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Everything posted by Dratoon

  1. I dont care either way, I'd prefer a shaved woman but i wouldnt mind a non-shaved one.
  2. I've never heard of it, what's it about?
  3. Happy bday dudes. I dont know you but happy bady anyway
  4. you've got it all wrong, basically you make up an animal based on yourself and you talk about it. look at mine for an example. Plus im not sure im into waffles, Demonmike
  5. My friends cousin had a baby at 14 and the kid is 3, the girl is 17 and wishing she could have a proper life but is hampered by the baby and looking after it. The person she had the baby with has left her alone to look after the baby and she's pretty stuck, lived half of her life on the street and has next to no money. She's kinda stuck.
  6. Have you seen Laputa: castle in the sky or howles moving castle? they're all by the same director
  7. i thought we were talking about 'staches not down below.
  8. Hope you make up your mind soon though, otherwise (if you dont break up with her) she might get tired of waiting. Spend some time with her, see how it feels and if you enjoy it, stick with her. If you find it dead boring then split up and explore new possibilities.
  9. Dratoon


    okey doke, i like football btw.
  10. Dratoon


    kl, I'll have to chack them out
  11. I havent watched 1 episode of Lost!
  12. Has anyone seen spirited away? That's an amazing film. I recomend everyone see it even if you dont like anime.
  13. Back on track everyone, post your animals
  14. Paignton zoo has lions, girarffes and elephants, where's colchester
  15. Dratoon


    lol, soz there're 4?!
  16. Dratoon


    Have you played the elder scrolls? It's great, it's the prequel to oblivion btw
  17. Dratoon


    a bit off track here, triforce keeper, is oblivion good, is shadow the hedgehog good?
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