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Nintendo Addict

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About Nintendo Addict

  • Birthday 09/26/1991


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Nintendo Addict's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. 1). Viewtiful Joe 2). Metroid Prime 3). Donkey Kong Jungle Beat 4). Geist 5). Ikaruga 6). SSBM 7). Soul Calibur 2 8). REmake (Resident Evil) 9). Sonic Mega Collection 10). Baten Kaitos
  2. Here's mine, bit obscure, but what the hell:- 1).Donkey Kong Jungle Beat 2).Metroid Prime 3).Super Smash Bros. Melee 4).Geist 5).Zelda: Wind Waker 6).Resident Evil Remake 7).1080 Avalanche 8).Soul Calibur 2 9).Warioware: Mega Party Game$ 10).WarioWorld
  3. Since when has online play made or broke a game? Split-screen far outclasses it IMO and I think it's a lot more fun. Online play is far too overrated in today's gaming world.
  4. Revolution is the mag I read, never got into multiformat magazines, I just don't care for them. I really despise ONM, though. I think they are a bland, boring, arrogant bunch of idiots. Get rid of them now.
  5. Isn't he supposed to be making Elebits? I'm sure where I read it, but I'm sure he is involved with it, somehow.
  6. I am quite disappointed there seems to be no sections from Zero or Code Veronica, but what the hell. Should be good.
  7. It IS the new CUBE. If you look closely at the black top bar of the magazine, you can see the CUBE logo.
  8. This might be an impossible idea, but could developers send online modes (maybe in bits if its too complicated to do it in one go) via WiiConnect24?
  9. I like Rsident Evil, but to be honest, I'm much more looking forward to Sadness so if it gets cancelled I won't be too annoyed. Plus I can still play Resi 4 on Wii!
  10. I thought the Wii would be able to match the 360/PS3 graphically in Standard-Definition.
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