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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    You can't play games online with the free service, except at certain times when offers are on. Just pay the money and play on. It's not that much if you pay annually.
  2. User Image Gallery

    Well Tim got lucky. >_< Damn you Tim!
  3. User Image Gallery

    More people need to say stuff like that. A lot of people want me to get my hair cut but I disagree.
  4. 1 = 0.9999999...

    I dunno man, I don't remember at all... That's the only statistic I could remember from whereever I saw it. Either way it's the #1 for just being the awesome on the internet.
  5. 1 = 0.9999999...

    You don't really get around that much... I search for it on the Something Awful forums (the 5th most active forum on the Internet, apparently) and it comes up many a time, with people oft-groaning from its resurrection.
  6. 1 = 0.9999999...

    This argument is as old as the sun. What they mean is 0.99999999... = 1. Not 1 = 0.99999999. Then the line gets blurry. You have an infinitely close value to 1, but you never quite have 1. Either way don't ask me. Don't argue about this though, it's a waste of time.
  7. Arghhh! I need a mac

    Macs aren't better. Only graphic designers and people sucked in by the Steve Jobs/Apple reality distortion field think they are better. They are pretty though. Ohh shiny and pretty. PCs != Windows. You don't have to run Windows on a PC, just like you don't have to run Mac OS X on an Apple Mac. However I choose to run Windows since it's by far the most compatible OS with the widest range of applications and hardware that exists today.
  8. Need Help: TFT ADVICE

    Yeah, it's page not found but I know the ebuyer site so I figured it out myself.
  9. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    You have an Xbox. Why the fuck are you worried if games you can currently play will work on your new system.
  10. Arghhh! I need a mac

    One of the times I really want to agree with Choze, and that doesn't happen often.
  11. Need Help: TFT ADVICE

    For me, the Acer has the slight edge because it has DVI...
  12. User Image Gallery

    No haircut, but my hair is tied back, and it is also dark. My flowing locks are still 100% present.
  13. Rate the above users user name

    Untrue. You seem to be awesome to me and the first time I saw your name it reminded me of Team America. infinity/infinity
  14. User Image Gallery

    Another picture of me right now for no reason:
  15. User Image Gallery

    It does hurt... I think it's part of a whole strong women dominating you type thing that turns people on... Personally, I don't really ever want to be kicked in teh balls hard thanks, although when I was at primary school, when I was ickle, there was a girl in class, well, I thought about her doing that to me. I don't know why particularly.. It's certainly never interested me enough to search up porn of it like one of my friends.
  16. User Image Gallery

    Oh god no save me whatever shall I do [clearly fake] Such a terrible thing to receive from such a terrible man... Haha... I bet that would turn him on.. I have a friend who likes porn where the women kick guys in the balls hard. [however it isn't Offers]
  17. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Mmm.... shiny consumer products...
  18. Questions

    Ha Ha +1 hilarity for you. Oh wait.. it wasn't funny at all...
  19. User Image Gallery

    The internet is a sausage fest. Get over it. Oh and Kopo, you tease you!
  20. Ps3 Q2/06

    Haha, no no no, he RABIDLY defends Sony and decides anything they do is the best thing in the world, and used to be infamous for attacking Nintendo at any given oppurtunity, to the point where there were threads made by the mods about him because he was such a pain in the ass, but no-one could bring about enough balls to actually ban him. Does post some interesting things from time to time, but it's usually stuff that's copy and paste.
  21. User Image Gallery

    I'll oblige Kopo, but somehow I think you didn't have me in mind.
  22. Ps3 Q2/06

    By the way, you're more than welcome to ignore Choze, everyone else does.
  23. User Image Gallery

    HAHAHA, YOU STOP BEING PERVERTED?!!?! That's a good one, ahhh... man I almost bust a gut.
  24. User Image Gallery

    Now now guys, keep it in your pants. (Until you're out of the thread).