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Everything posted by Cheapshot

  1. Skies of Arcadia Official Thread

    I don't know why but I prefer playing the Dreamcast version, maybe just the fact that it's on a Dreamcast. What a console...
  2. Healthy Eating!

    Yep it's that ridiculous in most schools, when I was in school, basically all they had was burgers, no cheese -- £1.50 >_>
  3. Healthy Eating!

    Ack! My school got fed food that would be more suited for pig swill; i'm so jealous!
  4. A Bit-question

    I don't think he means processors. All current generation consoles are said to be 128 bit -- even Dreamcast. To be honest I don't know what the 128 bit actually is.
  5. Virgin offers sub-£50 PS2s

    Yep, ditto. How much are PS2's going for now anyway? Shadow of the Collosus looks amazing.
  6. Revolution hardware - the real revolution

    This is ridiculous!! 8 Cells?! 25GB memory?! All this junk and the console would cost around £3000+ Nintendo Blue? T_T
  7. It's ok but mostly multi-format, oh well it might possibly be better than Xbox's line-up at least...
  8. Virgin offers sub-£50 PS2s

    Why only London?! Gah...!
  9. Revolution hardware - the real revolution

    Not that I believe it or anything but it's possible right? 8 Cell chips; what am I talking about?! Balony!! >_< 25GB "holographic" memory?! T_T
  10. Yournotme! (This is a blatent steal)

    There's 1 guy in the UK with the same name as me. The surname Borlase is one of a kind, can't believe someone else has my name...
  11. Games your currently playing.

    I'd have to say Tales of Symphonia personally.
  12. Fire Emblem Thracia 776

    Whoa you're willing to pay $120! You REALLY want this game huh?
  13. Bleach! Best character!

    He didn't explain it well at all, trust me it's good.
  14. RE4 on PS2 only $39.99

    That's like £25 right? Not bad at all.
  15. Suggestions

    Allow us 100x100 avatars; this drug-crazed Ichigo is pissing me off now! 80x80 is way too small -- as decent 80x80 avatars are hard to find.
  16. Dunst Confirms Spider-Man 3 Villains

    Roadkill WTF?!
  17. Official: Capcom Stabs Us In The Back

    You couldn't be arsed the get past the castle. Don't be lying now. :p
  18. IGN has gone Krazy

    They said because the name isn't finalised yet.
  19. Joanna Dark gets on FHM cover!

    "Finally, what's you're favorite type of dog? Why, you wanna be my bitch? Kinda."
  20. Bleach! Best character!

    Man that dude is cold! Damn tough though!
  21. Games your currently playing.

    Is WOW really that addictive? I heard it get's boring when you're at lvl40 or something and that doesn't take too long i've heard. Is it worth a subscription?
  22. Funny Zelda Parody

    Yeah i've seen this before, cracks me up everytime though. Ganon's voice-acter is awesome!
  23. The best console this generation.

    I stand corrected, I didn't count on-chip memory when I saw the Cube's specs. Not that it means anything different.
  24. The best console this generation.

    PS2 has 32mb ram. GameCube has 40mb ram. Not too shabby for a console made in 2001.
  25. The best console this generation.

    Hmm? The GameCube ram is actually quite fast; faster than the PS2 anyway. The fact it's able to run a game as big as Zelda:TP proves this fact.