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Posts posted by Monopolyman

  1. I voted for The Simpsons. I think the reason why so many claim Family Guy is greater than the simpsons is because most people have seen classic simpsons several times now, so doesn't raise much of a laugh nowadays, so only have 'new' simpsons to compare to, which FG just tramples over. I still rate The Simpsons over Family Guy, I mean don't get me wrong, they're both awesome shows, but The Simpsons seem to be a bit smarter, and more thought out, not to mention several seasons of sheer characterisation which made the show one of the best ever.


    And American Dad. Only seen a few eps. but I have to say it is one of the most underrated shows on TV. A lot of people say it's crap, but only because it has to stand up next to Family Guy, and therefore The Simpsons and Futurama, but it is a very funny show, albeit a little innuendo-based. I thought it was hilarious when that guy at the CIA kept losing his position as man of the household, until, well, you will know if you seen it. Oh how I laughed.


    Although if Futurama was up there I might have voted for that.

  2. £150 just a few months ago. I say I won it, I mean inhereted it.


    The only other time that springs to mind is a rounders set at my old primary school fair in some sort of play your cards right rip off. Best day of my life, that.

  3. The Usual Suspects. Never seen it before, but gotit on DVD the other day anyway, and by jove, it's a fantastic flick


    "How can you shoot the devil in the back? What if you miss?"


    Donnie Darko and Goodfellas aswell. Heard good things about them, so I thought I'd pick them up. They were pretty good, also.

  4. I too used to eat a truck load of sugar too. I used to think if I could exersise, I could be a bit leaniant on my diet. That was not true. I cut down a bit a few months ago, and now, I'm sexy.


    Anyway, theres a lesson in that.

  5. I still actually haven't come to terms with the passing of Bob Monkhouse. Probably because he was that kind of guy who seemed immortal, or that he died around Christmas I believe, but I still can't believe he's gone. Great guy.


    Also John Lennon, even though, he died several years before I was born.

  6. What may seem like a thread mocking 'thriller's and dukka's, it is actually a serious discussion about things in the world that has sparked passion, either for or against, but you just feel meh! to.


    For me, it would have to be Norah Jones. Some think she is a musical genius, others say she is bland, I have nothing for or against her. She's OK.


    Also, poems, the fox hunting ban, noodles and 4x4's get an honourable mention.



    ...and you?

  7. 6th form 1st year. It's OK. I'm doing...


    Maths- practically impossible at AS

    English- A tad boring

    Psychology- It's OK

    Government & Politics- I have like one of the best teachers in the school, and possibly the shitest one in the school, so it balances out as OK.


    The worst thing about my school is that they give all my homeworks on a thursday and Friday, and expect it in the following Monday, and nothing else the rest of the week, so yoiu can feel my annoyance there.

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