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Posts posted by martinist

  1. 43 minutes ago, lostmario said:

    2. Sega Saturn with 2 controllers and Sega Rally (unboxed). £1.50 at a car boot.

    3. Gameboy Player with disc, £2 at a car boot.

    I hate you. I've been looking around ebay for the GC gameboy player and they're all over priced.

    That Saturn was a steal too it seems.

    • Haha 1

  2. At the end of the arena you get Ichiban's upgradable bat. There are also a few other usefull items for crafting, most of which are hard to come by in the world so I'd do my best to try and aquire them in the arena if you're looking to upgrade the bat to be effective during the end game.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 15 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time with the Management side-quest...send help.

    Once you build up the business and get the right people on the right property it pretty much does everything it's self. Just spend the money to de-stress the employees and you'll be making 3 mill at a time after every invester meeting. Just be sure to buy air time for TV ads when it's offered and sell the least profitable building and buy another with better proffit growth every time you advance in the stock market rankings.

    • Thanks 1

  4. I Arthhur, I'm drunk again. I know you'll disaprove but fuck it. I'm numb everywhere. Why doesn't anyone drink on this forum, bunch of weaklings. Evertythomnh is cold but i don't care. I went and boyhghtg Spotift Premium since i ove the tunes when i

    m smashed. DFuck you i don't care I'm gonna watch Fist of DFury tomotrrow/.


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1

  5. 19 minutes ago, bob said:
    1 hour ago, martinist said:
    All they have right now is 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 I think. They're talkinig about puting the collection on next year along with 6 but don't quote me, I don't have an xbox anymore.

    Don't tell me what to do.

    I said don't quote me! :p

  6. All they have right now is 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2 I think. They're talkinig about puting the collection on next year along with 6 but don't quote me, I don't have an xbox anymore.

  7. I just can't play this broken mess anymore. I've had multiple missions where the objectives were out of order and the dotted line thing would lead me all over the place. I've had times where it wouldn't appear at all. In the mission where i had to reset Delamaine's core the drone robots I destroyed were all floating in mid air with legendary component's I just couldn't pick up. I've had dialogue cut off mid sentence and some that doesn't play at all. I'll wait untill Febuary and check the condition of the game then or wait untill I can get a PS5 but I just can't play this mess anymore.

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