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Everything posted by Aperson

  1. Is there a way to reset EVs on a particular Pokemon like the Reset Bags in X/Y? That was really useful for Super Training. Probably getting close to catching Lunala. The events of the game seem to suggest that this is what is going to happen.
  2. Just had a check and until it evolves it can only ever use Struggle Bug and Sand Attack, but once it evolves it gets a base stat total of 530 and becomes about as strong as many of the final starter evolutions, perhaps even better because it's attack and defence become insane. Think of it like Magikarp-Gyarados and you'll know what I mean. I passed on Wimpod because looking up it's moves it wasn't able to learn any Ice type moves and I wanted a Water type who could use Ice type moves. Turns out it's evolution can learn both Ice Beam and Blizzard although doesn't seem to be able to learn any Physical attacks. It does seem like a really good Pokemon though with a crazily good signature move. On another note, oh boy, Poni Island has a level jump. Or maybe I'm just too badly underlevelled, after the first route of Poni Island I am currently at level 42 apart from one Pokemon. All the trainers and wild Pokemon? 43-45. I lost two Pokemon from a Collector with a Turtonator and a Drampa while two others found themselves in a situation whereby they were pretty much dead unless I switched them out. Thankfully my newly evolved Raichu pulled through and got the win but I am a bit concerned that I'm starting to fall behind the average level over the last few routes.
  3. Yeah, Wimpod is on Route 8. You need to ride Lapras around the Water area to be able to sneak up behind it and prevent it from running back into it's hole but once you run into it you get a chance to catch it. It's ability will make it flee once it gets to low health though so you need to use a Quick Ball to be able to catch it or just hope you can get lucky chucking Balls at high health.
  4. How far are you at the moment? There's actually a few decent water types in Alola but none got revealed before launch. One of them is already proving to be a must for competitive teams, but if you want a decent Water type attacker then catching a Wimpod might not be a bad idea. It gets a really strong priority move when it evolves and I'm kind of wishing now I trained it up over the Water type that I actually went with. That particular one you can find by surfing in the Water trial area during the day but you can also catch it's evolution later on down the line. It's a very Specially Defensive wall with a half decent attack stat and an ability that doubles the power of its Water moves as well as halving the damage of any Fire type move that makes contact which gives it an extra resistance to Fire. Not that I don't like the one I chose though, been cool to use a Pokemon I had no idea about prior to launch even if on reflection there are other Water types out there that do it's job better.
  5. During my playthrough I decided to play without the EXP. Share and also choose to play on Set. Under these stipulations your team will usually be around the same level as the main trainers throughout the game, maybe a bit higher levelled than most wild Pokemon and trainers but they are often levelled around the same as the Kahuna and Totem battles. I actually found myself underlevelled by the time the third Kahuna fight came around. I'm going to change both after the game is beaten though. Currently reached the fourth island, used my Rare Candies to bring my Pikachu up to Level 42 so he could learn Thunderbolt and finally allow me to use my Thunderstone. Also got the Z-Crystal for Alolan Raichu so that's gone on him now.
  6. Just beat the third island Kahuna. The following tag contains some big story spoilers.
  7. Just beat the Electric Trial last night. Wasn't particularly difficult in the end and I had a pretty good strategy for the Totem fight. On the first turn I had my Salandit use Toxic on the Totem Pokemon. I was a bit wary of something that might give it some form of recovery in terms of partner Pokemon plus this one had an aura that raised ALL stats. So by using Toxic on it I could guarantee extra damage every turn. That allowed me to focus on taking out the side Pokemon with Flame Burst or Rock Tomb (Salandit fainted during the process so I switched to Lycanroc, but still revived Salandit). This strategy worked out in the end as the Totem never healed and Toxic allowed me to whittle away it's HP quite considerably and in the end Salandit got the experience. As an added bonus, Salandit evolved straight after the totem fight. I've now cleared 5 trials and 2 Grand Trials. I think I'm in the second half of the game now because by my calculations there are only 2 normal trials and 2 Grand Trials left in the game. So my team now is:
  8. About to take on the second Grand Trial. Team has improved a bit but the most notable improvement is that my Stufful has now evolved.
