you are thinking and concentrating on fish it's very interesting, as they live in a totally different world to ours. I dont know if it's cruel to keep them in a small bowl/tank or not, because they never show much stress or odd signs, they just hold the same face and swim in exactly the same way every day. Maybe they're actually trying to scream out at you but it never shows. You wonder if they have thought processes and if they realise where they are and how long they've been there etc. hard to explain, but i guess watching fish just makes your mind work, if you are thinking about fish or or other things i guess its a good stimulator. Its nice to see owners showing their appreciation of their pets i feel sorry for it even though its dead. i did laugh when i read that though!!!
  13. wow, that's a cool dog. my cousins have alo got a really cool, hyper cute patterdale terrier
  14. My sister did have a hamster called toffee, which died, and then she got another called sqeaky and that died. But that was when she was 7 and she's older than me now. I thought Hamsters were okay but tbh id prefer something less popular (ok dogs are popular). As for saying fish are 'just there', i can watch fish for ages and its interesting. My friends lobster is great to look at and feeding him was fun. Nice pets Jordan
  15. Lol im guessing a 5-0 scoreline!
  16. we were going to take someones cat because they were going to live in a foreign country but they decided to take it with them in the end. i was upset at that news because cats are great. but you cant really say they're the best, because there is no best when it comes to owning pets.
  17. I really feel in need of a pet. I dont know what to get right now, whether its a fish or a dog or a lizard i dont really mind. Its something that has been missing from our house that many other people have, and id like something to keep me company in my room, something to look at, something to make you smile. My family isnt keen on getting a dog because youd have to feed it every day, it poops everywhere, it has a doggy smell. But then I say 'but its a dog, and it makes people feel happier when they get home'. Id like to have a small schnauzer dog, i saw one in Cyprus, fluffy little lad, looked happy and cute and it didnt look like it would be too hard to look after as it isnt an extremely active dog. The beard makes me laugh! My friend has loads of pets, he has a leapord gecho, a dog, 2 tarantulas, loads of stick insects, a praying mantis, a stag beetle, 2 newts, giant snails and a lobster with a couple of other small fish. Its incredible, i dont know how he manages to handle all of it. Anyway, what pets do you have, would you have any recommendations, and what responsibilities do you have to take.
  18. Id post now before Bard barges in! I dont mind Muse, but they're nothing speical in my opinion.
  19. Right now I'm thinking that Manu will win the FA cup and the Prem, but they'll lose in CL pretty soon.
  20. Id pay a few quid for extra content definetly! You're basically giving the game a bigger life span and you could unlock extra stuff. Id pay for King Boo to be in the game for cring out loud, even if he sucked, id hone is skills and kill everyone.
  21. Mario vs Sonic? Pffft. Put King Boo in the mix and he'd win hands down.
  22. Id like sonic to be in it, he HAS got some good games. I hope they dont do two versions of the same character, unless its just a costume change. Boo best be in it. Or at least added on connect 24.
  23. Great episode. I like it when they were saying how Hammond's limmo was also good for leisure and then they do some bowling and then shoot May in the head with an arrow! Oh yeah, at the end they said there would be a comic relief episode and that there would be a new series in the summer!
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