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Everything posted by navarre

  1. I'm just awesome. Hell, I defined the word.
  2. Best console of all time?

    Wii. It truly is the new N64. You may not appreciate it now, but in five years time, you'll back at those golden Wii days.
  3. Call of Duty: World At War

    Didn't really reveal much, though the graphics look super.
  4. It might not be Monday but...

    Title got me... XD. Anyway, heppy birthday mate.
  5. Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

    It should be noted that the VC hadn't been released by the DS versions release date.
  6. Forgiveness

    I never forgive. I wait for my revenge. I postpone- what a month, two months, sometimes a year- and my revenge is done silently- but I do not forgive, and I do not forget.
  7. Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

    I just hope you can have consoles. A major letdown with the DS version was their absence, and every birthday I passed, I anxiously waited for town member to hand me a NES... Suffice to say, I was bitterly disappointed.
  8. Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

    I have this theory that once you've played one AC game, you've played them all. Despite this, I've purchased both games in the series so far, and will likely get this too. It sounds great.
  9. Call of Duty: World At War

    We can but hope. Treyarch say that the Wii version will miss out on the smallest amount of content as possible (compared to Xbox and PS3), so if those consoles have co-op, it's safe to bet the Wii will too.
  10. Call of Duty: World At War

    Fortunately, it does. (That is online. Unlockables I don't know about.) I think bringing the franchise into WW2 is a big mistake. I'll still happily pay for it, mind.
  11. Doctor Who

    Great episode. I'm just pondering how the BBC will ever top this. They've done every single trick in the book.
  12. The alcohol appreciation thread

    Eurgh. I hate vodka. My phobia is made all the worse by viewing a BBC Panaoram episode once where they examined bottles of vodka which had been poisoned. Nevertheless, I'm not to big on drinking (being under age in all), but I have to say I do taste a fair bit of Magnums every time my Dad has it.
  13. Whats Your Favorite POKÉMON?

    Please guys, try not to pick Charmander. That's obvious. There are many other good Pokemon out there...
  14. Comic Book Discussion

    Hmmm, I love comic books. Marvel's Ultimate series is by far the most appealing, though, of which I collect Ultimate Spiderman and X-Men.
  15. Which ear?

    My best mate who is gay has his ears pierced. Note the plural, otherwise I'd be able to tell you. I think he prefers the left side though.
  16. You and your Summer

    South of France. It's beautiful down there, and we go every year or so. The climate is perfect- not too hot, just Meditteranean.
  17. Amy Winehouse has lung damage

    I personally don't like Amy Winehouse. Her songs are great, but she's brought emphysema on herself.
  18. 9/11

    A sad, sad day in humanity. These people that blew the towers up weren't real Muslims. They may flatter themselves and call themselves Muslims, but I doubt the religion that promoted peace and deems God merciful would classify them as Muslims.
  19. I have been offered a job

    Um, yeah. Cool.
  20. Akihabara Stabbing

    It's a shame, really.
  21. Sexuality Thread

    You seem to have the most active sex life on the internet. Tell me, how do you do it?
  22. Britain's Got Talent

    I'm so disappointed Signature didn't win. They were totally compelling. They offered a sketch you could just watch again and again and again. This was fixed, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.
  23. Social racism at it's finest. TBH, I neither care nor sympathise with those arrogant and selfish enouigh to take their own lives for no apparant reason. EDIT, I don't mean you're socially rascist, I mean classing people into different groups is bad.
  24. The Bi-Annual Exam Thread!

    To be fair, English is one of those subjects you can't really cram all the infomation in until the final exam. From experience, I've learnt people are just naturally good at English or they're not. No amount of revision can humanly change that, unless you're talking about literature.
  25. The Bi-Annual Exam Thread!

    By scanning this thread, I have to admit, I have no exams coming up in the near future. Suffice to say, I'm thrilled.