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About Sayn117

  • Birthday 10/02/1986


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Game Info

  • Xbox Live Username
    Sayn II

Sayn117's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. can anyone help me? Im gonna get a Pay&Go iPhone 3GS (expensive, i know) and put get an O2 simplicity sim for it. the only thing i unsure about is the free Bolt-on with the Simplicity. Will the P&G iPhone have unlimted internet for the 1st year meaing i can get a bolt-on such as unlimited landline calls or would i have to get the unlimited internet Bolt-on with the Simplicity plan? hope that makes sense and someone can help.
  2. seems like i was lucky. never affected me and i also use AVG and iTunes.
  3. A year or so ago this would have interested me. Halo's lost its appeal that it once had. multiplayer killed it for me. every time i played it seemed to be full of quitters or annoyin kids. shame because i used to love playin till the early hours:(
  4. i just dont understand how an individual can be so retarded. its not really rocket science making beans on toast. one girl needed ste by step instructions. what the fudge?!?!
  5. R.I.P Sir Bobby. Great Manager.
  6. Bruno Although was insanely funny pretty much throughout, i kind of felt a little disappointed. I had seen a lot of the best bits in the adverts and trailers for it and it seemed to end a bit quickly. 7/10
  7. Sayn117

    DJ Hero

    guessing it doent really have much multiplayer options? will it just be a score battle type thing? i personally dont really like playing Rock Band unless there a few people playing. Find it a lil boring with one player.
  8. Sayn117

    DJ Hero

    definately not going to buy buy it. however that video has really improved my opinion of the game. It looks way better than i thought it would. What does it retail at anyway?
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