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Chris the great

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Everything posted by Chris the great

  1. Serious Thread #3: Justice

    well, i know this ios going to be very controversial, but let talk peadophiles. To be honest, i have symapthy for people in their position, now before you burn me at the stake, listen to my reasoning. peaodphila isn't a choice, you can't help who your attracted too. the sad fact is that some people are attracted to children, no matter how much they wish they weren't. is it justice to imprison a person because they are gay or lesbian? so why is it justice to improsion a peadophile. rather then locking them up, shoulden't they be studied? find out what makes them attracted to children so that perhaps we can combat it? ofcourse, im not condoining peadophilia, but bear in mind, you do not go out and rape people your attracted too, why should all peadophiles do so? should it be the case that they ever abuse or harm a child, there should definately be punishments, and as veiwing porn is veiwing this abbuse, that should also be a punishable offence. i know i start on a controversial case, but it raises a valuable point, our desire to see punishment carried out may end up costing us the chance too prevent further suffering. I will post more on justice, its a feild i have strong feelings regarding.
  2. What's the scariest thing you've witnessed?

    well, i know you said no movies, but all i can say is "threads". seriosuly, its an old movie based on the effects of a nuclear strike in britain, its from the 70's and the fact that it isn't far from what would happen shit me up. actual scary things that happened, there was a noise when i went back to my student house after christmas, i was the only one in, i could hear some one at the front door, coming in. i went out, sword at the ready, to find my housemate was already back, and had poped to the shops. havent been more glad to see her then when she last walked through the hall in a towel. the ghost inccident, uneasy but actualy far more relaxing then scary. seriosuly. one of the best moments of my life. none of it made the news though, my persoanl life dosen't pull in the headlines that often, outher then the time i got that shipman bugger back for his taking the bars out of the bed gag, ho-ho, got ya good mate!
  3. ScrewAttacks Top Ten GameCube Games

    well, the outher modes of play really didnt appeal. time trails are the most boring thing ever invented, by the time you learn the track well enough to get a good time, theres nothing to supprise you, so you need outher racers. time trails basicly take the fun side out of a racing game. GP mode was alright, but cheating oponents and the fact that most races were resolved in pretty much the same way; a dull first lap climbing 10 or so places, followed by two laps of boosting on straits. maybe its me, maybe i just don't see the genious of the game, but its just like snatch (the movie), every one loves it but i found it very average.
  4. ScrewAttacks Top Ten GameCube Games

    and i found the learniong curve un reasonably high, found the cpu controled oponents cheated and all in all, wasn't so much fun as a great deal of work and the cut scenes were REALLY camp, i mean, im pretty metro sexual but oh my god that stuff was cringe worhty i didnt enjoy the game much, mostly because of it didnt feel fun to play, im not a huge racing game fan usualy, normaly i like mario kart and thats about it, though i liked f zero x. hell you don't have to agree with me, im not saying its a bad game, i just didnt like it, and that the cut scenes were super gay
  5. Serious Thread #2: Animal Testing

    animal tests are actualy alot more applicable mto humans then some would think, the basic physiology of mamels isn't 1,000,000 miles appart, and if we inject a virus into a rat, and try a drug to treat that virus, the effects shouldnt differ. the rat is really more of a container for the experement, as many virus treatments attack the actual virus, which is the same in a human. however, it is true that certain conditions and disseases affect animals differently. monkeys don't mind AIDs, it dosent seem to do them any harm. testing the effects of drugs against aids on monkeys might not be valid. however, scientists arnt stupid, they choose the best fit animals for the study, pigs are often used due to similar organs, the tests really are rather applicablt to humans in most cases oh, and unless a lot more people start to become commit of muder, rape and child abbuse we simpl;y don't have a large enough sample to test drugs on humans.
  6. Serious Thread #2: Animal Testing

    well, animal testing is crule, but if we didnt have it, most of us wouldent live so long. there arnt enough people on life sentences to test the drugs, theres probebly only enough people on life sentences in the country to test 3-4 drugs, as there needs to be an adiquite sample size, which will ensure the drugs are safe. it may turn out that the drugs only work on 75% of the population, hgaving terrible effects on the remaning 25%, as a result you need hundreds of participants, and you cant re use them. testing of cosmetics on animals is a little more unethical, as we dont need cosmetics to live, however, if a rat could go blind through use of cosmetics , or a person, id rather it was the rat. people will always want cosmetics. hopefully in the future scientists will devise a new way of testing products, but untill then, its a necicary evil that animals take the fall on this one.
  7. ScrewAttacks Top Ten GameCube Games

