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Everything posted by Slaggis

  1. How was your day?

    Got up at some ungodly hour only to get a phone-call telling me Han missed her train. She'll be in an hour or so, so I'm terrifyingly happy right now. Been watching some Will & Grace, and there was a bit where Will started dancing to "Faith" by George Michael whilst tidying up. Now I can't stop listening to it.
  2. Your Capitalist Agenda Pushing List

    Hoping my Dads going to pay the deposit on the house we've all agreed on, which would be amazing considering otherwise I'm completely screwed. Then considering the phone I ordered a month back comes with a free PS3, that's being considered a Christmas present which I'm more than happy about. Now just to find myself a couple of games. Oddly craving Oblivion. Picture needed.
  3. How was your day?

    Finally gotten an essay finished and now I've moved onto the next. So happy right now. Han's coming up tomorrow morning, but I have to refrain myself from ignoring work completely because it needs to get done. Plus, she's at Cambridge...therefore she can help me. The next four nights are going to be absolutely amazing. Night in with Han tomorrow which will be filled with Waitrose food and Netto alcohol. Friday night out with Han and some friends from Sheff. Chan comes up on Sat so we're going out with a few others for another night out. Then Sunday another friend's coming up to join us and we'll be spending the night just relaxing at a few pubs/bars. It'll be nice to finally have a night out with Em too. Hype.
  4. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    I still love that your first thought when seeing this was of me. Prepare for a photo-war.
  5. I love how many places you've said this in. It's almost terrifying. Scratch that, it's TERRIFYING. *Sigh*, I'll fetch the neon laces and meet you at the fridge.

  6. The Confessions and Advice Thread

    So basically either way you're totally screwed? Then I definitely say go for it. If you say something, there's a chance of a good outcome. If you don't then like you say...you could be stuck with the hateful woman for years to come.
  7. The Confessions and Advice Thread

    She sounds like a total bitch, to be completely blunt. I say go for it. Just because he seems happy, doesn't mean he actually is. (Then again, I fail at advice...so do the exact opposite).
  8. Happy Birthday!!!! =)

    Happy birthday to Triforce too!
  9. How was your day?

    Finally managed to arrange when Han is coming up, with it now being early Thursday morning. Words can't describe how happy that makes me, but it hit me just how much work I need to get done before then. So many essays, so little time. Yet instead of working hard getting them done now...I'm watching The Hot Chick. Why is getting work started so damn hard!
  10. Fact x Importance = News

    Yeah, funny. I mean, the blatantly clear video evidence had nothing to do with it...
  11. Desperate Housewives - Boom Crunch The last two minutes had me watching with my mouth wide open glued to the screen. Amazing, amazing, amazing. So annoyed I have to now wait (How long Ash?) until I find out who makes it out. (That doesn't need a spoiler tag, right? I didn't give anything away.) So happy the storyline with Catherine has come to some kind of conclusion too.
  12. Fact x Importance = News

    This actually had me shouting at the screen and hiding behind my hands. Dog thrown off Bridge in Lithuania. They hoped it would survive, but it later died of internal injuries. The guy could get "up to a year" in jail. I'm thinking they should throw him off the same bridge, and see if he ends up surviving.
  13. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    The avatar is completely amazing. 10 ...and a Sig with Stitch in? Perfect. Though, the little bit on the bottom of the S annoys me slightly. 9
  14. Your Capitalist Agenda Pushing List

    Kind of a dumb question, surely?
  15. X Factor 2009

    So happy Joe got through. If he doesn't win...I don't know. But he should. At least vocally, he's by far the most talented one there. Loved GaGa....but Janet bored me.
  16. How was your day?

    Went through Hell? Broke down? That sounds horrible. What happened? -- My day has been greatly improved by having a random conversation over Facebook with someone doing my course, only they're in the second year. I love when it's so easy to strike up conversations with completely new people.
  17. X Factor 2009

    Joe must win. I've grown to really like him now. His performances manage to keep me completely transfixed on the television.
  18. How was your day?

    I'm the worst person ever. It seems with a couple of vodka and coke's down me, my morals just go straight out the window. Edit: I dropped a mug on my big toe. Thank you Karma.
  19. The Music Thread.

    I wish If It Makes You Happy had verses that were as amazing as the chorus. I love the song, but compared to the power of the chorus the verses just come across a little lackluster. I've completely fallen for the second half of Scarlett's Walk after numerous listens. Absolutely adore it, can't believe I didn't bother listening to her properly until now. Oh, and Love Song. I'd forgotten how horrendously catchy it was. It sounds completely out of place on her album.
  20. How was your day?

    My day has been spent watching Dexter and doing basically nothing else. I consider this a good day.
  21. How was your day?

    Fucking incredible night that ended with a rendition of Misery Business on Rock Band (Guitar Hero?). Actually could have died happy. Just managed to get back. So freaking cold outside it's unreal, but it makes me even happier. Christmas!
  22. How was your day?

    Totally regret last night considering I drank horrendously silly amounts. Honestly never again. I'd forgotten how much of a pain it was waking up still completely hammered. Still, it was completely what I needed after a not so wonderful couple of weeks. But with a house found again and less than a week until I see Han and Chan again everything's looking amazing again. Going out again tonight, but we're supposed to be dressing up. I literally only just got told this, so I'm kind of fucked when it comes to a costume. Eurgh.
  23. The Music Thread.

    I don't care how many times I've been told on here about it not being any good, I'm completely head over heals for Girl With One Eye. I'm loving the entirety of Lungs at the moment, but that along with Drumming Song, Howl, Rabbit Heart, I'm Not Calling You A Liar are continually screaming at me to be played over and over. Amazing. -- Oh, and I'm Anna Nalicks "Breathe (2am)". Such a gorgeous song. I especially like the "Life's like an hourglass glued to the table" lyric.