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Yeah, it depends if Ottley is in on the joke, ReZ. He might not be. He doesn't know the real internet you like we do. And it's not even that great a cover (relatively) ...blood/'bad-assery' =/= 'most important work of art' or whatever you called it :P .
Yes, sorry. I forgot I changed the wording slightly for your PM. I think you were roleblocked yeah.
It's just ridiculous - a comic shop owner interpreted Superman's grunt of "GD" in response to being blasted from behind as him saying 'god'/taking the lord's name in vain. Despite there being similarly unusual 'grunts' throughout the issue. And it obviously...NOT being anything to do with God. Then Morrison said himself it wasn't and the guy had to try and make himself NOT like an asshole (he called Morrison names and stuff previously) - which failed.
I wish people took things with more of a flow...things happened that ultimately meant nothing, and if they began to affect things, would been dealt with...but nothing happened...move on...la di da....
The fact is Chair wouldn't ruin a game by exploiting any info he would have prior to it starting. He's run and been in countless mafia games and really doesn't give a shit about winning or steering any game of mine in any direction that would be unfair. He'd rather see it play out anyway. He was just around mine the night I started planning it and I said it would be a joke for him to do X-Men pictures I'd use as characters for my game. If it's scarred you so much I won't do it again. Or consider it part of his role that knew the majority of characters that were featured. Whichever. I was tempted for my next game to have a list of every role type in the game at the start, just because. May as well experiment/have a lel.
Read part 1 of that non-debacle earlier. What an idiot.
You deal with it. He drew others I didn't use, he didn't know who was who, or what powers people had. He is an X-men fan, he knows the characters inside out anyway and would have gleaned from the write-ups.
Rachel is obviously with Legacy. Wolverine's team has been advertised as having 'new characters', so I guess that means Toad, Kid Omega and whoever is floating behind. I'm kinda over that when Dazzler, Northstar and Pixie are crying out. But I assume this is just the main rosters/teaser, and those three will be assigned a side to continue to cameo in every issue. Also yes @ Polaris finally back to have her say. "Fuck alla-y'all".
@Dan Dare, I've been writing something for the blog, but it kinda is more of an extended forum post-meets-essay. It initially had a point, but now is sort of a rant about the quality disparity in NuDC. Is that ok? I'll send you it in a bit. I haven't even reread it yet, it was just an outpouring.
Batwing was cool yeah. One I was going to completely ignore, too.
The X-Men The Peeps IS Cyclops! Optic Blasts [Day Power] – Choose a target. You blast them into unconsciousness, rendering unable to take part in the battle anymore. (You kill them) Psychic Rapport [Ability] – You can communicate with your great love, Jean Grey, out with the game thread, via PM. Maddog IS Rogue! Power Recycle [Night Power] – Choose two targets. You absorb a power from the first target and use it on the second target. Chairdriver IS Iceman! Freeze [Night Power] – Choose a target. You freeze them solid for the night phase, stopping them from completing any actions they had planned, but also protecting them from being killed. Nintendohnut IS Northstar! Speedy Intercept [Night Power] – Choose a target. You protect them that night phase from all negative effects other than death. Too Fast [Ability] – You cannot be roleblocked. Jonnas IS Sage! Jumpstart Mutations [Day Power] – Choose a target. That target’s powers will be jumpstarted, meaning they can use their power twice, on two different targets in the coming night phase. Rummy IS Rachel Grey! Former Hound [Night Power] – Choose a target. You follow them that night, finding out who they target. If the person you follow were to commit a violent act, you stop them from completing the act. The Phoenix Force [Ability] – When you are lynched during the day phase, the person who places the hammer vote is incinerated by your psionic-cosmic flame. Mr-Paul IS Psylocke! Psionic Shock [Night Power]– Choose a target. You fry their brain during the night, misdirecting them to a random target. BONUS