    complainign about the cut scenes in a racing game may be sad, but they were the campest thing ive ever seen, falcon mincing around like norton, accepting races with people who were clearly sex offenders, don't even get me started on the worlds worst back flip routine in like the 3rd level, were you race on the cliff. im not sayign they didnt look good, but oh my god, i was just waiting for the blue falcon to get a pink paint job and having to rush too a dolly parton concert. still, most people like the game a lot, im clearly the one with the differing opinion. oh and i think sands of time should have been in there, it was one of my fave games on the cube, even if it wasn't exclusive.
  8. ScrewAttacks Top Ten GameCube Games

    well, i don't think difficulty was the only flaw in f zero gx, did you see the cut scenes in story mode? GAY!
  9. ScrewAttacks Top Ten GameCube Games

    am i the only one who didn't rate f zero too highly? in fairness i probebly just thought it was too hard, though i love ikaruga. go figure. any way, in the whole tp vs wind waker thing, both games have there strengths and weaknesses. prsonaly, i liked sailing in ww, it took ages, but it felt like an exploration, and it was so exciting when you found a new island, the graphical style was interesting, personaly, i didn't love it, but i admire nintendo for trying it out. tp was suprior in my eyes, not only because of graphics, but the darker themes, though i feel they really didnt put enough effort into side quests. findign pecies of heart in treasure chests in a dungeon? id rather have had a couple of mini games really. outher games in the list seem like good choices, i liked mario sunshine, i dont care it isnt mario 64, it was fun, though blue coins was a chore and a half, and a couple of levels were a little weak. luigi's manshion deserved to be in, the game had so much charm, simple fun, lots of caracter, and luigi was a great lead.
  10. Heatseeker

    ah, they arnt heade for the brige, there headed for the nemisis, you usualy see the first after the cutscene, the rest ar ahead of that. i can't remember the compas direction, but if you head out over the see from were the launchers are, you will find the missles, and your gonna want to speed up. fuckers got some head start
  11. Heatseeker

    its a fun game, little annoying, i have minor issues, like when you go through a check point, you continue with the health you had when you reached, even if you die. as you can't repair damage this means you somtimes have to re do most of the level, its often hard to avoid damage, so you can try as many times as you like but the level becomes practicaly impossible. i also got annoyed with sensitivity issues, accidently move the remote to far and the plane is headed for the sea while you franticaly try to correct your course. oh, and alot of the ground textures are reminisant of the N64, especialy in the first couple of levels
  12. Red Steel - Some Of My Views

    i don't regret the money i spent on it, but i dont see my self playing it again for a while.
  13. Red Steel - Some Of My Views

    well, i think red steel is a solidly built game. True, it wouldent be special if it weren't for the wii remote, but then not alot on the wii would be. The play ground level was awsome, one of my fave shooter moments
  14. Hot and Not

    Hot. Swords Not. Proposed ban on replica samurai swords, more people are killed by doilies a year.
  15. What did you want to be when you grow up?

    i wanted to be a palientologyst. then i realised that 8 months in the desert with hairy lesbians and bearded fat men would probebly get boring after 3 days.
  16. Help with Uni work.

    why not do a documentory on internet forum users? see what it is they get from using the internet to socialise, what common intrests do they share etc?
  17. Things That Parents Say

    My dads classic "children should be seen and not heard." thanks for the victorian lesson dad, my favorite is his set response ive worked out, at least once a week he'l say "everything in moderation." ok, im going to go and punch a baby once, inject a bit of heroin into my eyeball, set fire to an orphanige and shit in an old ladies handbag. but to be honest, having a whiney, annoying, expensive and ungreatfull child must be annoying, and remeber guys, there was a time in your life you said "why?" to everything your parents told you, so cut them some slack, it might not be easy having rules you see as unfair, but imagine looking after a smaller, more annoying and demanding version of your self. no go and thank your parents for everything they ahve done for you.
  18. Rate the last film you saw

    casino royale was increadable, fair enough it wasnt exactly down to earth, bond films arnt, they dont have to be, there enjoable and trashy, though casno royale put an edgyness to the bond universe, oh, and has the best bond ever.
  19. Bad Game Covers

    its kinda like saying you dont like cave paintings for their lack of relastic shadowing.
  20. a donkey, for obvious reasons
  21. How involved are you with politics?

    I think polotics is important, I mean, if you don't know a parties polocies, how can you vote for some one you agree with? I'v been getting more political over the past year or so, mostly because I'm around people who claim to be political themselves. After a little research and sociology lectures, I realised that one of the people claiming to be political, was infact, without a clue what he was talking about. I enjoy political discushions, not to deep you understand, but about university top up fees and the like. If any ones interested I suppose I'm lib dem atm, there may be tax rises, but there are just causes that the money will go to, and of course, they are against top up fees, the most elitist and poorly thought out plan of the past 10 years.
  22. Worst way to wake up?

    Inside a whale, it would be just awful, pinocio is more of a man then me not to freak out.
  23. Binge Drinking & Alcohol

    thats a round and about way of saying you can't be bothered any more, and i was rather enjoying the little exchange.