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Everything posted by TheCule

  1. Oh, forgive me. That was a sarcastic jape at the, dare I say it, idiots, who criticize Twilight Princess for being different to Ocarina of Time. Each Zelda game since then as received similair treatment and quite frankly I'm growing tired of the attitude. Ah well, let us not turn this into another LoZ debate, heh? Fantastic game though, I must say.
  2. Wii Play and Twilight Princess. No idea why I purhchased the latter, I can't believe the differences compared to Ocarina of Time. I mean, why change the greatest video game ever? If it ain't broke, don't fix it, and most of all, do NOT introduce so many new features! Wii Play is an average product, great value for money though, I must say.
  3. Ah, thanks! I'll be sure to pick one of those up then.
  4. Hello. Unfortunately for me I selected AOL for my isp, selecting the £17.99 package. With it I received a small modem using usb technology. I don't have a rooter and do not think I can connect one unless I upgrade to the £24.99 package and in truth, I would rather not pay that per month. So is there anyway for me to connect my Wii? I really need those VC games! Thanks!
  5. Nah, Dragon Quest is without a doubt Japan's holy grail. And, come on, you really expected Wii Play to outsell Twilight Princess? Am I supposed to honestly believe that?
  6. Four and a half stars bad? Actually, no. Proof again that all should follow Edge's rating scale. Zero: Nothing. One: Disastrous: Two: Appalling. Three: Severely Flawed. Four: Dissapointing. Five: Average. Six: Competant. Seven: Distinguished. Eight: Excellent. Nine: Astounding. Ten: Revolutionary. Unlike other publications, they actually follow there philosophy, too. Read it. Since when did eight from ten become good, and seven dissapointing? Folk lack clue, it would seem, be it mathematics or ignorance. It's most frustrating, hearing people complain with 8.3 scores, 9.5, even. :/
  7. One of my greatest series of videogames, ever, and the latest installment is terrific. No, astonoshing. At first I was appalled, but then, the same applied last year, and the one before that. You see, I play Pro everyday so I become so accustomed to the game, the passing, movement of players, shooting and so on, that everything becomes second nature. I'm improving now, finally mastering the basics of the game. Going to London next month for the Championships.
  8. I'm mainly looking forward to IGN's review, and the single greatest video game magazine in the world, Edge. I'd still Twilight Princess, despite there opinions, but they're always good reference points.
  9. The original Super Monkey Ball was one of the best games of the last generation. To ignore the Wii latest incarnation would be a tradgedy for all.
  10. I'm addicted to reading at the moment, and love fantasy. I've just finished the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan which I love, and I bought New Spring recently. I'm currently reading A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin, the third book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series. It's bloody fantastic.
  11. A sequal to Rez would be blasphemous. It's perfect in every sense, the original, a true video game experience. Still, it'd be great on the Wii. *purrs* The only reason I will buy a PS3 is for the Final Fantasy and Pro Evo series, and probably MGS aswell. Those three on a Wii would save me a lot of money.
  12. This is massive news. Thirty over ten is a massive sign of support and commitment, though like you said, they could be Virtual Console games. As many RPG's as possible, please! And Soul Calibur! :wink:
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