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Tony Cabrony

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About Tony Cabrony

  • Birthday 09/18/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    West Sussex


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    SNES, N64 Gamecube
  • Other Systems Owned
    Xbox 360
  • Gender

Game Info

  • Xbox Live Username
    Tony Cabrony

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  1. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of any deals for the 40gb PS3. I am aware you can get it on Play/Amazon for ?280 but was wondering if anyone knew of it being cheaper anywhere else. Ta. ________ Squirting dildo
  2. Does anyone know the name of the song in heroes, thats in each episode like at least once. It goes "in your eyes" n thats repeated like 4 times, n its slow n mellow. Ive looked for soundtracks everywhere but i cant find it. ________ party Cam
  3. Is anyone getting sort of ripping along the bottom the screen? While the game loads the title screen i get a green line along the bottom then when i play the line changes to whatevers on the screen in that place n then it freezes on there. ________ Anal painful
  4. Space is so big that theres probably a company on another planet releasing a games console called the Wii ________ Vapormatic Vaporizer Review
  5. lol yer I know what to do. Its just when I press A when it says grab the boss I just hear the sound of my weapon being shethed and he knocks me over. What a quim. ________ Lovely Wendie99
  6. Now I cant kill the damn mid level boss, that goron guard guy. Everytime i get him to roll at me, i press A when it says grab him and he just hits me time and time again. I watched a video of the fight on youtube and the guy has no problem, as soon as he presses A he grabs him. I think my Zelda is retarded. ________ Lesbian Cams
  7. At a time when theres been so much loss on the forums dont you think this is a bit stupid and insensitive?
  8. Chill out and it was more like an hour. ________ perfect tits Cams
  9. It would be? Im not really sure why. Afterall it is what 99% of other games do. ________ Mature Webcam
  10. No it just seems a bit.. sort of old fashioned. In a time when we can wave our wiimote around to; aim, swing and serve etc the fact that we cant just save our game and upload to the exact same spot just strikes me as a little odd. ________ LovelyWendie99
  11. True, this is only my second Zelda game but you make it sound like this save 'feature' is a trademark of the game? It just think its a nuisance. I posted on this board becuase on the Wii discussion board anything you post gets lost in 10's of pages of replies and I wanted a quick answer. ________ Uggs
  12. Whats the point in that? So when im in the dungeon, i have to teleport out with Ooccoo without saving? Then save it when im outside. Then when I load it up I have to teleport back in? Im sure I didnt have this problem with the first dungeon. Wouldnt it be much simpler to just load you back to the exact point you saved it? ________ Side effects of wellbutrin
  13. So ive started the Goron mines dungeon, got about half way in but had to go out so I saved it. I've just started up my game again and why oh why am I at the begining of Goron mines!?!??! Why would Nintendo decide to do this. It doesn't make sense. I know ive only lost a little over an hour of gameplay but its the principal. ________ Milf tube
  14. Yes thats not hard to figure out if your READ the email the Wii sends. Still doesnt work for me though and ive tried about 5 times ________ Ass live
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