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Posts posted by Sofiz

  1. I will not hesitate to destroy anyone who gets between me and my cube!!! 😤😤😤

    EDIT: that was really fun!!! Thanks for the match and the absolute chaos that ensued

    • Haha 1
  2. 25 minutes ago, GenericAperson said:

    We also know from the games that Game Freak's office is kind of small. They are literally on a single floor in a building in Japan and if you've played Sun/Moon the Game Freak office there is modelled exactly as it was in real life. Getting a bigger headquarters might allow them more room to be able to hire more employees but it's not likely something they have the time for or even necessarily actively seeking. From interviews with Game Freak they seem to like being a small company as everyone knows everyone and gets along with each other (possibly not too much of an issue given Japanese culture demands a strong level of respect between everyone but still)

    You raise good points, but I don't think all the programmers necessarily need to all be based at the headquarters. The way I imagine it being, is that the HQ is just a head office based in the capital, with a majority of work taking place in a different office that might be larger or better equipped, and most likely waaaay cheaper if it's outside of Tokyo; for example, I don't work in my employer's head office, I work in a separate office which is huge and has the facilities for a high volume of workers, and the head office is just for all the upper management and based in the capital. I have not done a single bit of research into this, I'm just guessing as this is a fairly common (and smart) business model. But if they wanted to allocate more money to development, they could easily get this separate area if it doesn't exist already. They probably should do that....

  3. Okay, gonna be honest, what's the point of touting backwards compatibility if it's only for a select few games? Xbox games are notorious for the fact that (at least last I heard) you can't emulate them. So they're basically making it really hard for people to play their games. I thought they were actually going to do something really cool there, backwards compatibility is such a great, consumer-first feature. I'm happy for everyone who's favourite games ARE included though. 

    • Thanks 1
  4. No!!! I wanted this on Steam to complement my Shenmue 1&2... This is the worst news ever, Epic can step on a lego. I thought after the Metro Exodus debacle, games with passionate fanbases would have learned their lesson.

  5. Assassins Creed Origins/Odyssey and Yakuza are some pretty good games in fairness, and they aren't lazy open empty spaces. I actually had a lot of fun exploring their worlds, which is a feeling I don't get from the 3D Pokémon games. When they were done as 2D sprites, the worlds felt bigger and more interesting somehow. I don't know if it's just me, but in Gens 6 and 7, you felt more like you were going down a set path than in the older games. I think it could be because when you play in 3D, your brain can more easily compare it to the real world, or maybe it's because sprites leave more to the imagination. Whatever the reason for it, 3D Pokémon feels like you're playing in a hamster cage at times. Lots of cool twists and turns, but still a set path, and everything feels bigger and more obvious, where sprites tended to look more intricate. Gens 6-7 are to Gens 1-5 what Mega Bloks are to Lego. - if this disastrous simile resonates with anyone other than me then I'm not crazy, yay. Good open world games work because there's lots of interesting stuff to do, AND interesting places to go. 

    Now I don't think there is a single Pokémon fan out there who hasn't at some point wanted to have an actual real life adventure with their Pokémon, (Go absolutely doesn't count; you're just swiping at 3D models on a glorified google map) which makes the argument for a good open world game really strong. Pokémon is becoming dull and repetitive, and as much as I agree with @Glen-i's reasoning that crafted worlds take more effort, the games are at the point where I don't feel like they're doing a very good job crafting them anymore. I'd be perfectly happy with them not making open world games, if they could actually make a good game the usual way. But especially now after the popularity of Go/LGPE, this is looking VERY unlikely.

    I think it's perfectly valid to decry people wanting open-world for the sake of it, or because they somehow got the idea into their heads that BotW was an amazing game (ha), but I think that if it's for a good reason, and done right, I think I'd like to see them try to make one. It would be different, and it would give people a virtual way to experience that long held fantasy of every Pokémon fan. And I do enjoy a (well-made) open world game every now and then.

    I think it could actually work, though, and I'll explain why. Someone recreated the entire region of Sinnoh in Minecraft (hear me out ._.;; ) and I downloaded the map thinking it would be kinda cool to see a fun little reproduction of a game I love. But what I saw really shook me to my core. The parts of the map we don't see in game, weren't just left as empty void, they tried to reasonably fill in the gaps with what would have been there. Seeing how a river flowed from town to town, mountainous terrain slowly rising up out of the ground and cliff faces forming really sold me on the idea of having a 3D game where you could explore EVERY part of a place, and to have your Pokémon adventure unfold organically. It was only in Minecraft, but as a proof of concept I think it was pretty solid. I think to see a fully rendered Pokémon game like that would be great. As an example; Kalos is notorious for being a game full of pretty set pieces that were just winding corridors - now imagine them actually utilising the huge region beyond what small paths we can follow in game, we'd have had so much more to explore than what we got, and the region could have been more interesting and more full.

    You could also just want Pokémon games to be good again without needing to be open world, so...

