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Posts posted by nightwolf

  1. Resurrection! 

    I am finally in for a new mobile, but honestly, I'm fairly clueless and my needs are superficial. If anyone fancies indulging me to give me some pointers. For perspective I've been rocking the Samsung S8 for well over a year now. 

    From less superficial to the stupidly so: 

    1. It has to be android. Hence why I'm in here :)
    2. I need it to be fairly up to date security wise (so ideally after buying second hand for a while I'd like fairly new!)
    3. I have fairly small hands, whilst I use a popsocket, phones that are practically a tablet are out
    4. I'd like a decent camera, I document a fair amount. 
    5. Honestly if I could get a phone that has easy access to "pretty" phone cases, that'll help too. 

    It doesn't need to have a huge amount of space, I find it very rare that I reach the limit on most phones nowadays. I also am not overly picky where its sold from as long as its easy to get a hold of. 

    Anyone fancy helping a complete noob out? 

  2. 5 hours ago, bob said:
    6 hours ago, Ganepark32 said:
    New sofa:
    Had got a new sofa for our new place but its proving too small and doesn't really have much back and lumbar support so hoping this will do the job. Most I've spent on a sofa before, even though its still pretty cheap at £330.

    That sofa doesn't exactly scream back and lumbar support either - did you get a chance to try it out in person?

    Friend has this sofa in a different colour, its squishy, very. But comfy if you like that sort of thing! It lost the bottom support at one stage, so get a warranty on it :)

  3. My Dad got his first dose yesterday, hoping that my mother will have it some time soon.

    The irony is that my parents are fairly young (mid-50s) and I have a list of illnesses as long as my arm. It absolutely makes sense for my dad to get it because he's been in hospital recently with an illness. So realistically my brain has gone "well I'm very ill, more so than my dad so where is mine?".

    Likely due to my age compared to my relatively healthy low 50s mother, she'll get it first. Honestly the whole system baffles me, speaking to other fairly chronically ill folk it seems the same way for them too. 

    I am however glad my parents are getting it el pronto. They really want to see my sisters second baby when she is born, I'm not entirely sure they will be able too near birth, but at least they'll be relatively safe to fly when the time comes. (Which may be before I even get my first jab, who knows)


  4. Imagine having a pandemic and they don't want to ensure everyone who can work, is working. Honestly this whole "can't work from home" bullshit drives me mad. We've all proven it for a year now.

    Work has been a wild ride for me. I'm in a new title and fairly senior position and its been tough. This team are fantastic, the whole lot of them, its been fun to connect and really enjoy the work I'm doing. But (and there's always a but) I hit a really rocky patch this week with a comment from a team member and man it really hurt. The TL;DR of that comment is that it came from someone who has no filter and whilst the underlying feedback is good feedback, the way in which it was presented wasn't really warranted and ultimately I hadn't done anything to deserve it being presented in that way.

    I know I'm not the best senior person around just yet (and I'm the only one with my title ever on this team so far), so I'm bound to need a little more direction and feedback...just not like that eh? 

    I'm trying to keep it vague because it was sorted and I didn't need to worry so much after talking to my colleagues/managers. But fml some people need to just filter themselves. 

    • Like 1

  5. On 19/02/2021 at 9:31 PM, Eenuh said:

    Jealous! These are sooooo pretty! :love:
    Though I know I'd never be able to keep one of these happy haha. I've seen so many posts in Facebook groups of people asking for advice on their dying White Fusion, it sounds like a right dramaqueen. Have you got a humidifier or somewhere damp you're going to keep it? I'd love to see some photos when you have it! :)

    Yup, its probably one of the worst Calatheas out there...apparently.

    I have two humidifers, one for the two Calatheas in my bedroom and one for my study where the bigger plants are. So its going to be sat right next to one. My love of plants is getting out of control :laughing:

  6. 1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

    Should hopefully be next week. We’ve got a few electric heaters going so they’re helping in spots and thankfully we have an immersion heater so still have hot water.

    Oh geez! Keep an eye on that immersion heater, that shit gets pricey iirc. (Though certainly better than being cold!) 

  7. Fingers crossed for 2022. I think its probably fair to say that most things this year are just not going to happen.


    As expected, the NHS has cancelled another appointment, so this time round it'll be in May. Which likely will also be cancelled. I can't say I'm surprised, but sad, I do not want to put myself in to debt to get help. But at the current rate it'll be 2 years before I get any treatment and we don't have enough time to wait that long.


