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About timypeg

  • Birthday 03/01/1991

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    wii,ds,n64,gamecube,gameboy colour, gameboy
  • Other Systems Owned
    360,xbox,ps1,ps2,sega megadrive
  • Favourite Game?
    legend of zelda ocarina of time
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. got back from my holiday and have been trying to sort out my internet which is buggered, so is there any community news i should be aware of?
  2. wow im jealous UziT, i wish i had the money to do something like that
  3. yesterday was great. i first went to leeds to look my uni acomadation building and then went and looked around the city. cant wait to go, my bodies building up with excitement. i then came home and went to see a oddsocks production of King Richard the 3rd which was hilerious. and finaly then came home and accepted the contract for my acomdation, hopefully the £4400 will be worth it.
  4. same here, bring on the auotum
  5. today started off poor and ended in epic win. at the beggnning of the day i was doing fuck all till lunch, in which i went out for glass of coke and a choclate chip muffin which was delicous. i then came home and browsed the internet. the best part though was when i checked my ucas see if my results are in and they are so im going to leeds met in september to study games design, so i cant wait. also my coincedence the acomedation i reserved for leeds if any places came up, came up so im now living were i wanted to. and my night finished off by going out for a chinese and drink after woulds so that was good.
  6. yesterday was okay, played a few games and had a driving lesson. i also had a delicious chicken dinner which was great. the annoying thing is though that skys testing my bt line and for some reason i keep getting random disconnects.
  7. todays been okay, just been playing games and watching tv. i also bought pokemon red to play on my sp. keep forgetting im going on holiday for a week on saturday, im quite looking forward to that.
  8. pokemon red £3.70 from ebay
  9. yeah i watched it last night on iplayer, its an okay program but it one those programs that make you cringe when watching it.
  10. you should post a pic rez, id love to see those hero clix as i like the look of them my self and it would be cool to your collection
  11. todays been quite good, did nothing all mornning and then went to the town on the afternoon. i bought a 2nd hand gba sp and 5 games for £12 which was a steal. came home had sunday lunch, watched top gear and played halo 3 up until now, time for some sleep me thinks.
  12. £12 well worth it, now to find a copy of pokemon blue
  13. todays been okay, went to see the new harry potter but it wasnt anything speacial. the rest of the time ive literly did nothing and more than likely be the same tommorow. oh well
  14. at the beggining of the round your position comes in that telly box, with more than likely saying the crowd.
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