    Either way, they won't pick either of the above, they'll stick to the new formula of:

    - cool looking set pieces for the trailer

    - obligatory tech demo area

    - remove good features from previous games

    - something about mobile games, keeping people's limited attention spans, normies have bad taste, Pokémon Let's Go Make More Money

    • Thanks 1
  6. Today I finally perfected the art of scrambled eggs! I never knew that if you cooked them on a really low heat stirring constantly and patiently, you end up with really creamy eggy goodness. I normally don't like eggs so this a complete game changer. Still have yet to make a decent fried egg though, those are pretty much nightmare mode as far as I'm concerned.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Giant Pokémon huh...? Deviantart did it first. :p

    But for real, this trailer hasn't hyped me very much, the legendary Pokémon look really meh. BUT, I know for a fact that Grookey and Corviknight are absolutely going on my team.

    Also, the champion has Iris hair, it's purple and BIG, and both have pretty warm eye colours. I think there's a chance they could actually be related, especially when you consider that this is Poké-UK, and Iris is from PokéUSA. But it's not a theory I'd stake my life on, just something I think could be possible. Maybe. Who knows!

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    Isn’t that basically Tokyo Jungle?




    I’d be down for a Pokemon version!


    6 hours ago, Sofiz said:

    if you're thinking visceral and dark Pokémon games, picture Tokyo Jungle but with Pokémon instead. Now THAT I would play, even if it would be bleak and upsetting. Post apocalypse, no humans, just Pokémon fighting for their lives but using their unique traits and abilities to alter your play depending on who you pick.

    Yeah, basically! >w>

  9. 6 minutes ago, Pestneb said:

    And to be fair, think about animals, most people only seem to be aware of a few dozen really common ones, or ones that have made a big impact (big cats like Lions and tigers, polar bear, panda, etc.) Most creatures are over looked, so it's pretty normal really that it happens with fake ones too. I would love a full pokemon ecosystem to exist in game though. And by that, I would expect there to be carnivores.. perhaps a bit too dark for pokemon games though.... stumbling across a meowth munching on a pidgey corpse...

    I don't disagree with you, I don't think there's a Pokémon fan out there mad about each and every single creature they've come up with. Everyone has their own preferences, the problem is that more than ever they seem to focus sorely on the 151.

    You've given me an idea though; if you're thinking visceral and dark Pokémon games, picture Tokyo Jungle but with Pokémon instead. Now THAT I would play, even if it would be bleak and upsetting. Post apocalypse, no humans, just Pokémon fighting for their lives but using their unique traits and abilities to alter your play depending on who you pick.

    • Like 1
  10. @Glen-i Wow, yeah, that pretty much sums up how I feel. The worst thing is, the people who care most about Pokémon are likely to be the ones most hurt by the direction they're taking the series now. I might go as far as to say I feel a little bit betrayed by The Pokémon Company.

    As much nostalgia as I have for Pokémon, I don't want to play a game that just capitalises on that singular feeling alone and doesn't innovate. In fact, I'd rather play a good game with no nostalgia-bait (cough B&W1) than an underwhelming game (or in some cases, a "game" ) stuffed to the eyeballs with references and cameos and fanservice. I won't begrudge anyone the chance to make money and be successful, but it's really disheartening to see them actively choosing this strategy of mass appeal for the most possible profit, rather than making something truly amazing.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I watched it this morning just after I woke up, and I have to say, it was a funny presentation but it offered me absolutely nothing of value, which is sad, but at this point that's sort of the direction Pokémon is heading. They said it themselves more or less, that Pokémon GO and LGP&E brought in a huge amount of fans. While I think Pokémon becoming popular and mainstream again is good, it's not so good that it comes at a time where people have terrible taste and WANT watered down, mobage tier games. Case in point; Pokémon Sleep got built up so much as this great thing to help you sleep and have fun with Pokémon, but I guarantee it's just an idle game. 

    The sentiment of "Its good to rest after a long day of walking" should really be interpreted as "how can we keep people playing (and make more money) when they're at home, where they wont be walking around to play GO?"

    I'm sorry if this is really cynical, but I don't find mobile games very fun. When it comes to integrating Pokémon into our daily lives, I'd say the news of new Pokémon centres and a Pokémon clothing line are far closer to what I think that should mean. (But at the same time, they could do more for people who can't travel to those places, "Pokémon is global!!" if global means New York, Tokyo and The World's Poshest Airport That Is Also In Asia.) It's a start at least.

    but tl;dr I hope mobage culture dies and I wish Pokémon was good again

    • Thanks 1
  12. I'd love to watch it with commentary, but I don't pay the TV license, so it's plain old live-streaming for me... :( 

    Excited for the high energy songs, not so excited for all the pro-Israel propaganda however...

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/05/2019 at 4:14 PM, Grazza said:

    It actually annoys me a little bit when I see games being constantly updated on the Switch.  I mean, do they really need it?  It's one thing fixing bugs and spelling errors (although as has been said, that means the cartridge version is never complete).  In theory developers could tinker with the balance of a game when you liked it as it was - I often see updates happening and hope it's not changing something I like.  But hey, what can you do?  Unfortunately, that's modern gaming.

    I wouldn't worry too much, most updates are always going to be either fixing bugs or anti-piracy measures. Vulnerabilities are found on a near constant basis and they tend to wanna patch those out ASAP, but you fix one thing and then people go find another, it's pretty much a never ending cycle.

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