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Everything posted by Nintendologist

  1. Thanks for all the advice above. I'm taking what people have said onboard and I'm going to keep the Wii U for a few weeks - I've got a Wii from eBay for a bargain £14 (with the component cable!) and I'm going to try accessing my Wii Shop Account on there before I do anything on the Wii U. I'll let you know what the outcome is and where I go. The reason for wanting a Wii is the GC backwards compatibility - I've acquired a back catalogue which I missed out first time around and I now have the time to play and appreciate them! It's such an odd system re: NNID - I don't think they've intentionally made it this hard, as they've got to consider hardware may fail, people will sell their consoles on and so on. Once again, all the input is appreciated. P.s. I've been away from the site for just under ten(!) years but I'm so pleased to see I've come back and people are still as helpful and friendly as I remember - one of the reasons why I came back here for advice
  2. Is there a Wii U to Wii transfer? I can't find one, but I was thinking this might help the issue of NNID transfer..
  3. Hi guys and girls. Hopefully someone can help me navigate the minefield of (mis)information that litters the Internet about this process. Basically I want to sell my Wii U. Sad times. But how I go about making sure I've removed the necessary accounts etc seems SO complicated! I probably won't purchase a Wii U again, but I may buy a second hand Wii in the future. I don't have a 3DS. When I bought the Wii U, I had a Wii, from which I transferred some Wii Store games etc across from via the SD card transfer process. My thought was to go into the Wii U System Settings and choose the last tab to "Delete all content and settings from the console". However, on the next screen it says "If you wish to transfer ownership of your Wii U console to another persons, please first remove the Wii Shop Channel account under Settings/Other in the Wii Shop Channel before deleting all content and settings from the console here." So... I go back, choose the Wii menu and load into the Wii Shop Channel (where I can see my few purchased games and 700 points etc) and go to the option to remove the account, it makes it pretty clear I lose my points and software (as I guess they are linked to this console) Now my question(s): 1) If I remove the Wii Shop Channel and then purchase a 2nd hand Wii in the future, can I sign in again with the same login and redownload my games/get my 700 points back? 2) If I delete all content from the Wii U via the System Settings page, I understand I just need to note down my Nintendo ID, password and the Wii U console serial number, so just in case I do buy a new Wii U in the future, I can telephone Nintendo and get them to manually transfer the ID across to the new console - right? 3) Am I doing this right, or does someone have a proper 1-2-3 guide I have missed somewhere? (Google search does not help)
  4. Anyone also having this problem???! Mine is now on the second update and it's taking FOREVER! Mimternet - did yours go OK after the 2nd update? I don't know how much... longer....... I can... st...ay.......awak...e...... :wink:
  5. Also check out the new range of Toshiba LCDs - can't remember the name for them, but they've had good reviews from magazines and users alike. A friend has a 26" LG for her gaming needs and to be fair it was stocked with connections (HDMI *and* DVI, component, couples of RGB SCARTs etc) and the black levels are pretty good. I think she paid £799 a few months back from Comet.
  6. I'm hopefully seeing the Zutons on May 26th in Stoke.. And my hopes of No Doubt coming to the UK again and touring are getting slimmer by the day. I was too young to appreciate/see them last time..
  7. You could never read the CE boards without coming across a dry wit injected post by Bowser57! Haha - remember the 'post pics of yourself' thread when there was a picture of him on the ramparts of a castle - ah, good times :yes:
  8. Also not recommended is just before you're about to carry out the horizontal hokey cokey is declare "Yaarrrr - prepare to be boarded!" I bet you end up with a patch on your eye to cover the huge bruise from a knuckle sandwich to the face haha!
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