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About Jhaqen

  • Birthday 05/01/1985

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Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    2911 3997 3169 9650

Jhaqen's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Want it on the Wii? Then bring the noise.
  2. This is a load of balls. I finally get onto the Wii points section and there is only 100 and 300 cards left. I need 800, a little annoying but I plough on. 600 points redeemed after a shit load of loading and two questionnaires and on the third I get an error due to this: "We allow a maximum of two Wii Points Cards to be purchased per day by any individual. If you reached the daily limit, please come back tomorrow." Bah!
  3. Not Found The requested URL /NOE/en_GB/index.html was not found on this server. Bah!
  4. I asked about the points conversion a week or two ago and got this response: "Dear Customer, thank you for your email. I’m afraid, I cannot confirm an exact date for this process, but do keep an eye on the website in the next few weeks."
  5. Anyone got any good online deals for the game?
  6. I was standing in a shop the other day with this and SPM in each hand, and opted for SPM. Regretting it now as I'm not enjoying it much.
  7. Are player transfers as outdated as in the ds game? eg. Does Chivu still play for Roma?
  8. Gamesmaster destroyed my belief in Santa.
  9. It'll not take much to make it bloodier.
  10. Hold in Z and then pass. To stop it, you either break the receiving player or hit A to header it, though it's proving tricky for me at the minute. (Man I miss Batigol, but I prefered him in red and yellow.)
  11. Probable Sinéad O'Connor's "the Lion and the Cobra" or Prince's "Dirty mind".
  12. Oh, and it's not Lazio(merda). From the Guardian:
  13. Thinking whether I've recovered enough to watch some sopranos.
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