To be honest, if i didnt have to i wouldnt. I dont go home to get my washing done, for most of the year i do my own washing, but being at uni, i have to go home at christmas and summer... and 3months (in summer) is a long time to go without getting clean clothes. However, my point had nothing to do with clean clothes, that was just an afterthought.
My parents are lovely people btw, i dont hate them, i just hate being around them. Regardless of whether i go home to wash my clothes, the entire point of my last post still stands.
EDIT: Also, the smoking licence would be a good idea, however as you said... these laws never actually get enforced. They've already raised the smoking age to 18 and STILL you see 10year olds buying fags. They need to be more direct, however when they get direct you get uproar about privacy and human rights... there will never be a solution that will please everybody because smokers believe they have every right to ruin their bodies, and non-smokers believe they have the right not to have their bodies ruined.