N.B - Of course as all know now from the start she was the puppet of ReZ...and I deliberately made her costume a rd herring - described as going into her armoured form when actually killing (as seen in the pic I posted when mr-paul died). That was purposely to confuse things for everyone. :P Esequiel IS Dani Moonstar! Human Skills [Night Power]- Choose a target. You find out who targeted them in the same night phase. Jayseven IS Cannonball! Blast-Off [Night Power] – Choose a target. You carry them away from any fatal attack, protected within your blast field. EEVILMURRAY IS Karma! Possession [Night Power] – Choose a target. You may choose who that player targets this night phase. Tales IS Cable! Militant [Night Power] – Choose a target. You hold them still with telekinesis while you shoot them with a pulse rifle. They die. Ellmeister IS Domino! Reliable Source [Night Power] – Choose a target. You find out their alignment. Lucky? [Ability] – When you would be killed during the night phase, a random other player dies in your place. Cube IS Leech! Clingy [Night Power] – Choose a target. You follow that person around for the rest of the game, rendering them powerless [as long as you follow them] due to your own ability to nullify powers around you. When you would be targeted for anything but a kill, the person you’re clinging on to/following would take the hit instead. To change whom you follow, you must choose to stop following them in one night phase, before you can choose someone else the next night phase.
I began to choke myself involuntarily whilst reading Green Arrow. It was as if my body were trying to prevent me from continuing to read in the only way it knew how. I get off on auto-erotic asphyxiation, however, so I loved it møre.
Yeah I wasn't into by half-way through - I had stuff to do in RL, then just let them go on sometimes - sometimes people were late/never sent in actions, so it was always the maximum length at least, and then exceeded by my own lack of interest in the game (as nothing was happening when I felt it could be). It's a shame. I'm planning my next one though, learning from what I hated in this one. I.e no info. I'd rather there was too much info and people were actually lynched.
This game made no sense, the mafia had so many stunning plans ready to set in motion - you had a potentially AMAZING power you barely used (but in complete fairness you never needed to!), but in the end the town just never got it's act together/was tricked/the info found was never from the right people. So you won without having to do much of anyone. The mafia were barely targeted early on IIRC.
..Tide. Turned... The group suddenly turned around, and aimed their attacks at the young man, who failed to protect himself in time. Shots to the knees crippled him before energy blasted him viciously through the wall. Jayseven has been killed. He was Cannonball, a longstanding member of the X-Men and The New Mutants.
The worst art of the issue is actually the cover. Which makes no sense, as it's what you need to use to sell the comic... I don't understand Hawk's body, it looks really solid, but rubbery. I can imagine it as a toy, and how it feels. I love Dove's friendship with Deadman. Just as a thing. I assume it was dealt with in Brightest Day, but I stopped reading that after 2 issues as it was dull as.
My Bjork ranking is Homogenic Post Vespertine = Medulla Debut Volta Post is technically not as 'good' as Vespertine or Medulla, but I enjoy it/listen to it more often than those two. Selmasongs is nice but doesn't feel proper. I don't even own it...which is so strange. I love Bjork and Dancer In The Dark, but I just feel you should watch the film. The lyrics are all different on Selmasongs anyway. And Drawing Restraint 9 shouldn't count. :p --- This feels like a strange dream. I don't understand or know what's going on. Hey Tammy Wynette. I love how fast all her accolades go by, purposely too fast for us to read properly.
Yeah it was like a perfect issue. I'm stunned by the image of Moon Knight gliding over the city. The artwork really emphasised the emptiness. Everyone's character SHONE through, it wasn't forced or awkward like in JLI/other team books I've read of late. The plot was there, and we worked it all out over the story, it didn't have to be fully explained in one, and yet we learn the complete fundamental science behind it all! Ellis is life.
