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punchcard progamer

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Everything posted by punchcard progamer

  1. Is the old lady the original owner of the motorcycle? Hardcore is those who can be bothered with completing all this shit endless games with 30 hours++ of gameplay without getting bored. Or play ikaruga with one hand on the head and a banana in the mouth. Cassual is those who own a console because the media hypes it, and their friend bought it.
  2. all this hardware talk is making my head spin like a screwball thrown by .. someone that spins the ball by a huge amount of force.
  3. with such old technology, it isn't much of a difference really.
  4. That would not please the customer. The customer does not want to worry about batteries at all. Also, I know you from somewhere Jack. I think it is from a place with cars, gobs, bums and a lot of community.
  5. You can probably fix this by adjusting something called the pot. search for an article called "adjusting the pot gamecube" or something.
  6. The Wii has sd cards which can act as a substitute for a hdd. However, they will of course not store as much as a hdd. But also remember, game demos is smaller than on 360 & PS3 because of SD. And videos, is it required to store them forever? you can either stream, or download watch & delete. Sad thing is, the online component isn't fully exposed to third party developers yet.
  7. ok. We have finally recived what we are being told we should consider the final devkit for the initial first batch of titles. I am under strict NDA so I cannot say much more. One thing though. power required for speaker, rumble and wifi. Have you seen the wii control without its wire? what must go in order to balance teh equation?
  8. Mountain Dew is just sugar. The thing that's hot is good Olden Boble Eple.
  9. I swear every time I punch a wrong hole in my card. this will be hard. I can give it a try, but I promise nothing, because I am a very angry progamer.
  10. I'm sad to hear that. I wish you all the best. My love life, is punchard programs at the moment. And of course terminal machines.
  11. but soap in mouth makes it look like you have akolsens.home.att.net/rabies.jpg How shit, you have to figure out the http riddle.
  12. Thats lazy! black belt makes you able to hide in the shadows. Wasn't this the best first post of a new member, ever?
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