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Everything posted by Deku-Nutz

  1. I've been looking for a copy of Tri for ages... but only wanted to spend a tenner... anyway, something always stopped me... I would constantly miss auctions on the BAY... and now I realise why, it was the powers that be screaming "WAIT!!! It's coming for Wii U!!!" haha Happy Chappy right here.
  2. I am... so addicted to this game right now! It might be the only 3DS game I have been hooked on since Mario 3D...
  3. Well I was sold when it was first announced... I was further sold when the initial trailer was released, so lets say I was Mega Sold... with all the trickles of info and finally this 11 minute presentation... I guess I am Hyper Sold!!! I have this annoying (great) habit of playing tons of games again in a series that is about to get a new instalment... playing VIII and IX and VI... whew...
  4. Well I don't think gameplay is trivial to be honest, and the game is not move compatible but sure, that could hae been an inferior substitute to writing with a stylus. The rune system works perfectly. Never played Okamiden. Anyway, as good as many of your points are every so often I have quickly noticed how narrow your field of view is. HD graphics trumps all, according to you. I disagree. Not really much else to add
  5. Pro's and Con's going handheld.
  6. Without descending into a 'what DQ game is best?' argument, I think millions would agree that the pedigree of the series is very high, and yes, that includes the brilliant 9.
  7. It's safe to say that Enix and then Square-Enix have always been driven by greed with Dragon Quest (Always on the most popular console), and it served them just fine so far Plenty of awesome RPG's fo sho! Problem for me was that being a RPG junky I had already played and still owned nearly every port that came out... that said Crisis Core was fantastic! As were the monster hunters and the Radiant Mythology games as well.
  8. It's not region locked, no I think it's a great game to get to grips with Japanse. All the dialogue is in Kana and the the few Kanji all have furigana. Also the dialogue itself is very simple so it's not overly complicated. PSP definately had a lot of JRPG's, but if we are talking about Original content, and Quality content... then it wasn't so hot in my opinion. Plenty of cool remakes and ports... not so many masterpieces that were Original to the PSP though.
  9. Ah, some people who agree with me. I can rest in peace I'm currently playing through the Japanese version right now (but it's tough going, since I am not that hot with the language), and I can attest to how beautiful it looks and sounds... the Book reference, Rune system is just so brilliant... so immersive. I realise that the PS3 version will look and sound beautiful as well (even more so) but I will miss the interaction.
  10. Again, ya speak a lot of sense. DQ9 sold around 600'000, about 150,000 less than 8 yeah... but still a strong number when you consider that it's fairly unlikely that most people who owned a PS2 would own a DS. Anything is possible but I would say it's unlikely to be the norm. So the audience that was built upon 8 would be fairly tested with 9's shift to Nintendo AND handheld. I would say it faired well. I still think that given the same marketing push as 9 got over in Europe Ni No Kuni could have been a success. I guess we'll never know, but I will be interested in seeing how well the PS3 version does... I am absolutely desperate for it to do well seeing as Level 5 have their eyes on making this a Franchise!
  11. You may well be right, but if the Japan releases were anything to go by there wasn't as much interest in the PS3 version as the DS... but I realise that regional differences apply. I just don't get why they didn't just do both, as planned from the start. Who would have thought that Dragon Quest 9 on the lowly DS would sell over half a million copies in Europe? Especially since it followed the fantastic and graphically superior Dragon Quest 8 on the PS2.. people didn't seem too phased (when it came to slapping down money anyway) by the graphical downgrade... Anyway... at the end of the day I agree that the majority of people would choose the PS3 version over the DS one if there was a choice... Quite simply, I just wanted that choice! Level 5 is hardly a small, struggling company... they could have had a shot at the HUGE DS install base as well as the LARGE PS3 as well... why limit themselves? That's all I am asking...
