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Everything posted by killthenet

  1. Dan Aykroyd confirms Ghostbusters 3

    Thing is though the majority of the film (as I understand it) is going to be set in Hell. CGI will bring the cost of production down and will mean that the sections in Hell don't look out of place or blue screened. They probably should've just said animated though instead of CGI. CGI makes it sound like it's going to look horrible and be really clunky, we haven't even seen the art style yet, we have no idea how this is going to look. I'm hopeful for it, the script should be good and Bill Murray can still improv his way around it.
  2. Dan Aykroyd confirms Ghostbusters 3

    They're all still as talented as they were back then, Bill Murray is even more talented than he was back then. It'd be nice to see a film where they're the Ghost Busters but 20 years older and facing retirement. But this CG one should be great anyway if it's what they were talking about a while ago.
  3. Dan Aykroyd confirms Ghostbusters 3

    As everyone over at AICN was saying, if the script is good, the film will be good. Who cares if it's CGI or not.
  4. Family Guy: Good or Bad?

    "In this scene Mohammad hands a Salmon helmet to Family Guy" I kind of like the first 3 seasons of Family Guy but with the new episodes they seem to be aiming for a more mainstream audience. Also there is the whole point that none of the jokes derive from the plot and that every joke is interchangable and involves references to old TV shows, movies or recent pop culture phenomena and when you realise that (or get told about it by Trey Parker) then Family Guy certainly loses a LOT of it's potency. Family Guy is basically a topical (to a certain extent) sketch show masquerading as a sitcom, and it has always been that. Whereas South Park started out as a show where the main joke is kids swearing and vomiting, but evolved into the finest example of televisual satire since Brasseye.
  5. WWE for wii and ds

    I think they could do something really interesting with the control, if they pull that off and give us an expanded version of the "No Mercy" story mode then the franchise could be on the up again.
  6. Series

    I saw a couple of episodes and thought it was pretty awfull to be honest. Although they did use "Spit On A Stranger" by Pavement, which was nice, but quite odd and confusing. But, yeah. I didn't like it.
  7. Series

    That's a really odd mix.
  8. what would you do if....

    I'd probably move to Ireland or Germany.
  9. Do you talk to yourself?

    I go absolutely mental when I'm on my own. It's brilliant.
  10. Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature

    Smells like anime. 7/10.
  11. Series

    Seinfeld, Arrested Development, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Strangers With Candy, Mr Show, Twin Peaks, Trailer Park Boys, Monty Python, The Micallef Programme, Spaced, Peep Show, The Slammer, Phoenix Nights, The Secret Life Of Us, The Armando Ianucci Shows, Funland, League Of Gentlemen (particularly series 3), Alias, The Day Today, Brasseye, Nathan Barley, This Life. Probably more but can't remember them all at the moment. I thought Sugar Rush was alright and Shameless and Skins are fairly decent. But I don't love them, so they be exempt from my list.
  12. Shameless Skins

    Yah. That's true. I liked the first episode, thought it was quite well written and certainly very funny. But this second episode was far better. It's usually the case with TV programmes though that first episode is the weakest, they have to introduce us to the characters and tone of the programme whilst still telling an entertaining and engaging story. That's a very tough thing to do. Best thing about the programme is that it's so well shot, unlike many of the programmes of this ilk - Sugar Rush for instance. Look forward to future episodes, doubt they'll be better than tonights though. Just a quick note about versimilitude, the kids in the programme are far too cool. They're into too much good music, reading too many cool books and watching too many cool films - that Tony kid had a poster for "8 1/2" on his wall, I mean how many 17 year old kids like Fellini flicks?
  13. What do you fear?

    Thousands of birds with hardly any feathers scrounging for food, pecking at the rotting corpses of thousands more.
  14. Reggie's wants you to be his assistant!

    The lucky assistant will also be offered an optional affair package, dinner with Reggie could be nice. I'd willingly do what he asks in order to get a look at those secret Nintendo games. Get me a cocktail dress and a plane ticket to America and I'll get you your details on the next Zelda.
  15. Valentine's day

    I shall be buying the girl I've been stalking some heart shaped meat. From what I can gather she loves a hearty feast.
  16. Stars Burning out?

    I used my brothers Gamecube so have a paltry 2500 points. Still, 1 free NES game would always be welcome.
  17. Rate the last film you saw

    7/10 for a film you thought was "meh"? Too high surely.
  18. Who is the most annoying games character?

    Gaston from Animal Crossing. Called me G-Dog the first day I met him and within a week it had spread around the whole town. He spent the rest of his stay in Bumtown being terrorised by my letter bombs and suffering the wrath of many, many pitfalls. God I hate that Gaston.
  19. Post Your Purchases

    I bought a Dreamcast VMU for the a penny, a whole penny!
  20. Has the forum become part of your daily life?

    Apparently so.
  21. Rate the last film you saw

    Flags Of Our Fathers Terrible. Boring and all over the place. They tried to give it a complicated narrative, but it would've worked much better if it were entirely in chronological order. That would'nt have improved it too much though as their is hardly a plot to begin with and it just says the same things that hundereds of war films have said better in the past. 3/10
  22. Favourite tv company

    Ahh, that show was brilliant. As was Transworld Sport. Great to wake up to on a saturday morning.
  23. Favourite tv company

    Ashley, I'm not rating them on what they've made, I'm rating them on what they choose to air.
  24. Favourite tv company

    Paramount Comedy used to be brilliant before they partnered with Five. Now they only show a a few excellent programmes (Seinfeld, South Park and Monty Python). And they only rarely show Python, sometimes they'll show one of The Comic Strip, but they usually just repeat the same ones. They've got a load of classic shows in their grasp - Trailer Park Boys, People Like Us, Police Squad, Time Gentlemen Please, The Young Ones, Third Rock From The Sun... But they only ever show Everybody Loves Raymond, Scrubs, Fraiser and That 70's Show. Bravo would be far and away the best channel if they gave Adult Swim a proper slot and stopped chucking it around the schedules. Or just turned Bravo into an Adult Swim channel. All day Spaceghost anyone?
  25. The Meaning of Life

    There's an interesting theory that's brought up in "Waking Life". Basically, when you die there is 6 - 12 minutes where your body is dead but your brain is still active. When you dream time is distorted, you could have a huge, adventure of a dream that seems like it lasts for hours, but you wake up and only a minute has passed on the clock. This theory basically proposes that while your brain is still active you're capable of dreaming so you live on in your mind. The dream could seem to you like it lasted forever, but in reality is only 6 - 12 minutes. Interesting stuff.