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Everything posted by Hero-of-Time

  1. Halo 3 Release Date

    Im still hoping that Bill Gates was right when saying that they will launch it when PS3 does...what a fight that will be for the consumers cash.
  2. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I want it but there is many a game coming out like Top Spin, Football Manager and Tomb Raider. I heard its a pretty long game so I will pick it up when the summer drought is upon us so I can give it the attention it deserves.
  3. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I have been playing Blazing Angels today, I loved the demo so I picked the full game up. Its pretty intense on some of the missions with many a plane flying around you. I also like the Ace mode where its you 1-on-1 with a german Ace Pilot you have to try and take him down. Overall so far im really enjoying it even though it does have a bit of screen tearing here and there.
  4. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Thanks for the heads up on downloading it now. Quick question I finally finished getting all the Achievements for Kameo and im after some new games. I m getting DOA4 and Blazing Angles but for my third game I cant decide on Call of Duty 2 and PDZ. I know PDZ is supposed to be pretty bad but my mate is getting it so we can play co-op if I pick it up and also Im a big Rare fan....little help please?
  5. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Gameplay have many a game down for that date purely because they dont know when its out.
  6. WWE WrestleMania 22

    I havent watched WWE since the Royal Rumble...what a travesty that was. Its the first time I have never been looking forward to a wrestlemania and its not suprising looking at that card I mean Undertaker Vs Mark Henry????? I too miss The Rock. Im a huge fan of his as he brought a great deal to the business in terms of his promos and his rivalaries with other wrestlers. Even when he was a hell he was great. The people in it now cant cut a decent promo and the wrestling itself is very poor whereas in TNA the promos suck but when they start "fighting" it is at least entertaining to watch.
  7. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I was just wondering what you guys think of the achievements in the games. I know alot of people kick off about them as people do see them as bragging rights but I personally think of them as a way to expand the value of the game. Its a great way to stretch the length of a game such as Kameo.
  8. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Your not the only one. I only have a 28inch widescreen and I refuse to go lower than 28 inch as I used to it so its gonna cost me quite a bit for a decent HD-TV. Are these ones any good? http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=ELEC&title=742345&p=321&g=409&pa=sr http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=ELEC&title=742342&p=321&g=409&pa=sr http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title&r=ELEC&title=860689&p=321&g=409&pa=sr
  9. Having just picked up another Dreamcast I have also bought Power Stone 1 and 2. I have been playing these since Sunday and I have to say how great they are. I owned them both when I had my first Dreamcast but I had forgotten how great and accessible they are. The items, characters and levels are simply amazing while the mulit-player aspect is 2nd only to Smash Bros on the cube. Add to that the item making section of the second game and it makes for an awesome series of games. Anyone else share my love for these games?
  10. Elder Scrolls 4

    Kind of like me. I love RPGs but this one looks a little too magic and swords to me. Also I dont think I will have time to play it as im on Burnout and then theres a few games like Tomb Raider and Football Manager that I want to pick up in April. I really dont want to get drawn into the hype of the game, I will probably pick it up when the 360 has a game drought then I can give it the full attention it deserves.
  11. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    1. Download speed depends on your connection and how busy the servers are. They usually take longer to download when they first come on the marketplace as everyone is after them. The demos vary in size. 2. Not sure. 3. £15 pounds for 3 months or around £35 for a years subscription. Its well worth it. You only get 13gb as the other 7 is used for the Xbox patch, trailers, themes etc. At least thats my understanding of it. Someone else may be able to explain it better but thats the jist of it.
  12. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Is anyone getting Blazing Angels? A few guys from work are getting it and I really enjoyed the demo in the marketplace. Flying over London while shooting down planes was awesome and I love the music that plays in the demo. Only thing I dont like is the " Tally Ho " accents the British guys have.
  13. NiGHTS Into Dreams

    I liek it how he said Speilberg wouldnt redo ET and yet he did. NiGHTS will always be a game that the fans want and like Yuki said if its not done correctly then it shouldnt be done as it would tarnish the series just like what has happened to Sonic. The Revolution control would be ideal for this game. I have said from the start, well since they announced the control features, that a NiGHTS game would be a perfect fit for the console.
  14. Futurama (really) returns!!1

    EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!! Best news I have heard in a while. Hopefully Zap Brannigan will feature in the new episodes as that guy is hilarious.
  15. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Im still not sold on Oblivion. My mate got Morrowind for his Xbox and he was completely overwhelmed by it in terms of not knowing what to do. I will wait til some of you guys pick it up and give impressions as I dont want to waste 40 quid on a game I wont play...yes im cheap!
  16. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Got Burnout today and played it for a little bit. I have to say that its amazingly fast. Like I said before in another post its the first time I have played a Burnout game so I will have to get used to the speed. The graphics are pretty sweet on it aswell.
  17. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    My copy of Burnout should arrive tomorrow. Its the first time I have played a Burnout game so im looking forward to it.
  18. PS3 Launch Details Tomorrow?

    The only thing that interested me was the release date. I care not for all this mumbo jumbo about harddrives and blu-ray all I want to do is play games!!! Also they didnt say anything about the price but many are saying that it will be a minimum of $425!!!
  19. The official G.R.A.W thread

    Its very strategtic. If you go in guns ablazing ala Halo then you will die. Funny thing keeps happening to me, when I reload and a enemy is close I keep trying to hit then with the end of my gun like I used to do when on Halo 2. Also I think some of the maps are way to big for multi-player gaming. My favourite map has to be that beach level, I think its the Rocky Cove or something like that.
  20. The official G.R.A.W thread

    Has anyone done any of the co-op missions yet? I tried last night with a few people but we kept getting killed. If you want the awards you cant have respawn on and to make it worse if you usually have 8 people on the mission everyone gets major lag or kicked off.
  21. The official G.R.A.W thread

    Did anyone else turd themselves on mission 3 when...
  22. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Unless you customize the game which me and a few peeps did.
  23. NEW X-MEN 3 TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!!

    http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/tls/trailer/ This just looks amazing. I had doubts after seeing pics of some of the characters but now Im shocked at how good it looks. The scene where Magneto is marching and then the X-men stand against him looks outstanding....excuse me while I change my pants.
  24. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Im not sure but I will happily do some co-op with you online as I love the game, very magical!
  25. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Mission 2 took me a while near the end where...