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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. I think she's gonna get a new addy now. She unblocked me. Sammles says: I kick open the door and see that you are masturbating, I sit beside you and join in. We race to see who is the first to cum, naturally I win. then I start to carress your body with my nipple Sammles says: however my nipple starts to swell, it gets bigger and bigger until finally it explodes in a huge mess of bloody fireworks (BLOCKED) I was gonna write a whole book as well.
  2. I think he wanted to do it in the face but Materazzi was too tall. Still to nut someone as tall as Materazzi in the chest and knock him off his feet... I wish I could do it.
  3. They are called cow licks. Source: wikipedia A cowlick is a swirl of unruly hair that doesn't comb down properly. It is usually combed over to avoid showing baldness. Alfalfa of Our Gang (later The Little Rascals), Martin Short's Ed Grimley character, and Jim Carrey's Ace Ventura character have some famous pop-culture cowlicks. Cowlicks are caused when hair follicles on the scalp grow in a spiral pattern, usually clockwise. The most common cowlick position is at the back right corner of the head (like Dennis the Menace), but they can appear at other positions on the scalp as well. Some people have cowlicks that do not form spirals. Instead the hair follicles grow in a different direction than the rest of the follicles on the scalp. For instance, hair growing outward may be contrasted by hair growing inward, causing the hair to stick up instead of lying down.
  4. When I tried to search my problem in google it kept coming up with car movies. Maybe they are called calf licks?
  5. No but I'm sure Zidane feels a lot better about it.
  6. Do you play football? if you do you should know how annoying some people are and you're better off just hitting them and then they stop being such dickheads.
  7. If you are close enough to the bus' ariel you should be able to cancel it out. I love stopping my sister from listening to galaxy. What is the iTrip's reach, my Audia X is only 2m.
  8. I think it was then or never. Also he could have not done anything and stayed on the pitch and possibly have lost. Or he could have done what he did and gone off in a blaze of fury. Most people still love him for the player he was, and there are people like my who also love him for not taking any shit from Materazzi. Genius.
  9. If someone called your mum a terrorist whore, wouldn't you hit them? I know I would.
  10. Do you think Zidane's headbutt was great or terrible? I think he did right. You wouldn't take that in the street so why should you take it on the pitch? What do you think? Edit I think my post has confused people. Sorry guys.
  11. It's some hair that grows the wrong way. If you have short hair it makes it stand on end but if you have long hair it gives you a sort of curtains effect. I do straightem my hair and that doesnt get rid of them.
  12. What makes you say that?
  13. right guys (and girls, looks at sarkas_girly) we need a new cyber girl. if any of you find a suitable partner then invite all of us into a massive conversation with her.
  14. Gee who the hell was that guy? It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. I can't get broadband where i live. My connection speed is 44k :cries:
  15. Thats sir, is the best idea i've heard all day.
  16. And tell her that Sammles is out of prison and wants some hot lovin'.
  17. Everyone seems to be putting "only joking" at the end of their posts. I'm sure he knows you're joking when you say "I like to eat new people". Then again maybe not. (only joking) It was called the C_E Elite but they "banned" :wink wink nudge nudge: it when they came here. Elitist bastards.
  18. Does anybody know how to get rid of car flicks (if there is a way)? I have three across my fringe and they are so annoying.
  19. Be quiet. OK I've decided to take this seriously. This will be a computer games band (as this is a computer game sit). Zygo Ape will be on Bass, mcj metroid will be on piano/keyboard, The bard will be on lead or rhythm guitar. Now we need a drummer and a singer.
  20. Well I'd like to thank my mom and dad for paying the internet bill. I'd also like to thank the girl for her three letter replies. And most of all the people who voted for me. THAT MEANS YOU MARSHMELLOW!!! I LOVE YOU!!!
  21. Me too.
  22. I'd like to mention Locky for his amazing bargain hunting abilities.
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