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Everything posted by Smudge

  1. Watched Season2 dexter the same time as season 2 heroes.. and as wonderful as heroes was, dexter beat it every week!!
  2. Having to check for a licence would be exactly the same as having to check for ID/proof of age... it really wouldnt make the blindest bit of difference seens as off licences rarely check for ID as it is so it would be a waste of money. They've still got the right idea in trying to stop people from smoking. If the licence worked as it should it would be brilliant, but people are very stubborn in what 'their rights' are, and so will buy these things whether the law says they can or not.
  3. haha they certainly could.. i would be very happy with that... imagine the riots though XD
  4. And very lovely pikachu skin at that :P Milk, no sugar... leave the teabag in... sometimes i just dont take it out Custard creams are amazing.. or bourbon creams.... i like the chocolate for dunking :P custard creams should be savoured on their own :P
  5. I would say a good idea in terms of, if it works like it should then people would be less inclined and less able to smoke. However.. its impractical like you say. And it wont work. But at least they're trying to think of ways to solve this smoking problem.. maybe they'll have a good idea eventually.... How does making a license to drink compare to a license to smoke? People don't die of liver failure because someone was drinking around them.
  6. To be honest, if i didnt have to i wouldnt. I dont go home to get my washing done, for most of the year i do my own washing, but being at uni, i have to go home at christmas and summer... and 3months (in summer) is a long time to go without getting clean clothes. However, my point had nothing to do with clean clothes, that was just an afterthought. My parents are lovely people btw, i dont hate them, i just hate being around them. Regardless of whether i go home to wash my clothes, the entire point of my last post still stands. EDIT: Also, the smoking licence would be a good idea, however as you said... these laws never actually get enforced. They've already raised the smoking age to 18 and STILL you see 10year olds buying fags. They need to be more direct, however when they get direct you get uproar about privacy and human rights... there will never be a solution that will please everybody because smokers believe they have every right to ruin their bodies, and non-smokers believe they have the right not to have their bodies ruined.
  7. I cant help being bitter towards smokers, i don't care if they're killing themselves, thats they're choice, whatever, its everyone else they affecting that bothers me. My parents smoked around me for 18 years, and now iv moved out and my lungs are trying desperately to fix themselves i find myself constantly attacked by phlegmy coughs and wheezy breathing and cant help thinking they've killed me more than themselves seens as technically iv been smoking since i was 1 -.- And when i go home, and my mum washes my clothes, i always have to rewash them because they stink I also find that when smokers very considerately say they'll smoke at the back door, what they really mean is they'll smoke in the kitchen with the door open so the wind coming through the back door blows the smoke through the rest of the house.... -.- My point is when people say its their right to smoke if they want to because it's their body and they can do what they want, it's not just your body, and should you have the right to decide if someone else should have a lung full of tar? ....rant over. Sorry about the long post :S If it helps, i often find smokers are actually very nice people, and i know many smokers i would consider friends.
  8. I cant choose i just cant choose.. WHY isnt there an all button?!!!!! I love chocolate with fruit and nuts in particularly at the moment. In fact if anyone likes nutty chocolate, bin the dairy milk and get the galaxy hazelnut. It is far far superior, so creamy and nutty and delicious!! *drool*
  9. I had the most amazing drink at Aruba in my first year of uni... its involved a lot of cream and chocolate sauce, and many shots of chocolate and toffee vodka!! It actually had to be drank with a spoon XD. Sooo gooood ^^ unfortunately you really could only have one very sickly after a while! For a drink you can drink more of, a Black Russian (Tia Maria, vodka and coke) yummmmm :P
  10. My uni work definitely... far too much time and money has gone into getting my degree for me to let it go... then probably my favourite books (his dark materials, inheritance, harry potter) along with the box that has my birthday and Christmas presents off my boyfriend in... then id probably burn to death cos that a lot of stuff XD
  11. The debt students get into these days is ridiculous! But I wouldn't choose to be doing anything else right now. I think its definitely worth it to have a shot at the career i want... even if I'm so far into my overdraft i may be living off pees for the rest of the year :S
  12. Last year (first year) I thought i had it hard, no time for anything, 'how can i get a job with all this work i have to do?' .... then i hit second year.... NOW i have no time, i kind of wish id gotten a job last year, would have made this year easier :S I would advise anyone going into first year to get a job, because it will make your life so much easier for the rest of your degree, when you have no time to work... and no student loans left.
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