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Posts posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. On 01/06/2024 at 11:24 AM, Hero-of-Time said:

    The enjoyment in Souls games usually comes from a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

    In my previous job, I was working with a couple of lads who were both 21 years old. Neither had played a Souls game before but both got caught up in the Elden Ring hype and bought it launch. Liam quit early on as he kept dying and didn't want to put in the effort, he also lost a fair bit of cash because he bought it digitally. Cal on the otherhand kept at it and was coming into work each day excited to tell everyone how he beat this section or defeated that boss. Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what Liam done but you can see the appeal of these types of games when you look at the reaction of Cal and the buzz he was getting off it. Very few console games push back at players these days.

    I will say though that the Souls games aren't a patch on difficulty and fairness when it comes to comparing NES era games. Those were Souls games before Souls was even a thing. Being sent right back to the start of a game is far worse than just respawning at the nearest bonfire. 

    I get the why, and I've experienced it myself. It's just that later on the effort-to-satisfaction ratio isn't worth the time taken to achieve it for me.

    Good on Cal to come in each day to flex though.

  2. An interesting discussion. Thinking about it off the bat I don't mind the life system, it gives you a bit of tension and an encouragement to actually put effort into your playthrough, because if there's no fear of consequence, it doesn't feel fun to me, because I like at least a semblance of a challenge. 

    That being said I have abused the rewind function on Switch online quite a bit, but that's out of sheer laziness, if it didn't exist I'd still play the games.

    Crash Bandicoot is a great example of the reward for not losing a life, get through a level in one life and break all the boxes, you get a gem which appears in another level which gives access to a different path which may have more boxes so you can get a gem on that level. It adds a subtle layer of replayability that I didn't notice all that much, as I liked the challenge. Except High Road of course, fuck you.

    That said I do think it has been toned down over the years, with a few exceptions.

    1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I think back to when I was a kid and completed things like Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles and Nemesis on my C64 or countless NES games. These games required repetition, memorisation and concentration in order to see the end, otherwise you would be sent back to the beginning. I couldn't imagine a lot of today's younger generation putting up with that. 

    I don't know what age these people are, but those that fist the Souls-like games can't stop blowing their load over how difficult it is and how this equals maximum fun. This is an example of the consequence concept going too far for me, especially when I die a fair distance away and have to backtrack for about 5 minutes and depending on the circumstances of my death I may be able to get my currency back, it simply sucks out then fun for me, but some people seem to love it. The only solution given as either "get good" or "grind". I could do both of these things, but I simply do not want to spend the time doing it, I've got other shit to do. I'm stuck on a bit of Dark Souls, which with a bit of practice and training, I could probably beat it. But I simply can't be arsed, and I don't feel bad about abandoning it at all. I bought the trilogy and I can't be bothered to even try 2 and 3 even though I've heard they're better, I've got more fun games to play.

  3. On 24/05/2024 at 10:26 PM, WackerJr said:

    This was one of my guilty pleasures on the N64.  Apart from that bug (which later it was revealed that the final level could be played via a cheat code I believe) I loved this game!  

    It shouldn’t have worked, and had so much against it, from the fairly basic graphics to the camera you mentioned, but the puzzles were good and the bizarre robotic creatures had so much character.  From the moment you crashed landed and immediately landed upon the romantic partner of another  robotic sheep, only to take over its lifeless body you knew exactly what kind of humour you were going to get.

    Creative and fun.  Talented game designers have the ability to make this kind of thing work.  Glad to hear others liked it too!

    Never feel guilty about loving this game. It's awesome and I still wish I had my copy

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  4. On 13/05/2024 at 12:21 PM, Cube said:

    Tears of the Kingdom is really strange in that on paper, it's a better game than Breath of the Wild. However, it lacks the main thing that made BotW so special: a sense of wonder. 

    Another thing Breath of The Wild took away from us... 

  5. During a fine night of power cuts I blasted through Mario Land, because I knew it was short, and never died thanks to the rewind feature :D


    Next on the list was the Pokémon TCG GBC game. I had heard the main way was to make a Haymaker or Rain Dance deck, and they loved talking about Alakazam and Chansey damage fap about, but I never got an Alakazam, and never got another Blastoise save the one I started with, there was little "new" cards being pulled from the boosters, and mainly getting the same stuff. I pretty much plowed through it all with said Blastoise deck but mostly with a nice Dugtrio deck I made, I didn't need to make anything else. A little disappointing, but I put that down to my decades of Pokémon TCG experience, even though the rules have changed a lil since then. 

