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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Halo Discussion

  2. Recent Pic of me

  3. User Image Gallery

    Winner. Thanks for the info. +Rep.
  4. User Image Gallery

    Best design ever And yeah, how much is shipping?
  5. User Image Gallery

    Those teeshirts are pretty sweet. Might look into them..
  6. Near Death Exprience.

    Go on....Im pretty intregued.
  7. Revo-Euro Redneck'd

    The thread isnt that bad. Stop being all serious.
  8. yay... passed my driving test!!!

    Congrats, i actually booked some lessons today. Go me.
  9. Advent Calendar!

    Odwin: That clip is gold! Guy: Great idea, shame that i haven't got series one
  10. Near Death Exprience.

    Apparently i got pulled away from getting hit by a bus in Rome. I was like "what the fuck, why did you just pull me then" "You were going to walk into a bus!" "Really?" I had no idea, and I dont really know to this day how close i came.
  11. Official RE Battle Cards!

    He wasn't exatcly bullied though. Some people took the piss, but lots of people do it on a daily basis....Plus, with those anime faces... n_n EDIT: Just check his Deviantart, there's no suicide notes on it, so i presume he's alright.
  12. Halo Discussion

    This thread has dignity and grace. It is too good for the "lol, i cant find a DONGle" and "hai guyz i cnt conct 2 maroi kart"
  13. 5min speach

    Now, now children :P
  14. 5min speach

    This is a super awesome site and this is also good too. Hope it helps!
  15. George Best's last hours

    Its just turning into a slanging match again.
  16. Christmas!

    Bah humbug. I dont get into the spirit until the 15th. As for xmas presents - i haven't gave a thought to it. <3 rampant capitalism.
  17. Favourite Pulp Fiction Quotes

    Gotta' be: Vincent: And you know what they call a... a... a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in Paris? Jules: They don't call it a Quarter Pounder with cheese? Vincent: No man, they got the metric system. They wouldn't know what the fuck a Quarter Pounder is. Jules: Then what do they call it? Vincent: They call it a Royale with cheese. Jules: A Royale with cheese. What do they call a Big Mac? Vincent: Well, a Big Mac's a Big Mac, but they call it le Big-Mac. Jules: Le Big-Mac. Ha ha ha ha. What do they call a Whopper? Vincent: I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.
  18. George Best's last hours

    I'm going to leave this open to people who might want to pay tribute to the man. If you dont want to - then dont and keep snide comments to yourself. Please dont let this be locked again
  19. what is the world coming too?

    Its only bad if you go "omg its shit". If you look around, you will see a lot of special, beautful things and actions.
  20. Whats your Fav "Feel Good" Song?

    Nope, no sarcyness. Brings back some good memories
  21. Whats your Fav "Feel Good" Song?

    Summer of 69 - Bryan Adams. CVD knows what im on about.
  22. Don't you hate it when...

    I also hate it when people post a really boring question thread.
  23. George Best's last hours

    RIP George Best. ..I hope they remember me for the football.

    Bah, no snow here in Manchester.