  12. I own a PS3. I'll buy the PS3 version because I have no other choice. It looks lovely in HD. I wanted it for the DS as well! I suggested the Wii U because it has a touchscreen interface, and would be a perfect combination of the DS gameplay and the PS3 visuals and sound. Why don't people get this? Well I am looking forward to seeing what the Wii U version of DQ X looks like... it will be a good taster for XI
  13. Looks stunning doesn't it? Maybe the most beautiful game I will ever play on my PS3. I'm a huge fan of Ghibli and Level 5, grown up with both companies masterpieces so this is my dream game really. Anyway... you and a few other people clearly didn't read my posts properly... you tell me to buy a PS3... I own one. I said I owned one and I said I will buy the PS3 version.. but I have been watching the development of this game over the years, right from the start. I happen to have gotten attached to the game as a DS title... the art style and graphics are lovely, the music is just perfect... and gameplay is also amazing and the touchscreen implementation is brilliant. Playing the game on the DS won't ruin the experience. It IS the experiences. Playing the PS3 version is a different experience entirely, which will also be enjoyable. Although the quality of the GFX and the Audio will be so much better on PS3 I still want to be able to jump on a train and enjoy the game how it was originally intended, as well as being able to play the HD version at home.. I can enjoy great graphics, but I am no graphics whore. The DS has had so many better games than the PS3... it's just a fact. So inferior graphics mean shit, quite frankly. Also as I originally stated... the two games actually differ in story after a certain point... This game is a big deal to me, so being prevented from experiencing both incarnations is a pretty bad thing for me... I honestly don't get why people are being so vicious about this, it's not like I am saying DIE PS3!!! I simply said that I would like the DS version localised, as was the intention... and that if that wasn't going to happen then surely a Wii U version (a Home console DS...) would be a great alternative. I will still buy the PS3 version, I am not boycotting it and never said I would... Well anyway, I'm frankly shocked that nobody wants to play the other game... even with the promise of a different story and more immersive gameplay, but perhaps those things mean more to me... well, they obviously do!
  14. I'll ignore the trollish tone of this... It's a little different from seeing a game like Final Fantasy XIII (for example) and getting all pissy, wishing it was on a console I owned... NiNoKuni was announced for DS... and then announced for PS3 later... and then dropped for DS in the west... so I figure that some people might be disappointed? With the move to PS3 it also loses a lot of the interactive gameplay elements and the Book, which was unique and pretty wicked in terms of immersion... oh, but it looks all shiny and better so I guess that's ok?... For the people saying it will sell better on PS3... i'd just like to point out that while the DS version sold over 500k copies, the PS3 version didn't even sell 200K
  15. Yes, the PS3 version is lovely but like I mentioned (if you bothered to read) it isn't just a remake... it's half an entirely different story... I for one care that I won't get the whole experience. My idea about releasing the game on Wii U isn't just fanboy driven... it makes perfect sense... hence how Level 5 have talked about porting the original Professor Laytons onto Wii U...
  16. Mass Market... well, I wouldn't call Dragon Quest mass market in Europe either... and the past release track record backs this up... and yet, with a little marketing Dragon Quest IX sold more in Europe than it did in America... over 600K units if I'm not mistaken. You don't get more JRPG than Dragon Quest. Honestly, all they would needed to have done is said ... "From the Makers of Dragon Quest IX... and from the studio that brought you the Academy Award winning Spirited Away..." perhaps stuck some goofy low level celebs playing the game on a TV ad and it would have transferred into sales... it worked with DQXI... why not this? Anyway... what about releasing it for the Wii U? You think it's niche for release AT ALL?
