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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Sexuality Thread

    Since when did the LGBT thread become a wank vs. not-to-wank discussion? I'm all for whoever discussing aspects of sexuality, but I think this is a step int he wrong direction..
  2. University Debt

    Whilst watching BBC News 24 earlier, they had a bird from the NUS talking about the amount of debt us poor students are going to be facing - and gave around £10,000 as the mean figure that most students will leave with - debt wise. Then she started bitching about how the government should be paying all the tuition fees and stuff, and giving us more grants... Agree? Personally, I think not. I think the system currently is probably the best at the moment - by having a capped price. This way it avoids in increase in the amount of tax people have to pay. I think it also puts off people who want to go to university cos' "I dunno' what else to do", or "all me mates go there". These people are the reason why university had to put in place tuition fees in the first place - people easting there money due to their lack of career advice in the first place. I feel that less, not more, people should be going to university - afterall, if you're never going to use your degree then its pretty selfish to take other people's places, and more importantly, their funding away from them. Maybe this comes across as a bit elitist, but I think its the fairest way of ensuring that university education is used for its proper purpose. And as a second question: how much debt are current/expecting students expecting? Around £30,000 for me. I wanted to create a separate debate, hence this not being in the loonyversity thread..
  3. Its a quiz though, they're not exactly the most varied things...
  4. We don't all have Ashley's knowledge of TV shows though.. I think Moria's way of doing it is the best, i.e. its not a mad race to google or wikipedia.
  5. Motion finishes the round. Most American money is 75% cotton and 25% flax, as cotton paper is hardly to counterfeit. Anyway, thought I'd throw in a trick one for ya! Next round!
  6. Football Season 2007/2008

    I'm just waiting for the City fans to come forth and spew bile and semen on their result today. Yes. They won - but they were utter shite at the same time. Its a shame Sven wasn't this lucky with England...
  7. Correct. Good last minute change Now, finish it off: Question 4!
  8. Yeah it is, but Stefkov beatcha to it.
  9. This is the answer I was looking for. Sorry, bit too late! Hmm, I always thought it was the Ye Olde Trip..that's the answer I was looking for though, so the point I'll give. No trick question, correct now anyway. Sorry, I would give you the point if you'd watched the film instead Again, I was looking for the Ye Olde Trip.. The one you study at yes, but not mine! HINT!
  10. 1. Supergrunch eventually got it! 2. What is the first album from a popular singer who shares his name with a dish consisting of ground meat shaped into a loaf shape? weeyellow's knowledge of classical rock did not faulter! 3. What was the Dutch username, that I went by a few years back, called? Strider's knowledge of pointless facts prevailed. 4. What is the approximate weight of the trees felled to make paper for new US banknotes each year? (To the nearest 10 tonnes) Third time lucky for Motion! 5. Who co-created n64-europe.com along with Tim? Dante was spot on. 6. How do you pronounce "Lynyrd Skynyrd", according to the band in question? Treble points will be giving to a forumite who records an audio clip of it. Noodleman only went for the single point, correct nontheless! 7. 8. In the album Chef Aid by the Cast of South Park, Cartman sings an emotional song for track 5, who sang it originally? Caris got it. 9. Name the Director of Cinematography in the last Coppola film of the 1970s. Hellfire gets this one. 10. What is the oldest Public House in England? Stefkov was first, perhaps with the help of Dante?! 11. A peanut is not actually a nut, what is its classification? Cube certainly knows how to use Google 12. According to Orwell: 2+2 = ? Haggis' knowledge of the Orwellian classic was quite correct! 13. What is the smallest integer with eight letters, as spelt in English? Rapture1984 did well! 14. What is the full name of the sandworms in Dune? Haden wikipedia'D well! 15. What is the mathematical symbol that Sandra Bullock's character in The Net has to click on in order to access the government's files? Owario uses wikipedia to great effect! Note: the film is shit btw. 16. The higher education facility I study at was created in which year? A speedy change by Gizmo earns him the point!
  11. University Debt

    Mien came through as non-financially assessed. meaning I'll miss out on about a grands worth of grants. I've phoned them up and they don't know what the fuck is going on... They are mega shit.
  12. My round will be next. I should have it done for around 3am, ish.
  13. Yeah, GCSEs don't count for much - unless you're applying for Oxbridge or going straight into work...
  14. Medics at Cambridge are shit. They know their stuff but in practical situations they aren't meant to be that good really.. Plus, 20 odd hours of lectures for 3 years, then they teach you the clinical stuff? No thanks. congrats to the rest of you guys!
  15. The University Thread 2007

    Ah cool man. What do you do?
  16. Evening, I've been clearing out tonight and I've found a shit load of old crappy cables and electrical whatnot. Instead of throwing them away into the bin to be disposed of over hundreds of years in a landfill.. I thought I might do the responsible thing.. recycle. Now, I could just throw them in the plastics bin - but they're all plastic - so to cut a long story short: any place I can get rid of them in a environmentally responsible way? Cheers yo.
  17. Eliminate! N-E... You're Next!

    Haha, that was a cool little twist. Unlucky Letty!
  18. Old electrical stuff recycling?

    Cheers, that'll do!
  19. Stupid Personified

    She was doing it for her kids due to the mad shortages at Xmas.. chill.
  20. The University Thread 2007

  21. Tonight.

    ...cloudy... bollocks..