  9. Might as well give a proper team update. About to take on the fourth trial, the days of being overlevelled may start to flatten themselves out as the team is not really that higher levelled from the last trial, just that there are now six team members around that particular level which gives me a lot of coverage. Still need a Ground type move to take on Electric types and something to take on Dragon types but for now, here is the team below:
  10. Got my team of 6 now. Unable to post any screenshots of it but from what I'm hearing, someone who is in the latter portion of the game doesn't have Type:Null yet, so I was looking for something else. I wasn't particularly keen on any of the Water types revealed and I did have a Gyarados as one of the Pokemon I was using...
  11. Yeah, Totem Wishiwashi was brutal, especially when he called in an Alomomola which used Heal Pulse on it a lot. On top of this there was a Sitrus Berry on the Wishiwashi too. Still, it's nice that they have tried to make a single Wild Pokemon encounter that much more challenging. Didn't help that my main strategy was using Dartrix's Razor Leaf to clear out both opponents which didn't help much due to the Defence Aura.
  12. In the biggest stroke of luck ever, I found a female Salandit on my first treck into the first patch of grass where they are found. I heard only Female Salandit evolve and it has an 87% male ratio, so it's basically like Combee with a unique typing. Also has a decent nature even if it gets cut in speed. I think Salandit is one of the faster new Pokemon though so that might be a bad thing. Temporarily raising a Gyarados on my team so that I have a Water type but I've got my eye on a certain Pokemon that rhymes with a planet to take over that spot and my Rockruff has just evolved into Lycanroc.
  13. Very surprised that they showed off the entire Pikipek evolution line in one of the newest anime episodes. Also, Gladeon's battle theme is probably my favourite battle theme in the game so far. Spoiler tagging it in case spoilers show up in the related videos at the end of the video.
  14. Team update before the second trial, Pichu evolved (finally). Gave Dartrix the Shell Bell and moved the Quick Claw to my new Rockruff. Gave Pikachu Hidden Power and in a move of excellent convenience the same woman who gives you the TM also tells you what type Hidden Power is, so with Pikachu's showing up as Psychic I went ahead and taught it Hidden Power. So got a Psychic type move on the team until I can get a Thunderstone. Only two levels off getting Thunderbolt. Kaepora/Dartrix Lv.22 Mickey/Pikachu Lv.22 Oki/Rockruff Lv. 22 Agro/Mudbray Lv.14 Carbink Lv.12 Egg Absolutely no idea what this egg hatches into. Hopefully something cool. EDIT: Oh, Thunderbolt isn't until Level 42, guessing it'll be a Pikachu for some time yet.
  15. Remember the Wii being one of the only times I've ever tried to get a console at it's launch. Got caught up in the hype somewhat back then and was at the height of my gaming acquisitions. Obviously since they were so popular I never got one on launch and had to wait until after then, but the Wii still served some great memories. Playing Super Mario Galaxy (and its sequel), Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, Okami, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Skyward Sword and of course, Super Smash Bros. Brawl which proved to be the go to multiplayer game with friends, those were some of the highlights. However, the introduction of Virtual Console also let me experience some of the older games that I'd never played, in partiuclar the first two Donkey Kong Country games and Super Metroid were ones that it allowed me to play and perhaps paved the way for the reduced physical game collections I have on modern consoles while also having a large digital library. Backwards compatibility with the Gamecube was a huge bonus although it lead to the Wii being on its side rather than stood up as it was originally displayed so that there was an easy place to put the Gamecube controllers in. The controller really appealed to me and I really believed Nintendo's marketing spin that it would really create innovative gameplay, it's a shame that because the intial design was so limited it meant that developers couldn't quite do what they wanted with it and the idea of motion controls wasn't something that every gamer adopted. Now though, I can see I was being a bit silly in that regard but I think Nintendo realised that motion has it's place in games but should not be the main focus.
