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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. How Good is your comp?

    Processor Intel Pentium 4 2807MHz Display Card ATI RADEON 9800 PRO Memory 1024MB Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Free Disk Space 43.07GB Display Card Memory 128MB Display Driver Version DirectX Version 9.0c Optical Drive CD/DVD Sound Card Realtek AC97 Audio Your system is among the top 12% of all systems scanned by the Game Advisor.
  2. Wanna throw up?

    Posted on SA a while ago, pictures weren't that gut wrenching. But yeah, still pretty incredibly stupid. I imagine the smell is the worst bit.
  3. Image Gallery

    I feel like posting anime. Plus, Steam has never given me any real issues.
  4. Tell us about your friends.

    Most of my friends are on the internets, met through the internets or at LAN parties.
  5. Suggestions

    Damn... I just thought it might help in the short term while browsing.
  6. Suggestions

    I just read everything and then click mark all forums read.
  7. Help with Cooling.

    If one of the temps is clearly ridiculous, as Jordan says, it's probably a sensor that isn't connected. However if your CPU temp is 62°c, sorry, but that's probably about right for a Prescott with a stock heatsink. Prescotts are FOUL chips of doom. Prescotts are the hottest, most power hungry chips in all mainstream desktop chip memory. If you got your PC recently, and it's a Pentium 4, it will be a prescott. They are rubbish chips. Thankfully I have an older Northwood <3 You'll have to live with it, but if it does get too hot, it will start throttling hard (lowering the clock speed) until it gets to reasonable temperature.
  8. what is the best AGP gfx card?

    PC Perspective has posted an interview with the CEO of the makers of FarCry. We found that answers to questions 7 and 8 fully support our conclusions on the subject we have put forth here in our article. Q: 7) What aspects of the screenshots seen at the launch event are specific examples of the flexibility and power of Shader 3.0? A: In current engine there are no visible difference between PS2.0 and PS3.0. PS3.0 is used automatically for per-pixel lighting depending on some conditions to improve speed of rendering. Q: 8) Is the same level of image quality seen when using Shader 3.0 possible using Shader 2.0? If so, what dictates which Shader you decide to use? A: In current generation engine quality of PS3.0 is almost the same as PS2.0. PS3.0 is used for performance optimization purposes.
  9. wma -> MP3

    That's far from true. However most stupid questions can be resolved with wikipedia or google.
  10. A really cool website

    So a one post n00b with a link to a site which has copywritten materials rehosted in a terrible design along with some stolen online games?
  11. Memory and CPU Relations

    The RAM can independant of the fsb speed, fixed by different ratios, etc. If the current ram is running at PC2700, buy some PC2700. It's not expensive and they will notice a MASSIVE difference. 128MB is nowhere near enough for any modern PC to run properly, especially with graphics eating the RAM too.
  12. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    The Xbox 360 does not come with built in wireless capability, you have to buy an overpriced adapter. I'm not sure if there are cheaper third party options that will work at the moment.
  13. Halo character in DOA4? WTF!?

    You're taking this joke too far.
  14. Ronnie Barker, dead.

    'tis a shame. ___________-
  15. What did you get in the post today?

    Welcome to my world.
  16. User Image Gallery

    Now it's the administrators doing the stalking! I'm shocked. I kid. I kid. I think.
  17. What did you get in the post today?

    Hmm.. I think maybe a letter from housing benefit saying a guy is coming round on Thursday to look at the place to assess my claim.
  18. User Image Gallery

  19. Post your set up (56k no no)

    Rich fuckers you say?? Lets post my setup again (i'm not rich in the slightest though, I have 4p in the whole world and had to get my dad to pay for my food shopping)..
  20. what is the best AGP gfx card?

    I was pretty sure Shader Model 3 only sped things up and simplified and a bunch of instructions, but you could still do the same effects in Shader Model 2.
  21. Post your Desktop(56k no no)

    It could be a TV style screen, in which case that's the correct resolution for it. Huge PC LCDs with high resolutions are much more costly.
  22. Connecting Xbox360 to PC monitor

    You'd plug that lead straight into your monitor, not into your PC, so just make sure you don't have a cheap monitor with the cable already moulded into it. Those two white and red cables are to go into a speaker set, they're the stereo outputs for left and right.
  23. 64 bit software isn't that abundant in the mainstream at the moment so it's no big worry, but it might all change sometime in the next couple of years.
  24. NTL and Telewest Confirm Intention To Merge

    Oh god no if this brings the quality of Telewest down, I will not be a happy bunny at all. NTL = Rubbish Telewest = The Real Ultimate Awesome
  25. Eclipz0r!

    24 hour clock child, 24 hour clock for the win!