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Everything posted by Hero-of-Time

  1. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

    Ive just checked my GAME preorder and its the same over there, looks like most online retailers will be doing this offer.
  2. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    GoNintendo have even more about this event. Looks like the US is getting a event at the same time as Japan. Interesting. As for what I want out of this conference, storage solution please!
  3. Samba De Amigo

    Well the Wiiware and VC games aint being bought til Nintendo get their fingers out and give me storage space, then I will unleash and buy alot of classic games that I have been wanting off the service. As for retail games yeah there are a few I want but whether I play them is another matter. Me and darksnowman discussed it briefly in pms how I have kinda lost my love of Nintendo this generation and I find it hard to play anything on the Wii now. I even discussed buying a NES on ebay and getting aload of classic games that I had from my childhood to try and reignite my love for Nintendo. Dont worry I will never sell my Wii, its just that im going through a bad patch at the moment when it comes to actually wanting to play on the thing. No kidding I have about 15 games on the shelf that I havent even started and I cant see me doing so anytime soon. Darksnowman was even kind enough to send me a game from the VC so I unpacked my Wii and sent it back to him so he could get his points back. I did this as I really havent a clue when I will be back on the console.
  4. Samba De Amigo

    Seeing as my Wii is packed away I dont think so. Saying that after Star Wars Force Unleashed my 360 will be gathering dust until Fable 2 so now may be a good time to get know my Wii again.
  5. Rumor Control - IGN's Nintendo Voice Chat

    Heres this weeks summary
  6. Samba De Amigo

    IGN review is up and like others they have a problem with the controls. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/910/910586p1.html EDIT: Eurogamer review is up. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=239694
  7. Monster Hunter Tri

    I knew I was right to still be excited about the MH series. All those who havent played it are in for a treat especially now that the online element is back. I cant wait to see some footage of it, roll on TGS!
  8. Nintendo Holding a Conference- October 2nd

    More of this from GoNintendo
  9. Animal Crossing: Lets Go to the City

    It does look very much like the Cube and DS games, hell even those who have played the Wii version are saying it. 1UP CVG IGN Yeah sure its easy to quote the negatives and there are quite a few positives in each of the previews but the fact remains that to those who HAVE played it the game still feels, looks and pretty much is the same game they have played twice before. Im not saying this is a bad thing as I know many people will probably like to do it all again. As for me, I will sit back and wait to see if another other new features are announced before its release then see if its worth my time nad money again.
  10. Wipeout HD

    Ive just seen this over on GT forums and it sums up the Wipeout games very nicely EDIT: Eurogamer has reviewed it and gave it a 9/10 http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=238638
  11. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

    I assume when you say Collette can bugger off you mean die a horrible, horrible death never to return. Correct?
  12. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

    Really? I thought both the music and video were awesome although nobody stabbed Collette so it loses points for that
  13. Fable 2

    The energy sword off Halo is in the game! http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=42662560
  14. FIFA 09

    Heres the achievements for the 360 owners. http://www.xbox360achievements.org/game/fifa-09/achievements/
  15. Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

    Thanks for the achievy list, Dante.
  16. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    A possible price cut is on the way.
  17. PlayStation 3 Console Discussion

    Awesome news! Lets pray for a european release.
  18. Wii Release List

    Another Wii title heading for us before the end of the year. From Gonintendo.
  19. Samba De Amigo

    Really? Thats very starnge. Its such a shame aswell as I was really looking forward to it. I will wait and read some other reviews and then decide if this is a release day purchase or bargain bin material.
  20. Wii Music!

    Box art ahoy!
  21. Samba De Amigo

    GoNintendo have got the NGamer review summary up, they gave it a very average 60 with the controls being the main problem. http://gonintendo.com/?p=55591 Im quite suprised that from the looks of it they still didnt nail the controls which is a major downfall for a game of this nature.
  22. Left 4 Dead: A Thread For Suvivalists

    YAY! Demo is on the way.
  23. Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy

    In this months ONM they say its a bit of a grind fest but seeing as its an old skool RPG that's to be expected.
  24. LittleBigPlanet Thread

    Want the Kratos Sackboy? Then here's how to get him.
  25. Viva Pinata: Trouble In Paradise

    The new dinosaur pinata is the best, its freaking huge! Yeah a few people I know cant get the camera working, I didnt have a problem with it though