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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The Muppets Christmas Carol

    Something I only found out yesterday an hour after watching it without the song. Next year... Non-film stylie I like the Ross Kemp modern take, giving you some Groundhog Day feels too. The Christmas Carole one Sky have done this year isn't that special, but the Morecambe and Wise actors are spot on. It's worth watching once just for that
  2. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    Did she keep the receipt? I'm sure she has, I haven't broached the subject yet. Decided to just bollocks with it and enjoy it, invested in thrice games from the Amazon, so should keep going for awhile
  3. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    I'm unsure how I feel about the PS5, the wife has just bought me one for Christmas and I'm mixed about it, whilst next gen stuff is nice, it isn't something I ever thought about getting, and the price I think is too much at the moment.
  4. The Circle TV show

    @Josh64 @Beast I trust you bois are prepared for the new season hitting the Netflix beginning of January. With The Traitors wrapping up, it's certainly set a high standard for twists in these sort of games. So will want to see some new shafting
  5. What Have You Bought?

    I saw this as an advert in-between YouTube videos and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so was checking it out on the website with the other ones they've got. Ended up getting from the Amazon, because I'm inpatient and don't trust the import time.
  6. The Traitors

    I'm on the third episode now, and it certainly gets the anus of approval from me. I feel sorry for the faithful who have no abilities, compared to our mafia's where everyone was able to do something, no matter how small. Get watching bitches NAAAAOW
  7. Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

    I got the tags to the shrines on the maps, I wish they did something similar for the pins. I do have a Switch Online subscription. I just can't be bothered! Got the rest of the pins earlier, one knocked themself out because they used all their moves whilst I was throwing balls/healing and struggled themself to death. So I resetted and went after the other two, knocked them out accidentally so they hide for a bit. Went back to the first after having taught Baxcalibur False Swipe and Kilawattrel Thunder Wave and managed to get it that time.
  8. Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

    OK I've done pretty much everything, they made me listen to Ed Sheeren, and the only thing I think I have left are the ruinous things, I've already gotten one. Do any clues get offered about where the other stakes are? Because I'm not wandering aimlessly around the boring landscape swerving in and out of shit only to be ambushed by a hidden Nymble. I'll just use a guide. I never bothered with any of the picnic bollocks, apart from eggs - any point? Just looking at the names of the effects in the food stores put me off making a sandwich. All my "sparkling" tera raids on the map are all fucking Mimikyu's, will this ever change? All in all not a bad experience. If the draw distance animation/loading was better I think would've made a better experience as I had to keep making rapid course corrections to avoid a herd of *insert regional mon here* Some dodgy 'mon design though, and evolution criteria. I got rid of my Finizen because of the hoops I had to go through to make it to evolve. Winning team - Skeledirge (of course, fire starters all the way), Flamigo, Kilawattrel, Clodsire, Baxcalibur and Tinkaton (named Presea).
  9. The Woooooorld Cuuuuup

    I think they mixed him up at the airport with Canadian singing sensation Bryan Adams
  10. The Woooooorld Cuuuuup

    From the final third or so I saw, France were more on form than England, but that ref was out of his mind with his doling out of fouls, or rather his blatant ignoring of them. Maybe people will go back to hating Qatar for the anti-gay stuff instead of it coming home.
  11. Netflix

    Nope, I imagine it'll be jabs of racism and revelations how Harry was suffocated but won't have the balls to name anyone a la Oprah interview, the Palace will deny stuff / "launch an investigation" and we'll have forgotten about it before end of January and I'm being generous with that time frame. The Watcher - simply infuriating. But there is a new season of Archer, so that's a good thing.
  12. bad stuff thread.

    Our dishwasher appears to have packed up. Cycle from last night didn't appear to have drained so when dragging it a bit (not all the way because fucking pipes aren't that long) it started back up again, so thought all would be well, but it seemed that cut out before end of the cycle and water hadn't drained 100% again, and none of the buttons are responding. I've tried a few things, taking out the filter for a proper clean, soda crystals and vinegar, thinking that it was shutting itself down due to overheating because it was clogged (a problem I had with my vacuum once) *sigh* it's had a good run I guess. It was there when we moved in our house and that was 6 years ago, the effort now in aside from ordering a new dishwasher is finding a way to access the back, which involves either emptying a cupboard and seeing if a panel can be removed for access to the back, or dragging the oven out to see if there is enough water pipe slack that it can be pulled out from where it is.
  13. The Traitors

    I got invited to apply for this, because I applied to be on The Circle which they've since shafted. Haven't watched yet to see if I regret ignoring the emails.
  14. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Still more to explore than Breath of The Wild did in their whole map.
  15. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

    Colour me interested. But if it's just graphical I'm less colourful. Game is a masterpiece
  16. Netflix

    At times he can grate I agree, but by far the most interesting character.
  17. General TV Thread

    So fucking happy when I saw this. A shame it took this long and we have to wait until late next year, but I'm looking forward to seeing how old the episodes go back. Until then I've got the farewell tour in March to go to. I finished watching The Devil's Hour on the Prime. Not enough Capaldi as advertised, too much wooden acting child - now I hate child actors always, because they're terrible - however this seems to be the actual personality of the character, BUT! it doesn't stop the character from being really boring. You just don't care what happens involving him and you want more cryptic Capaldi. The twist was alright. Much better than Behind Her Eyes, because you knew it was going to be something wild not long into it. I can't help thinking that things were half-done, something was missing to justify the length, as many things are stretched out.
  18. Netflix

    I thought it was going to be set more around the time Blockbuster actually went bust, not around now - looking at the Wiki there still is a last Blockbuster - so fuck my UK lack of local knowledge. I think I've done about 5 episodes, and found 2-3 bits humourous, all from JB Smooth, most of the time it's either cringing at monologues, or looking at that lass with her mid-drift out and constantly thinking how the fuck an employee would be allowed to dress like that. Put that bitch in a regulation uniform. I didn't know it had a nine-nine connection, but it now makes the Park-Fumero / Santiago-Peralta interaction painful to watch. It's a poor man's Superstore.
  19. Do you still buy gaming magazines?

    Not really video game magazine, but I have subscribed to Tabletop Gaming magazine, however the last 3 issues have been very quickly flipped through and put to the side with a promise to read it later.
  20. I might give WaveRace a go, I again tried Pilotwings and again just felt bored. And I've only done 2 missions. I want the 64 controller now, NAOW GODDAMIT NAAAAOW
  21. For the Mario Party vets, can they be played with single joycons, or two together? I never played them on the 64 so I dunno how many buttons they used, apart from going hardcore on the analogue stick
  22. What Have You Bought?

    Genius film
  23. What Have You Bought?

    Google Pixel 6a, because the power button on my old Galaxy disappeared today, so I had to turn the screen timeout to 10 seconds so it isn't always on.
  24. What song(s) are you really into at the moment?!

    And other delightful rock/punk remixes this chap does
  25. What Have You Bought?

    During my time off work I finally got round to playing Hitman 2 which I bought years ago and never started, finished last week and was looking to buy the third. Steam told me to hold off until this week because they had a Hitman sale on. Boom