  17. I'm not sure I would call it 'niche' at all. Frankly I was always gob smacked at how well the first Layton game sold even just in Europe... so perhaps you underestimate the DS user-base. I think the fact that Ghibli is involved would have been a huge push for the game, and it would have certainly gained a lot of interest just because of that. It would have been easy as hell to market... Oh well, I guess not everyone cares as much as I do
  18. I'm not very happy... I have been observing a pretty shit trend lately... this trend involves Japanese games released on Nintendo platforms and then ported to PS3... Now, coming from someone who owns all 3 home consoles I can say that as long as I can play the game I don't mind what I play it on... to a point... an example would be Tales of Graces, which is coming to the PS3 in august. Given the terrible track record or Tales games not making it to the west, I suppose I should just be grateful that it is even coming out at all. Then we have Rune Factory Oceans... Again, localised for the west but Nintendo gets ignored... again. This one is slightly different, because unlike Tales of Graces it was a simultaneous release. It was obviously decided to drop the Wii version entirely, even though the first home console Rune Factory was exclusive to the Wii... So we finally come to Ni No Kuni. This game was first announced for the DS and released in 2010 in Japan... it was suggested that the title was going to be localised for the west. Now over the course of the games initial development it was revealed that a PS3 version was also being created... and that the first half of the game would run parallel with the DS versions story, but would later diverge off on it's own path. "DS and PS3? How odd!" I thought at the time, but it didn't bother me. The DS version was the first version, and it seemed there would be differences... not to mention the amazing physical book that was NOT being included as standard with the PS3 version. As time went on though it became less and less clear what was going on, until of course it was decided that.. "sorry guys who have been waiting years in the west, no DS version"... because it will be too tricky to localise?... So here we are again... even though Nintendo has given Level 5 untold success with the Layton and Inazuma series' with the Nintendo DS, the PS3 comes out the winner in the west. Goodbye DS version that fans have waited YEARS for... Now, I understand that again I should just be grateful that the PS3 version is being localised for release in 2013... but honestly, what if I didn't have a PS3? What about all the DS fans who don't own the Sony console? I just think it's bloody awful form for Level 5 to do this, especially since traditionally their games sell a hell of a lot better in the west! They specifically saw a bunch of success with Professor Layton! I just cannot fathom why they would pull the plug on what is obviously a masterpiece of a game... they are letting their millions of DS fans down, and I for one thought I was over this but after investing in the Japanese version of the game recently I am freshly livid. Anyway, while I have been playing Ni No Kuni and enjoying it's gorgeous art, graphics and music... (not to mention the Book, which is a WORK OF ART!!!) I got to thinking about how the Wii U is perfect for the HD version of Ni No Kuni. I sincerely hope Level 5 sees the potential... the 'right in front of your nose' potential of the Wii U with this game, and ports the PS3 version RIGHT BLOODY NOW! I often wonder what development companies think when they pull the plug on games that fans have been waiting years for. Do they care? Do they feel remorse, or even an obligation to make it up to them later down the line? Perhaps I am just an angry little fanboy... perhaps I will play Ni No Kuni on the PS3 and love it all the same... but I for one sincerely hope that Level 5 makes this massive injustice up to me (not to mention all the other thousands and thousands of patient western fans) and either give us the DS game we have been waiting for, or perhaps an enhanced 3DS version? Or perhaps the most obvious one... a glorious HD, Wii U version that would have the Magic Master (Book...) in the controller, with full touchscreen spell casting as on the DS version... I can dream, of course... and will. whew... Rant over...
  19. As great as it was to finally see Pikmin 3, the show was the biggest flop... I mean we KNEW about Pikmin 3 already!!! God, I'm really bummed... it's the first conference I have ever watched Live... urgh..
  20. 'Hilarious' Gifs aside, that was a terrible conference... I could literally puke haha
  21. Gah, I dunno in all honesty... Downloadable games would be so perfect... FULL Nintendo games, all stored on my 3DS? It just makes so much sense... and yet there is this niggling part of me that still loves to buy the physical release... That said, a lot of you have presented so many compelling reasons to ditch physical... I dunno >_>
  22. I was wondering actually, although I was thinking of going opposite colours! Will have to see what each game offers
  23. Awww if I see it out and it's not £40 maybe I'll go mad and grab it
  24. I LOVE the graphics of that game... am I going to regret it if I buy it?? I know I probably will... but... will I? lol Just looks like such a vibrant world to run around in..
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