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Posts posted by ReZourceman

  1. Holy crap, this game is AMAZING!! :o

    Was kind of expecting not to be blown away by it considering its age (and going in straight off the incredible MGSV) but I am loving it! :)


    Didn't realize it had so much humour too, it's already had me LOLing on several occasions...

    Sully's remark about the Spaniards leaving a load of crap behind, and Nathan's fast count to 5 when jumping out of the plane.

    :laughing: It's cheesy stuff, but I can dig it.


    Gameplay is also fun, but it's taking a while for the combat to click (no doubt because I've recently spent so long playing MGSV that I can't seem to adapt to the controls here) I keep pressing Circle to reload, :heh: but hopefully will stop doing that soon.


    Really loved that car chase where you get to blow up loads of cars/quad bikes! Wicked surround sound on that section. icon14.gif One of the vehicles I took out exploded then flew over our car, and hearing it whoosh past was so damn satisfying! :awesome:

    Anyway, just noticed that I was already 49% through the first game, so I'm gonna try and resist playing again until tomorrow. Might finish the entire trilogy before the actual release date otherwise! :hehe:


    So yeah, super glad I picked this up. Slightly annoyed I didn't get 'em before on the PS3, but hey, better late than never.

    : peace:




    There is a reason this is my favourite series of all time. (with DKC).

  2. ...I got a yellow thing! Twas a pulse rifle, actually a bit weaker than the one I was rocking right there, but I've equipped and used it a bit. Will yellows get more awesome, or is this another case of scrapping if it's shit/being able to infuse/level it to be better?

    Hadn't realised you can only have two exotic pieces at a time(weapon+armour) which is making me consider whether to buy Zur's gauntlets that he has atm, or hope that I'll get something better at a later date...


    Ruin Wings are one of my favourite exotics, so if you are Titan, then I'd consider it. Strange coins are fine these days anyway.


    Have a look at the special abilities for the Exotic Fusion Rifle. When you upgrade it, you'll unlock those abilities. I'd say keep it, no need to dismantle exotics, its cool to collect them, like Pokemon card shinies.

  3. Cheers for the bants. Glad to have finally completed that portion of the Raid, that was my third attempt.









    Yo Shorty, WTF was your swag son? Pics or didn't happen/.

  4. Had crazy fun with the Raid last night. Nice difficulty level, very fun and complex enough to still be enjoyable. It has a nice rhythmic feel to it if that makes sense.


    I guess we got just over half way through?


    First time I tried *that boss* and whilst hard, and we didn't manage it, I now have a good understanding and it by no way feels impossible.

  5. I'd like to raid tomorrow, for sure. Slash this week.


    I'm 288 light, know bits of the raid as I've been jumping in with random groups.


    Deathsingers bit has pissed me off as it's so fucking straightforward but I've been with simpletons not owning up when they've made a mistake or communicating. So I'd love to do it with competent players.



    From what I've played it's an awesome raid. My only downfall is I need a better sniper.

  6. Speaking of Raids...would people be interested in doing the older raids again with someone who hasn't played them and has no idea what to expect? :p


    I'll have some time from Monday on until the end of September so I'm looking to get some raid action going.


    I would like to, so will whenever I can.

  7. Also, I still have 400+ Ascendent Energy. They are utterly useless now, right?


    Also, anyone know what to do with the Cabal Sunburn (?) key?


    I don't know if it's new but Bill Nighy can trade pretty much all materials for any other materials, so they might not be worthless.


    I'm at 231 light and hoping to smash it on and off today.


    If it's not already been said; bagsy a spot on the Friday Raid if someone drops out.

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