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About fdcd

  • Birthday 01/10/1980


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  1. fdcd

    PS3 or 360?

    The DS3 is much nicer. The sixaxis is very stiff in comparision. I drive much better in GT5P with DS3.
  2. All games are region free on PS3.
  3. Whats the popular server around here?
  4. Now ideally. I have two people waiting. Just add me i can add you to the conversation. We can begin soon if we have a fourth minimum. Ih ope that makes sense. I cant say too much because i have to be impartial. This is where the focus group discussion comes in. Thanks for taking part. Was a little difficult due to timings etc. but worked out fine.
  5. Basically its just a discussion about online communities and how much of an effect it has on your decision making. Decisions about what product you will buy for example. I'll ask afew questions that will 'direct' the discussion but thats all really. Its simpler than it sounds. Think of it as a questions and answer type situation but wth several people. I would be grateful if you could add me to your msn and we can start the focus group chat. Shouldnt be longer than 15-20 minutes once started.
  6. Just a matter of answering and discussing. Its quite easy. The last two i did were pretty simple. Pm me your MSN. I dont think that many people use gtalk. Or add me as fahedc@live.com for msn. Gtalk is fahedc@gmail.com Hope to start soon as possible. Would like to start now so just pm me or add me we could do it here but i need 1 more person minimum. Anyone else? Need afew more.
  7. busy day. trying to arrange a focus group with people on the internet. Want to start ASAP. If anyone wants to join i would be very happy. There is a topic i made on the front page.
  8. Oops. Up to which time is good for you? Its about 4:13pm right now. UK/ GMT time. Yes 6-7 would be ideal interms of people count. I hope i can achieve that.
  9. I am hoping for 6-7 for a start. Will pm everyone. Hopefully few more people will join by then.
  10. If we get enough people we can do this soon I am thinking IM(Gtalk or MSN) since i may have to pull others from elsewhere.
  11. I saw Paprika recently. Very interesting although it felt abit mad at times. The music got ingrained in my head abit lol.
  12. Hello, I would like at least 6 participants for my focus group. I am conducting research for my uni project regarding online communities and effects on the consumer decision making process. The intention is that it shouldnt be very long about 15-30 minutes of your time max and it will be conducted online. For convenience i can even conduct it right here if people demand instead of IM. I appreciate anyone taking part! *Confirmed participants* ReZourceman bluey Ellmeister Add me as fahedc@live.com on your MSN. Gtalk is fahedc@gmail.com But i think most will use msn.
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