  8. 22 hours ago, Ashley said:

    I have one peace lily that is mostly hanging in there. Did have a few other plants but they died. 

    And while we're talking about it I really want a lemon tree but I don't have a garden and I live in the UK so...

    Lilies are easy. When they start dropping and being dramatic - water. 

    More light means more flowers. Otherwise they can deal in pretty shaded (not dark) conditions. 


  9. On 30/01/2021 at 1:46 PM, bob said:

    I got a pretty cool house plant for Xmas from my sister is law. My jungle bathroom is coming along nicely.


    Good choices! We have our main bathroom that has no window - so no plant, but I've got a couple of types of pothos in the en-suite.

    Once day I'll have a living room that has decent insulation so I can have some palms in there, right now it has to have really hardy plants! Big sad. 

  10. @drahkon is there an update? 

    Dad is ok, he's had every test under the sun so far and it seems like at the very least its not cancer and not a stroke. So it seems like potentially just dangerously high blood pressure over a long period of time. The stupid thing is that everyone was worried I had the same, but I have the exact opposite issue.


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1

  11. Thank you both, its likely it'll be 2022 now. After initially booking for April 2020. I mostly cannot be bothered with it, the day which we had arranged was basically done (as we went into lockdown just a few weeks before we were due to marry).

    In reality its the least of my worries over my health and my Dad's, but its fucked me off either way. 

    • Like 1

    • Cake maker has dropped out of the wedding. Today, for April. Probably not going ahead with it anyway, fuck it. 
    • Still got pain in my jaw, so forking out for the dentist again tomorrow, been nearly a year with that. 
    • Private hospital hasn't gotten back to me. 
    • Dad ended up in hospital last week and is now being referred to the stroke unit.

    I'm fucking out, y'all who said 2021 would be better, LIED. 

  12. Good god @Ganepark32 I hope the next place is better for you, what a riot its been! 

    In news for me, I finally bit the bullet and rang a private hospital on Wednesday, pretty pleased with myself as normally ringing medical practises leaves me in a mess on the floor (lots of trauma from how the NHS treated me in 2016/2017), the secretary I spoke too was lovely and now I'm just waiting to see if this consultant is the right person to move this stuff forward.

    Its a little scary to think about how much this is going to cost (I guess this can go in the bad news bit) and I'm still sort of struggling with the whole *gestures* thing, but its got to be better than right now. Right? 

  13. Honestly it just sounds like you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Which, fair, I probably would too (and have. *cough*), but you've got a solid plan here: 

    - Try a find a job in your current area
    - Try to pick up driving again

    Great, there's nothing wrong with being picky! Also, facts, not everyone passes their driving lesson first time and turn out to be perfectly fine drivers. 

    I would absolutely encourage you and others to jump on or keep on Linkedin, it truly is the worst at times for wading through, but when you find certain folk, like recruiters who get everything (instead of the recruitment agencies) they are worth their weight in gold. 

    I have all my fingers crossed for you, be kinder to yourself, its a really shit time right now. 


    In my work life, things have picked up, its now been two months since I started my new role and man  its been a whirlwind of emotions. But I think we're finally getting there. The new title has meant stepping in and really giving opinions in a way I haven't professionally before and its so weird to be sat in the back just listening, now there's a whole team of people doing that to me instead. 

    I'm enjoying it though, the team are great, the hours are normal (thank fuck) and I'm no longer bored out of my brains like my old role. So fingers crossed for the 6 months mark so I can breathe a little. 

  14. Whelp confession time, I've been to the gym once in two months.

    I mean, part of that is because covid, but still. Lacking the motivation at the moment. I know part of this is because my body is getting worse (fibroids, what a kicker) and I've been needing to rest a lot more, but it kind of sucks seeing it all go down the drain after 3 years. So hoping to get back into gymming this week and taking more walks away from my work for lunch breaks.

    In the mean time, someone send me ideas of how I do bench pressing without having a spotter, with covid and my friend leaving the gym (boo hiss) its been difficult to do, but I much prefer bar to dumbells..

  15. Someone said Christmas. So I'm here.

    Normally Christmas decorating for us would be this weekend, as we don't tend to do it more than a month before, but its 2020 and everyone gets a free pass. This year we've been trying to decorate all rooms, not just the living room, to give a bit of cheer as its been a rough one for both of us. 

    We've still got a few more decorations to get as we had to chuck out a crap load of stuff this year (damaged or cheapy). 






    The reindeer is my favourite, we gave him a name once, but I can't for the life of me remember what it is. We bought him as a joke about three years ago, but he's grown on us. 


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