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THE ganondorflol

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Everything posted by THE ganondorflol

  1. Blasphemy! Wash your mouth out with soap and water. Moving avatar alright, but old. 4 out of 10
  2. You're hopes are very farfetched.
  3. I just ;ove that red cross in your avatar. 10 out of 10. So original!
  4. I hate Fields shitty guts too! Lets be friends! (ever since he said he didn't like anything about me)
  5. Good point, but I found the use of the boomerang so frustrsting in that dungeon! It is nicely coloured, i dunno, i just prefer TP, because it's my first zelda game I've purchased within a year of its release.
  6. Movie: Forest Gump Book: Catcher in the rye Album: Pulp; this is hardcore.
  7. As much as you want, m'dear. I don't judge.
  8. Today i bought a refresher sweety bar. It tasted like cowpat.
  9. I prefer TP's more 'mature' graphical style to TWW. I loved the WW to OOT's. I NEVER hated the wind waker's art, as I knew Ninty knew what they were doing.
  10. Well done, Bard, you're now officially the easiest person to wind up. I'll bear that in mind in future.
  11. Is that you? And are you being racist? I will deal with you easily, sunshine
  12. You're learning fast, my son.
  13. Weights once a week, 2 years exprerience of judo... I'd do the beating against a schoolkid, thank you.
  14. Art is pointless and shite. Shapes on paper. get over it.
  15. Some advice: don't bother.
  16. I always wanted mouse. It sounds kinda cheesy, but I love mice and rats. I will ALWAYS love them.
  17. You're a very funny guy. It isn't a MASSIVE spoiler, and I've been reading ultimate Spiderman since it came out. It's good to see Hobgoblin and sandman in there, but i love Venom. he rules, and after 105 issues is my favourite bad guy. I'm the most hardcore spidey fan here and proud! Venom FTW!!!
  18. That seems to be all you can think about.
  19. Sorry mate, its just by law I have to piss off every one on this forum at least once. I'm sure you'll get one soon, they're great pets to have. Less dirtier than dogs, and less noisier. Remember: Dogs have masters, but cats have carers (I got that from a corny book about cats.)
  20. Leave yoshi alone! Yoshis Island FTW!!! I know what a joke is, we just have somne very immature people on this forum, thats all.
  21. DAMMIT!!!!!! etc, etc.
  22. I'm sorry, young man? This is a pets thread and you're turning it into a conflict? Screw you. Silvia is so cute... cats FTW!!!!
  23. That's stupid- it should've been more clear. Going for another ride around Hyrule, in the night now.
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