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Everything posted by Hero-of-Time

  1. Celebrity Big Brother

    Yup its is Jade Vs Shilpa cant wait to see the reception Jade gets as she gets thrown out of the house.
  2. FIRE EMBLEM: A blockbuster made on a shoestring...

    I managed to recruit everyone one apart fom 1 person as I ended up killing him and I couldnt be bothered to restart the level. I think it was the pink haired pegasus riders brother.
  3. Best Final Fantasy Game?

    Does explain why I never finished FFIX or why I wasnt keen on X. Saying that I did like the story of X but as I have stated before the characters were pretty shoddy apart from Auron.
  4. official rare gamecube game thread!

    Ah I see. Thats probably the cheapest you will find it, especially a new copy. On ebay they go for around £50.
  5. Celebrity Big Brother

    More on the bullying....
  6. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Have Sony just jacked up the price on us????
  7. Celebrity Big Brother

    What is going on with the racism then? Are them 3 going to get punished or thrown out? Surely they cant get away with it can they?
  8. Rocky Balboa

    I will be seeing it at 13:15 on Friday. I will have to go by myself as my mates are at work ( I booked the day off ) One of the great lines I heard from Film 2007 was... Rocky: Alot of people come to Vegas to lose, I didnt!
  9. Best Final Fantasy Game?

    I liked both Materia and Junction systems. What i do hate in FF games is when certain characters are summoners, mages etc. I like to have the option of making a certain character any class I want and they swap around with them when I fancy a change.
  10. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Totally off topic but I just read you like the Pats, for shame. Hope Manning gives you a tanning next week but due to his seasonal playoff jitters its very unlikely. Im hoping Saints go all the way...DESTINY! Played a bit of Table Tennis today, started getting the hang of the controls. Methinks this is a game I will dip in and out of.
  11. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Although I dont agree with Cloud ( I like Squall better ) I do agree that Sora should be in. His special would be awesome especially if they use his various forms from KH2.
  12. Transformers Movie thread

    Thats all im asking, hell I dont care if the movie turns out bad aslong as The Touch hits at some point I will be a very happy man.
  13. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Wonder if it is Killzone?
  14. Ghostbusters: The Game!

    Looks like it is legit, from IGN...
  15. I finally bought a ps2

    Just won God of War off ebay new and sealed. Im hoping its the original version as I hate platinum boxes. I asked the guy and he said it was but I have been decieved before. Also Tales of Legendia and Shining Force Neo arrived today. Im going to be a very busy man.
  16. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    My copy of Table Tennis just arrived ( £14.99 gameplay ) Hopefully it will be as good as everyone said, saying that for that price I cant complain. Also gameplay sent me out a Lost Planet code with my order, does this work for the full game aswell or was it just for the demo? EDIT: Paperboy Achievements!!! Must mean its coming very soon. http://www.achieve360points.com/game/paperboy/
  17. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Haha, crazy people. Just found out that one of the achievements is to complete it on EXTREME mode!!! Reading some of the stories on various websites and it seems impossible.
  18. Rocky Balboa

    Film 2007 is on tonight on BBC1 at 11.05, Johnathan Ross will be giving his review of the film.
  19. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I had it when the season started but pretty tired of it. I hated Superstar mode!
  20. Guitar Hero II! Time to rock all over again!

    Eurogamer are reporting that there is an 80s version in the making, this makes me a very happy man.
  21. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Well another week and still no Woms. According to teamxbox its Heavy Weapon this Wednesday but Worms cant be far off as all of its achievements are ready now, Worms online will be hilarious.
  22. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Agreed. That along with Virtua Fighter 5, Resistance and Motor Storm would be an excellent launch.
  23. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Just finished Zone of the Enders erm I mean Lost Planet Seriously though, it did all go Z.O.E at the end didnt it? Great game with some awesome boss battles and like Dead Rising it is short and sweet but with lots of replay value and an awesome online mode which I have been enjoying alot more than GoW to be honest purely because it doesnt take a half hour to get a game shorted.
  24. I finally bought a ps2

    I never played the first one but I heard it was awesome.