  16. Caught a Rockruff: He's now in the front of my party and part of the team.
  17. Progress update, beat all the trainers on Route 3 and caught a Mankey and a Crabrawler. About to take on Hala in the First Grand Trial. My team is: Kaepora/Dartrix Lv.19 Mickey/Pichu Lv.19 (Still a Pichu, given it the Soothe Bell to try and speed up it's evolution into a Pikachu) Oricorio Lv.12 Petilil Lv.11 Toby Fox/Growlithe Lv.10 Mankey Lv.11 Because I've only been using two Pokemon, Dartrix and Pichu are way too overlevelled, especially consider the opponents are all low 10s. I think Hala is a Fighting type specialist so should sweep him with Dartrix.
  18. Nope, no screenshots from Miiverse. So I'm taking them with my phone camera instead. Went back to a few areas after completing the first trial to complete the Pokedex a bit more and my Rowlet has now evolved into a Dartrix. Cue moody teenage owl time.
  19. I never used to nickname my Pokemon, but that changed recently after seeing some of the stuff that people came up with regards to nicknames. My brother started nicknaming his Pokemon at one point and I eventually re-nicknamed all my Gen 5 and 6 Mon. Only reason I didn't do it in HeartGold because I didn't do it in Pearl. Back to doing it here in Moon now. In other news, beaten the first trial. During that trial, when I tried telling the Team Skull Grunts that I didn't recognise them I got this gem of a line: Also, Mickey Pichu now has the Normalium-Z, so can hit harder without having to setup now. I do wonder how much a Nasty Plot + Breakneck Blitz on Echoed Voice would do though.
  20. @Shift looks like we have pretty similar teams so far then. Finished up playing on Day 1, made it to the start of the first Island Trial. Often liked to do team recaps before taking on Gym Leaders in previous games when posting on another forum, so for this game I'll be doing the same except before each island trial and Kahuna. So the team so far: Kaepora/Rowlet Lv.15 Mickey/Pichu Lv.15 Macho/Machop Lv.9 Drifloon Lv.10 Toby Fox/Growlithe Lv.10 Gastly Lv.10 Caught 21 Pokemon so far, including the Ash-Greninja and Munchlax. The Machop was the one you get in a trade in the Pokemon Centre near the trial site if you trade them a Spearow, so I caught two of them and traded one for the Machop. Disappointingly it's one level lower than the Spearow I traded. (Everything apart from Rowlet and Pichu is still filler, just higher levelled filler, I'm looking for a Rockruff to be my next team member but can't get one yet).
  21. Is that true? All starters have an 87% rate of being Male or somewhere along those lines. Anyway, I got completed wiped out by Ilima. Smearge's Tackle destroyed my Rowlet and Pichu taking about half health each hit and although I was able to stall out a bit, Full Heals cured the status ailments on that Smeargle. Might need to consider grinding a bit because clearly I'm underlevelled for taking on Ilima with just two decently levelled Pokemon. Also this defeat is going to delay Pichu's evolution a bit.
  22. About to take on the second rival battle in Iki Town. Team so far is: Kaepora/Rowlet Lv. 8 Mickey/Pichu Lv. 8 Ledyba Lv.2 Grubbin Lv. 4 Donald Trump/Yungoos Lv.3 Impeckable/Pikipek Lv. 3 The first two are only the ones I'm using, the rest are just filler
  23. A few ideas for Rowlet nicknames: Owliver Queen Green Arrow Robin Hoot Hedwig Blathers Kaepora Errol In other news, I've just caught a Pichu. Training it up in the Wild Grass on Route 1 to get him level with my Rowlet before taking on the ritual in Iki Town.
  24. Resetting over natures for my starter for the first time ever in a Pokemon game because I keep getting natures that reduce Rowlet's attack stat, and his moveset is physical. I'll be fine with one that does nothing to attack though. This was the first time I did it:
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