The verdict on launch night is in, and it doesn't look too rosy - my Gamestation had 28 Wiis, all on pre-order (I was No. 8). They had roughly an equal amount of Zeldas and a bit fewer Red Steels and COD 3s. Then there was a handful of those two racing games and that's about it. I saw someone walking out with a Super Monkey Ball, but there must have been only two or so.
What's annoying is that there were NO spare remotes on sale whatsoever. Apparently, some crate got stuck in Dover. There was no Wii Play either. Only a few nunchucks - pretty useless without remote. And their 4 classic controllers were obviously swooped up by other preorderers before I arrived.
I then checked ASDA and Tesco - and they didn't have ANYTHING Wii-related. No consoles, no accessories, no games. The night shift manager was pretty p*ssed off, because apparently he was waiting for his own Wii too. And at Tesco they said that I was No. 50 asking, and that they had turned a way a lot of disappointed people that had queued up.
Something is going pretty badly at the moment - both Tesco and ASDA not having ANYTHING is outright ridiculous. I would have expected some shortages here and there, and no consoles on sale, but not even *any* games?
If anyone wants to stuck up on Wii accessories like cables, spare remotes, Wii Play etc. I would STRONGLY recommend going to your local Gamestation or Game tomorrow morning when they open, preordered console or not - you might end up with a Wii, no games, and no controllers....