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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Damn pyramid scheme sucks
  2. Why are they hard to write? And what does a pyramid scheme mean?
  3. Damn we could be seeing each other soon! My team is heading down I reckon.
  4. What if someone screws up the form of a loan player though? Id be worried how my poor guy was doing.
  5. Thats a good idea but would take trust. If only Moria was a VIP I would borrow his best players then well never give them back. He doesn't read this thread does he?
  6. I noticed when I saw some weird smiley face looking at me when Dyson did a press release! I should get an avatar to I guess
  7. Damn my team lost still got a player in xpert 11 I blame it on the awful form I was left with. I see some wierdo who is heading a japenese club spied on me. He also won today, congrats whoever you are! :p
  8. I think Im pretty much down and out in this league my next 3 games are a nightmare Id have to overturn Emo I think for any chance. Still shouldn't be a disaster to go downtown I think my Wenger policy of not buying new players may have got me into this state but I enjoy building up the youth of today! In more happy news I won my first match with my 2nd team the utterly awful Mudgard F.C and have my first match with Hadens Rangers who are in the same league system as Happenstance and The Villan. Against a relegation rival so its a must win match. However the guy before me left me with awful forms and bizarlerlly a squad whose names are based on real players! Guy was obviously in to quote alan Partridge a mentalist!
  9. A division 4 side eh? Division 4 sounds like an interesting division I may check it out...
  10. It was a compliment thats why whenever I see your name appear in this thread im waiting for an arnie quote!
  11. Yes I did realise your point lol like I said get back to me when you are champ. And I was saying Evil is constantly making hyperbolic remarks GET TO DA CHOPPA etc. Where the hells Moria someone who I can have some banter with. Im still waiting for some england sucks remarks I guess nothing can top euro 96 right Moria?
  12. Couldnt see vacancy but applied so I will be in loser division I guess haha.
  13. Nick my spot as a NE champ winner? Get back to me when you've done that boy! :P And by all means carry on the banter I just thought you went a tad overboard on evils get to the choppa antics, banter is what keeps this thread alive just ask that trash Moria! We ditched the cup sadly because people didn't like the delay of games. And fuck villan and happenstance you in the same league? Can I get a third team? I want to be in your one to.
  14. Cmon Arnie you tell him what to do! http://www.geocities.com/classicarnie/rm_ABREAK.wav
  15. VIP thing 10char
  16. Employee my youth scout if you want those sort of results! Actually don't hands off lol
  17. Why did u sell a 22 year old 7 rated mf and buy a 26 rated 7 mf? You did get a mil I think after it all worked out.
  18. Jesus the Villan your team is fucking sick how did you get such a good sqaud?
  19. I inherited them from some shmuck who obviously had been taken drugs when he should have been coaching. I will check your team out to.
  20. My Xpert team won though! Haha first game with them and they suck to. Still nice to have some good news even if is from my pet project team!
  21. Well im getting relegated simply cant score enough goals. Still my form is ace. A good change report and season in the middle league may be what the Dr ordered.
  22. Heres a better set of images showing a bit of self inflected pwnage.
  23. Its Ellmeister I was hoping it would be Moria. Lazy Scot what can you expect probably to busy having sex to check xpert results, not that Im jealous Im still gonna win the pulling contest! Or not lol. At least I get better youths than you Moria! Selling another one soon more money in the bank! Ok by better youths I mean in xpert I wasnt still talking about women.
  24. Jeeves and Wooster change we can believe in! Don't worry Im not associating the beloved Jeeves and Wooster with BNP thugs I just thought the thread could do with some laurie and fry to lighten it up.
  25. I have one friend that when we go out we connect cause we both have the same sense of humor and like to do the same things theres never an issue of any awkwardness its like we are brothers. But we dont chat about deep stuff hardly ever unless we are both drunk. But I like it that way I dont know I have never been one to chat to real life friends about my gfs for example.
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