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About Particle_Man

  • Birthday 09/25/1980

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  • Location
    In the middle of Sweden
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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Most of them
  • Other Systems Owned
    The usual suspects
  • Favourite Game?
    Legend of Zelda
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  1. Damn Right! :awesome:
  2. I guess the moral of the story is: When you've made a boo boo, don't tell anyone.
  3. Pretty obvious I wasn't going to kickban for something like that. I do however find it ironic that Shorty started a guide for a room he thinks is elitistic. And as Twozzok also stated in above post. Kicking is part of IRC
  4. I love you too honey-bunny
  5. From your (now deleted) post :P
  6. Are you going to stop behaving like a spoilt child that didn't get what he expected? Basically, you misbehaved, you got banned. End of story. When joining the chan there's a link that's posted with a set of rules. Failure to comply to said rules results in banning. Do you need further explanation? :P
  7. Yay, random internet person calls me elitist prick! ^_^ Good thing the "real oldtimers" know who I am. (yes, this is a joke. Previous explanation was made available for those handicapped in comprehending jokes).
  8. I did warn them...twice even
  9. I'm glad the little ones who were behaving...poorly comes running back here complaining that they were in some way molested by us "evil third reich" IRC'ers. But hey, thanks for comparing us to a genocidal dictatorships, I'm sure the Bush administration would love having you on board for their PR department.
  10. Take heed of my warning...don't think IRC is child's play with me around...Beware the @...
  11. *awakes from his eternal slumber* Some from this summer's photography...these might be my last for a while. And one of my classical shots Goodnight my friends....
  12. Swedish prices on the Wii range from £180-199 from what I've seen on preorder places, so scandinavia in general gets the business end of the gun.
  13. Indeed you are correct about that. As long as it follows SD standard (up to 2GB cards) my guess is that they'll work flawlessly.
  14. Indeed it's not stealing since it falls under breech of copyright law, but, it is a criminial act no matter how you look at it. My guess is that the games are tied to your account on wii24, which would be like they are on Xbox Live iirc. That would make you able to use any old SD card, but you could only play the games verified by your account.
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