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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. Donnie Darko (for those of you who have seen it)

    I agree with Odwin, but I watched it on BBC2 and didn't have any involvement with the forementioned exhibitionist.
  2. Post your freshers week experience!!!

    Well since this is the beginning of Freshers Week, I shall leave the details till the end of the week for the full lowdown.
  3. Ronald or Ronaldette McDonald?

    http://media.guardian.co.uk/advertising/story/0,7492,1576314,00.html Not bad.
  4. Questions

    Why has the character limit gone up to fifteen? Plus, I tried typing this message "Ok. [Fifteen character limit bollocks] [Apparently that wasn't enough.]" And it still says I can't post.
  5. Official Neighbours Topic

    I've already put myself down for a TV licence, but if the aerial costs too much I'll cancel it, and have it only for Gamage and DVD shizzle.
  6. Official Neighbours Topic

    Y'argh, I may not be able to watch Neighbours anymore. I brought my TV to uni but I haven't got an aerial but I'm trying to buy a stand alone one from Staples tomorrow.
  7. Just had a Breakdown

    I had another fit today, I could make a new topic but I've already mentioned it here. Shabba
  8. Making a business

    All I said was I wanted to know what the business is doing.
  9. Questions

    If you want to see someone's post count, just look in their profile.
  10. Ronald or Ronaldette McDonald?

    Here's a cracking artists impression.
  11. Kate Moss

    The news has been rumoured to buying extra kleenex to mop up what they've been knocking out this week as Kate Moss's career takes [what I think is long overdue] a nosedive as her apparent drug indulgence fucks up her career. http://media.guardian.co.uk/advertising/story/0,7492,1575184,00.html After being dropped from H & M, and rightly so, you can't have a druggie as the face of a company with a strong anti-drug thing going. Chanel and Burberry has now dropped the bitch. I know they need to make an example of her but do they really need to make so much coverage? Why hasn't Pete "****" Doherty been locked up for his blatent use? You see him swagger on to sing craply with Elton John [Who isn't crap] obviously under the influence and nothing gets done. What's more, the fashion industry is still "backing her". Because leading a models life is stressful. No shit. Simply a case of "If you can't stand the heat..." EDIT: We can't say T-Wat now?
  12. With new Television comes more adverts that blow. Today fresh in my memory is this Barbie Eau D'Toilette, which looks like water and according to the advert gives the little girl hallucinations that she is in a fashion before reality takes hold.
  13. Making a business

    You've left out the "What the fuck are you doing?" answer out. That's the most important bit!
  14. Rita

    Damn Americans shouldn't have named a hurricane/whatever after it then. I know it's bad and everything, but am I the only one who really doesn't care?
  15. Questions

    Is there a report on when we may be getting a darker theme, my brightness is down to 0 and I still don't like to look at it directly for too long.
  16. Adverts That Blow - Secondary Remix

    I've got three adverts, which while watching the last 2 hours of TV have blown enough for me to mention them now. The Wine Gums advert: Some arsehole takes some form of shortcut under a bridge which the way could hold any number of dangers, from the walkway being so slippery since the water is so high or a gang of chavs waiting in ambush. Imagine my surprise when a Troll pops up from the most likely calm shallow barge friendly waters and demands diamonds [in what could be described as the voice of a large gay man] or "feel his wrath" which based on the voice could be deducted to be several new arseholes being torn. The man, obviously predicted something of this manner and had popped into his local newsagent for a bag of wine gums offers the Troll those instead, under the premise that they are infact rubies and emeralds (skipping the other colours such as black, yellow, orange etc) the lying bastard. His voice is that of the small gay man, with an expression to match [but looks horribly dubbed]. Now the troll most likely knows the man is lying but plays dumb just for the wine gums [because they're the shit] and promptly drops the bloke in the canal for being a lying prick. Troll chews wine gums with a face of sexual pleasure which only rivals Glitter's were he to walk into a nursery. The Walt Disney advert: "I'm too excited!" One thing which always annoyed me about this advert was when the girl says "Mum says it's just magical" (Lying whore) and opens her eyes while the little boy has some form of fit. Back of my hand to him. Mother enters the room, telling them in no uncertain terms to get to bed, now when I was young it was do as you were told, or be punished. Not in TV land apparently. The "But mum!" "We're too excited!" excuse comes into play. Disobedient little shit, that warrants an introduction to the business side of my shoe, with a threat of the holiday being cancelled. After we see some screens of the holiday, which is great, or was when I went, may have gone downhill. Anyways we cut to the night later. Mum has presumably sorted the kids out in an appropriate manner [iE not having to ask twice (Dragon kick)] and returned to her [i assume] husband in bed. She asks if he is asleep and he replies that he can't because he's too excited, and rightly so, he's no doubt put no end of hours overtime down at the office to pay for this holiday, as has his wife. The kids chime with "We heard that", as if it excuses their disobedience. Holiday cancelled fuckers. Comet: Apparently Comet staff are trained by riding around on a moped and locating street names [No less than three, or more] and checking them off his list. Our little man finds his last street [Plasma Row I think] and crosses it off, and drives back to Comet's training school and hands his clipboard to the inspector standing outside doing fuck all. He takes one look at this mans clipboard and slams a passed stamp on it. He doesn't check, the little bugger could've hid round the corner for half and hour and ticked them anyway. It's this kind of shoddy trainees we walk into and demand some expertise when we need a new cooker/TV etc.
  17. Adverts That Blow - Secondary Remix

    "I'm taking a break" *slap* One advert which shows no signs of stopping is a clean and clear advert. One girl points to where a spot (On the night before the party!!!) is meant to be [but has one of the most clearest faces ever] and promptly washes. Then look what they're wearing, that's right. It's been on our TVs since the 80's, maybe longer.
  18. Ronald or Ronaldette McDonald?

    Just subscribe dammit! I can see me posting a load of shit from here.
  19. Kate Moss

    Word up! They're getting rid of her, they deserve a bloody medal.
  20. If You Were Moderator...

    This topic I stole from the Tales Of Symphonia forum, where the staff members think it witty to put something from an anime or a picture, one puts a picture of a knife, other "unsheathes his sword of justice..." you get the idea. Now the children there put loads of suggestions which I feel were taking the piss, and I stated that personally I wouldn't do anything of the sort, as I know it is what you'd think also. Locking a topic is done for one main thing, to crack down on the shit. But later I had an inspiration that I could have some fun with this. Thus The Shabba Lock 2000 was created. Which naturally probably will not be used by me and was created purely to take the piss. So, if you were forced to use some form of "witty" picture/phrase, what would you do?
  21. Funny Essays

    The Jesus one could very well be real.
  22. Anime and manga discussion

    I normally buy stuff on DVD. Hence why I don't have much.
  23. Rate the above users user name

    -2 Racist bugger.
  24. Kate Moss

    You don't know me in person [At least I think so... ] why care enough to post? I'm there's someone you don't know that you knock one out over.