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Posts posted by martinist

  1. 14 hours ago, Dcubed said:

    You probably weren’t using a HDMI cable with enough bandwidth for 4K 60FPS & HDR.  If you’re getting cutouts like that? It’s probably a HDMI bandwidth issue, probably not your TV itself.

    I'm using the HDMI cable that came in the box. I'll see if i can find another sometime.

  2. Since I built my PC two weeks ago I've realised the importance of a good screwdriver.

    It's good to have a long one and a short one atleast preferably with magnetic heads.

    I've been looking at an i fix it screwdriver set that has the handle and the rod with a load of different screw head bits that can attach.

    I'd say i prefer manual screwdrivers since I can tighten the screw the way I want without the electric one stopping at a certian point.


  3. Cancled my wwe account a few months ago due to a financial situation. Will need to resubscribe and continue watching. I stopped just before Over the Edge 1999 can't really remember the story lines very well. I think Val Venus was donig something with that woman who used to run around with Marc Merro. I'll get back into it in a week or so.

  4. I don't think i've watched any of the olympics this year. I didn't even watch the opening ceremony. I glanced at it and i heard the robo theme from chrono trigger then some sort of sonic music maybe? then i went to walk my dog and never turned it back on since. It doesn't help when most of the events take place around 1am ish.

  5. 2 hours ago, Mr_Odwin said:

    You managed to get a GPU from somewhere? Crazy times for graphics cards. It's almost okay if you're upgrading because your old card will also sell for more than it's worth. I was subscribed to all sorts of stock notification places and managed to grab a 3070 at the start of the year.

    I reused an old GeForce GTX Titan Black. Card is several years old but it will do untill i can source an upgrade to an RTX.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

    Anything in particular you are planning on testing it out with?

    Well it's a Titan Black, pretty old card. I'll stick GTA 5 on and see how it goes. I'm not expecting high fps from anything too taxing untill i can upgrade the graphics card.

  7. fZVMrYv.jpg

    Good news: My boi lives.

    Bad news: My CPU cooler fans don't look like they're running.

    EDIT: CPU fan issue is fixed, seems it popped out of the headder when i was throwing cables through it.

    Works fine now, Still need to manage my cables, my back pannel won't fit back on because of the mess back there but i'll sort it tomorrow. Good for airflow though ;)

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1

  8. 50 minutes ago, ArtMediocre said:

    I always wait with the video card, and have never even heard about anyone who puts it on while the motherboard is out of the case. Might be good for first time builds while you have the whole case on its side. 

    But yeah, as @Sméagol said, use your motherboard/case manuals. They are the best thing you have! Did you get the USB-connector in place eventually?

    It "went in" but it didn't do so willingly. I'll check if my front pannle USB 3 works if i can get a post screen. If it doesn't work then it's not a huge loss. 

  9. i'm basicly following this. My motherboard is different, as well as the ram, SSD's  and the power supply. Got all the parts i could from it so i can try and follow along once i start building it. Guy breakes down the parts he's using at the start.

    • Like 1

  10. 12 hours ago, euroninfan said:

    @martinisti am  working on a budget build for around 700 euro, what graphics card are you getting ?

    I'm reusing an Nvidia GTX Titan Black I have in an old tower. The prices of GPU's would have put the price up around £800 - £1K ish



    This is what I have so far, there are two 140 fans stacked on top of each other. YODEL is delivering the rest of it. >_>

    UPDATE: case just arrived