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  6. On 20/04/2024 at 11:07 PM, Cube said:

    Rusty Bucket Bay is the penultimate level, with some very tough challenges. The water in this level drains your air much faster than previous levels, so even though there’s a lot of water, you only spend small stints in it. There’s lots of hidden rooms to find, with some fun and cute details hidden in them. The transformation in this level is also super adorable.


    Say wah?

  7. 2 hours ago, Julius said:

    Nah, I won't stand for this slander. I don't think the quality faded with the DS games, I think you just grew out of it or your relationship with the franchise shifted as you got older. 

    Everything's subjective, blah blah blah, but let's be real here: the quality objectively crashed into a brick wall and never quite recovered with the transition from 2D to 3D with the 3DS games. Game Freak weren't well-equipped then, and the shocking thing is that in the decade since, they've only looked less experienced as the games have become more demanding. 

    I've given this a lil bit of thought and I think ye right. I remember the bit in Black/White where the Gym Leaders showed up to help you out, those kinda moments please me, even if the whole N/Ghetsis thing was silly.

    I still enjoyed the games, but I put it down more to familiarity than nostalgia. Going 3D certainly has put a damper on it. I don't think they realised what they were getting themselves into, made even painfully more obvious with Scarlet/Violet.

    I may go back and play Black

    • Like 1

  8. 28 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

    It is, but you say that like having massive Pokémon to draw around wouldn't make for a good boss gimmick?

    Mystery Dungeon shows that you can make mainline gimmicks work. Mega Evolution works really well in that series.

    Let's start normal size drawing first, and work up from there.

    I tried Mystery Dungeon once, couldn't get into it. But Mega Evolution felt like it made more sense, even though the concept is similar. Plus the designs were cooler 

  9. 14 hours ago, Ashley said:

    He won the best of fringe or whatever that award is called one year. 

      Spoilers for the show (Hide contents)

    As to your other point I'm not sure what exactly you're referring to but I'm assuming the first instance of being abused by that producer. 

    He was groomed by that person because he was led to believe it could help him with his career. The emotional and mental manipulation was on clear display but to apply your logic to someone else's is not beneficial. 


    Yeah that bit. Maybe the real story has more to it.

  10. 2 hours ago, Sheikah said:
    21 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:
    Finished watching Baby Reindeer. Infuriating. All it could've taken was for him to actually take steps to make it stop, but was too much of a pussy and liked the attention, until it was the kind of attention he didn't want, then it was bad. Even then he did fuck all.

    But because of it he has a super successful Netflix series. He was playing the long game all along.

    Makes sense, because I don't recall him getting any comedy fame out of it (not that I've looked)

    1 hour ago, Ashley said:

    Almost as if trauma and abuse can affect you. 

    I'm sure it can, not sure how far back they're willing to go to justify it.

  11. Finished watching Baby Reindeer. Infuriating. All it could've taken was for him to actually take steps to make it stop, but was too much of a pussy and liked the attention, until it was the kind of attention he didn't want, then it was bad. Even then he did fuck all.

  12. 1 hour ago, jayseven said:

    ok fame-boy, what's the pod even about?


    Basically they propose things that contend for the title of biggest problem in the universe, such as having to get out the shower to get something, bad superhero origin stories and waiters who bring the table an uneven amount of bread. Y'know, the big stuff.

  13. 41 minutes ago, jayseven said:

    Is maddox still edgy by today's standards? Also, is there an episode you would recommend as a good taster? If I like it I will end up starting from thhe beginning and watching it all.


    Even during the old show Maddox was slipping from comedy and trying to become some serious thought leader type thing*, so on a comedy podcast he would bring in zealots, or female genital mutilation. Then he seemed to go mentally off the map when the show ended. He recently did a 3-4 hour long video "When fans become stalkers", a video which took 5 years to make and full of bullshit (I'm even on his list of "stalkers and harassers [he copied the member list from a Facebook group]). Much of the backlash/scandal from that has been on The Dick Show.

    I would just recommend starting with the newer incarnation with Dick and Vito. Www.Biggest problem.show


    *After Biggest Problem ended he tried doing a Best Debate in The Universe podcast where he debated both sides of an issue and you had to guess which one he actually believed in, which was easy as it was always the side he spent the most time on. And it wasn't funny.



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