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Everything posted by WardyBoy14

  1. I think it's just because Desmond saw Charlie die and Claire get rescued, so even though he could have saved himself, maybe that would have ruined Desmond's prophecy and so Claire might not have gotten rescued...
  2. WI am not going anywhere near that death list, but if somebody IS going to die, I don't think it will be Charlie. They have been building up him sacrificing his life to get everyone rescued, but I think that is just a misdirection. I think one of the other big guns might die - possibley Ben?
  3. Nice knowing you thread, i'm going to miss you....
  4. So far I have Zelda, Red Steel, Monkey Ball and Escite Truck. In the last month I have been buying old Cube games, but the next Wii game I am going to buy is either Paper Mario, or possibly Sonic or Rayman today.
  5. One more than one occasion I have finished in 5th or 6th and still got an S-Rank so coming first is definitely not the top priority, especially if you are on a level with lots of jumps and tree runs etc.
  6. I think it's guesswork on Spong's part. From what NOM have shown it's probably something NiGHTS related - it's a bit like something the infamous Matt from IGN has sometimes done.
  7. Dude what about the shades and the shirt in Sunshine????
  8. Couldn't agree more. Golden Sun on GBA was the first real RPG I played and if it could ever be downloaded on the Wii VC I would buy in an instant. I've started buying all the old GC games I either never bought or had to pawn for cash and want back. Just recently bought Baten Kaitos and am thinking of gettin this again and Tales of Symphonia. There is one part (you all know which) where this goes from being a very good game to being a classic masterpeice which no other PRG I have played comes close to.
  9. Well i'm definitely getting them all....but it's gotta be SSBB!!
  10. I don't think they would do an online co-op - maybe jsut split screen or LAN co-op, but an online versus, maybe two on two as the max, will turn this from a good game to a classic must-buy.
  11. There is (or at least was) a LAN versus mode and also a single player demo back in Leipzig.
  12. I agree. I imagine 4 player co-p would be a bit mad with every making their own orders but a 2 player would definitely be awesome. Imagine 2 player co-op on a mission like Beachhead on the GC version.
  13. As a matter of fact I did lol. I thought it was just rumours and no actual confirmation.
  14. Well you can boomerang the cart if it is on fire to get rid of the fire, but you've just got to keep at it with all the enemies coming back over and over again.
  15. They HAVE to make this multiplayer - and online would be incredible. From the looks of the videos of IGN - the Solar Empire are in, and a country in blue (Britain?) who seem to be fighting the Western Frontier. Also, the graphics are definitely better than the GC original, and those videos are from 2006 so could have improved since then? It's also good that the game is using the pointer of the Wii remote instead of keeping the controls like the original. What I hope is they combine the gameplay of the GC version with the extras from the GBA games (Map Room, Versus Matches, Map Maker etc). Definitely a must for a fan of the GC or GBA games.
  16. Comepletely agree with you - OOT Link HAS to be the first, and I don't like how WW and TP have all been sort of like reincarnations of him. It always reminds me of The Matrix when I think of it like that.
  17. I've definitely got to get this now. A quick qeustion from a FE newcomer - do you only level up in terms of stats or can you get new weapons and armour along the way as well?
  18. Woah - don't we have some harsh users? I think he meant VC games, and considering they're stored as channels it is the same question...although I can't see how you cannot notice the + sign...
  19. Just to clarify I had no opinion on a first half vs. second half until I checked out messages boards after I had finished it. It's just that the example I mentioned always sticks out.
  20. Yeah I would play as Samus but my mate has only ever played as her and is shit hot so I pretty much HAVE to be somebody else. Yeah i've tried as Marth and Roy but no projectiles (and bear in mind I am mostly against samus-super-charged-ball-of-death-aran) means the sword isn't enough.
  21. Yeah I used to always play as Shiek but after borrwing it again I think i'm best with Link. I never liked Fox or Falco as they are just TOO quick. I also liked Kirby for the super jumps/breaths when getting knocked off.
  22. Yeah my second run as straight after I comepleted it the first time and it was better the second time round. I know this is a cliche but I do think the first half is better only because you know exactly what you are doing. What I hated was when the bald guy in Lake Hylia says something like "Well I guess you're going to go and investigate the desert aren't you Link?" Er...well...no not really but seeing as it looks like that's part of the map i've not been and you're telling me to go...fine, bring out the cannon....
  23. Just lent SSBM off my mate and I have to say I am loving it all over again. The Cube game brought trophies/events and so much more to the franchise. What i'm hoping is the Wii game will add even more to the franchise. What i'm hoping for is different costumes and not just different colours. It would be good to have say Link in the Magic Armour from Twilight Princess and possibley the Phazon suit for Samus.
  24. It might be the spider boss you fight at the end of the ToT.
  25. Couldn't agree more with the bit about Majora's Mask. I've completed TP twice now, and alhtough the second run was better than the first play, it doesn't come close to the depth of Majora's Mask.
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