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About brynpearson

  • Birthday 12/13/1986

Personal Information

  • Location
    Leeds, Uk
  • Interests
    gaming, music, film, footy, rugby
  • Occupation
    taxi driver


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
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  • Favourite Game?
    Pro Evo at mo
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    Pro Evo Wii - 0044 2765 7333

    anyone can add em but PM me n let mi knw

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  1. what about some more well known films. just a thought
  2. as it says above
  3. is it me or is this game really short. i have been on it two hours today and when i go to load it up it says i have done 45% already. if so its a good job i picked it up for 7 quid from blockbusters
  4. ye i think alot of the scenarios were pulled from films. i know day after tomorrow is obvious one. but in church it was like die hard 2. and the flood reminded me of hard rain.
  5. just completed this. really enjoyed it. got to be the cheesiest game ever made though
  6. just picked this up. it was between this and deadly creatures but seen as blockbusters dint have DC i got this. just done the first two missions and i realy like it. its got loads a different gameplay elements in it. would have carried on but making are lass some tea. cant wait til i get back on it
  7. completed this the other day. got to say it started off decent and then at the end i just thought the story line was naff. alright for a tenner i supose.
  8. ive just completed this wi few other games. found it great as i am a point n clicker. love em. got loads on the scumm vm emu. cant wait for the second season. bring it on
  9. just bought this. gunna blast through it tomorrow. i will tell you what its like
  10. just completed this. thought it was a good game if a bit repetitive. the direction in which the game was produced was the reason why i stuck with it
  11. Just completed this game after buying it last week and getting stuck into it. really enjoyed it. it sucked me in and didn't stop playing it until it was done. i would recommend it to anyone who enjoys good old fashioned click and point games. As for the two player mode. not really two players. just another cursor that can highlight things but not take any action. i suppose its alright if you are sat with a friend. buy this game!!
  12. Completed tunguska monday. getting stuck into sam and max right now. liking it so far. seems very old school.
  13. im just getting stuck into tunguska at the mo. will get this soon after. as any one tried that other point and click. agatha christies and then there were none??
  14. i think i prefer the snes graphics to the ones that there using for the wii. probly on my own but nevermind
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