Night's ended now -- The woman puts the two pieces of glistening crystal together. At first nothing seems to happen. “How incredibly underwhelming.†she laughs, about to toss them aside. However she begins to feel a…vibrating, a rumbling, through her very being, emanating from the shards and up through her arms. Suddenly she found herself aflame, unburnt, unhurt and strangely cold. She couldn’t think or breathe and yet a thought seared through her, from in front of her eyes to the back of her head. A cacophony blared across her senses, a song of destruction, joy, freedom and sex. The flames suddenly ceased, and she stood stock-still, head slumped, where she was originally. She raised her head slowly, cracking her neck. She was wearing a new outfit. ‘I am, once more. Hear my song and weep for your knowledge of its inevitable crescendo.’ she intoned, to no one. She walked slowly away from the dry husks that remained of the crystal, electronics going haywire around her, inanimate objects seemingly crumpling away from her, as though in fear. -- The woman stealthily creeped around the corner, only to meet a gun face on. ‘Fu-‘ BLAM Esequiel is dead. He was Dani Moonstar, the recently powerless but no less formidable leader of an X-Men team, The New Mutants. -- Scanning...Found (8) ReZourceman Jayseven heroicjanitor The Peeps Diageo Dannyboy-The-Dane MadDog Ellmeister Scanning...Unavailable (10) Nintendohnut Tales Chairdriver Eevilmurray Rummy Cube mr-paul Jonnas Marcamillian Esequiel Now begins the day.
Everyone read Secret Avengers 16 if they want an example of excellent comic storytelling in a single issue. It's standalone, but the scope feels much bigger. You can imagine a story like it being dragged out over several issues with a few needless details added in. Warren Ellis is a great.
There wasn't one on 163. Are you talking about 162? 163 has the rogue team + Cap and Namor on the front.
I followed EJO and he followed me/sent me a PM back too - must be an auto-response. Sorry for ruining your dreams Mokong. :p I still can't be arsed watching Caprica. It was too grey/dreary.
Justice League finally came! It was good/enjoyable. Lee is an undeniably pleasing artist/he's one of The Definitives. People felt not enough happened in this right? I'm glad they're taking time to build up the origin actually - I'm more interested in a new take on the mythos than Justice League fights X for the sake of the world etc. And when that happens, it'll be all the more sweet with the team dynamic and relationships having been established. Also..Marvel-Wise - Thunderbolts continues to be awesome. I love how their own 'schism' didn't need to be an event and was just half the team like backing away and leaving while the others weren't looking (effectively). Come on Moonstone. When will people stop trusting her to be anything other than self-serving? She stuns and you can tell she gives good conversation though. (I love how it's already in the stars she'll fuck Boomerang)
Failed my second driving test. Wasn't like..assuming I'd pass, but I was more positive than I was a week ago. Worse part is..it was the EASIEST test ever. The exact route I'd been practicing on, the ONLY manouever/manouver was TURN IN THE ROAD. Like...I was clapping. And nothing arose like obvious fail situations. I just got 2 serious faults - 1 for being too close to parked cars (when? Usually I'm aware of it when I am) and I went left on a roundabout when someone was coming. TBF I saw him, but he wasnt actually ON the roundabout when I got on it, he was still at his junction, edging foward. But yeeeeeah I get that. THEN I MESSED UP THE EMERGENCY STOP. The manuva all the others laugh at cause it's shitty. But that was just a minor appaz so you deal. Ugh. 5 minors. Loving life as a great driver. 2 seriousz - go straight to hell. At least the driving test is a really pleasant experience, like the examiners are always overly nice to you. Makes it less *grips steering wheel/sweats*. UGH and I'm going back to uni before I can do another test probably so once again I have to wait ages before another test. NOT a year this time. Blah. I don't even care. I can drive. I just want this annoying weight off my shoulders. I'm so scared of the road and other cars I'm hardly going to endanger anyone. I don't even want to drive, I go to uni in London.
^ I read about that the other week - Bjork posted it on Fbook (lel). Kinda cool. I wish discovery of planets were more of a *thing*. As in, people cared. :/